Except for Liuzhangzong in Xihai Prefecture, who is the only one because of Master Yan Yu, there are still ten caves in the Yuandu world.

Among them, although Liuzhangzong has seventh-level masters, master Yan Yu has not yet established a secret realm of the dojo that symbolizes the masters of the seventh heaven, and what Xihaizhou has is still a secret realm of the cave.

In other words, the entire Yuandu Realm currently has eleven caves and secret realms!

Except for Liuzhang Zongzong's Dongtian Secret Realm, which is of a superior status, the other top ten Dongtian Secret Realms do not belong to ten sects. Among them, at least four of the Dongtian Secret Realms belong to two parties, or even co-managed by multiple forces.

At the same time, the sect forces that own the secret realm of the cave do not necessarily have a high-grade real person sitting in it, but generally speaking, only those forces that have at least a real person of the sixth rank are eligible to occupy a place in the belonging of the secret realm of the cave.

The Qinglan Cave, named after the state, in Qinglanzhou almost occupies both of them.

Qinglandongtian is shared by the three sects belonging to the Yuandu Realm, and although these three sects all have sixth-rank real people sitting in the town, the cultivation of these sixth-rank real men is all below high-grade.

And Shang Xia aimed at the source sea of ​​Qinglanzhou this time, and it was not an easy task for him to quietly absorb the origin of heaven and earth without disturbing the warriors of Qinglanzhou.

But now there is a ready-made example, the method of layering the source sea used by Qiulongshan, Huiyuangu and Yuweimen to jointly steal the source sea of ​​Qinghuangzhou, he can use it to learn and use it!

It's just that Qinglanzhou is different from Qinghuangzhou. After all, Qinglanzhou is a state with sixth-order real people. Shang Xia wants to hide Qinglanzhou from the local warriors of Qinghuangzhou like the three Dongtian sects. It is obviously not an easy task for a sixth-order real person.

What's more, since the news of the theft of the source sea in Qinghuang Prefecture spread, although Master Yan Yu didn't say it clearly, and Qiulong Mountain, Huiyuan Valley and Yuweimen each sent half of the source of the world in the name of aid, people with a discerning eye Everyone knows what the truth is.

Therefore, at this time, the sect forces and high-level warriors in the major states have strengthened their supervision and control over the source sea of ​​the local state. Do some sixth-order real people rely on the sent original true spirit to go deep into the source sea to investigate? , afraid of repeating the mistakes of Qinghuangzhou.

Under such circumstances, it was not easy for Shang Xia to secretly absorb the source sea of ​​Qinglanzhou.

But during the period of traveling in Qinglanzhou, he felt that he seemed to have found a very good entry point.

The three major sects, Tieqimen and Changxi Sect, which occupy the right to belong to Qinglandongtian, each have two real people of the sixth rank, and the other sect, the Shanhe Gang, has only one real person of the sixth rank, but the old leader Qin Changyi is one of them. He is a senior third-rank outsider real person, and is also recognized by Qinglanzhou as the most promising person to achieve high-ranking.

On the surface, the Shanhe Gang seems to have no successors, but once the old leader Qin Changyi crosses the threshold of the fourth-rank road, the situation of Qinglan Prefecture's three-legged confrontation will be broken, and the Shanhe Gang will completely become the dominant family.

It is also because of this that in recent years, the old gang leader Master Qin Changyi would rather decentralize his power to free up more time for retreat and practice, rather than spend more energy on teaching and training the younger generations of the gang.

In Qin's view, once he crosses the threshold of the high-grade realm, he will step into the true core level of the entire Yuandu Realm. At that time, not only his own status will be improved, but the entire Shanhe Gang will also be promoted, which will definitely attract More talents will come to join him, and at that time he will also have more time and energy to spend on cultivating the younger generation, so the so-called no successors will naturally be out of the question.

And since the old gang leader Qin started long-term uninterrupted retreat, both the Iron Banner Sect and the Changxi faction have dispatched a lot of manpower secretly to watch the Shanhe Gang's gang station and inquire about the specific news of the old gang leader Qin.

That is to say, in the recent period, many visions began to faintly appear in the sky over the Shanhe Gang's garrison guarded by numerous formations.

At the beginning, these visions seemed very faint, and the scale was relatively small, and the time of appearance was very short, and they didn't even attract the attention of others.

However, as time went by, the visions that appeared over the station began to become more and more frequent, lasted longer and larger, and every time they appeared, they could close the surrounding area. All the vitality of heaven and earth in the thousand-mile area gathered.

And at this time, the higher the martial artist's cultivation base, the more he can feel the miraculous state of Tao in harmony with heaven and earth, and spirit in harmony with nature.

As a result, whenever this vision of heaven and earth began to emerge around the Shanhe Gang's garrison, many middle and high-level warriors who heard the news would devote themselves to this magical artistic conception and comprehend it wholeheartedly. Among the people, there are quite a few people who have experienced the phenomenon of smooth progress in cultivation and even breaking through the realm, and among them, it is natural that the mountain and river helpers get the most benefits.

It is also because of this that the senior martial artists in the Shanhe Clan were originally ordered by the old leader not to disturb him if there was nothing important to do, so now they will not bother him because of this matter.

Even the warriors in the Shanhe gang vaguely hope that the process of the old gang leader's promotion to high rank will continue for a longer period of time, so that the warriors in the gang can get more benefits, and maybe even the embarrassing situation of no successors in the gang can be solved. So it was resolved.

And when these news spread, the warriors who came to observe the visions of heaven and earth flocked more and more. At the same time, the news that the real Qin Changyi was about to be promoted to the fourth-rank Taoist realm was also spread throughout Qinglanzhou, making many people believe it was true!

The sixth-rank real people of Tieqimen and Changxi sect naturally had already received the news. At first, several real people still had doubts about this, but as more and more news came, and the vision of the day and the earth emerged The description also fits the legend about the promotion of high-quality real people, which made the sixth-level real people of the two sects a little bit unsteady.

The two sects seemed to have made an appointment in advance, and each of them had a sixth-rank real person who came to the void near the Shanhe Gang's residence to spy secretly, and quickly came to a conclusion: the vision that appeared above the Shanhe Gang's residence was indeed the same as that of the legendary warriors. The visions of heaven and earth caused by being promoted to high rank are very similar. Daoist Qin Changyi is very likely to be trying to be promoted to the fourth rank, but he obviously cannot do it overnight, and can only gradually figure it out through a little trial and progress. Of.

Undoubtedly, judging from the current situation, it is extremely difficult for Qin Changyi to be promoted to a high-ranking realm, but such a possibility does exist.

If Qin Changyi is really promoted to high rank, then...

After the two real people from Tieqimen and Changxi faction each brought back the news, the two sects quickly reached a tacit agreement: Since the possibility of the old Qin clan leader being promoted to a high-ranking state is not high, then let him Wouldn't it be better for him to even completely eliminate this possibility, so as to save a large amount of cultivation resources for the Shanhe Gang to train younger generations?

Qinghuangzhou, which is separated from Qinglanzhou by Qinghezhou, is still in turmoil.

Although the source sea of ​​Qinghuang Prefecture has barely maintained two-thirds of the level, the original 18,000-kilometer state has barely maintained stability under the joint efforts of all parties except the core area. Many lands have already begun to fall.

Earthquakes have almost never stopped, volcanic eruptions are frequent, land plate overturning causes lava and ground fire to flow wantonly, the sky has been covered for a long time, and even the climate has begun to change accordingly, the whole Qinghuangzhou is experiencing a similar situation Doomsday-like catastrophe.

However, this catastrophic impact is not limited to Qinghuang Prefecture, and several states bordering it are more or less affected.

But apart from the impact of these external disasters, the turmoil in Yuanhai has not subsided. Even if Qinghuangzhou Yuanhai is missing one-third of the situation, the turmoil caused can also affect the source of the surrounding states. The sea forms a certain impact and influence.

It's just that this kind of influence was quickly suppressed by the local sixth-level real people who entrusted the original true spirit, together with other high-level warriors and sect forces, and it was difficult to spread its influence outward.

Originally, Yuanhai in Qinghe Prefecture was the same, but it seems that some problems have occurred in the past few days. It seems that a high-quality real person in Qinghe Prefecture received a summons to visit Master Yan Yu, which made the state's suppression of Yuanhai appear. Some "omissions" caused the Yuanhai turmoil that should have been eliminated in Qinghezhou to spread to Qinglanzhou in the south.

The three major sects in Qinglanzhou with sixth-order real people obviously did not expect things to change like this. The old leader Qin of the Shanhe Gang fell into a deep-seated retreat state, so that the waves caused by the Yuanhai turmoil It was not possible to suppress it in time!

It's just that the source of waves spreading from Qinghuangzhou can still be so "strong" after passing through the two states, which is somewhat puzzling.

Not only the local high-ranking martial artists in Qinglanzhou were puzzled, but even the four sixth-rank real people from Tieqimen and Changxi School who considered themselves the "instigators" were also puzzled.

Because the waves caused by the turmoil in the source sea of ​​Qinglanzhou seem to be unexpectedly large!

It is so big that many mid-level and high-level warriors in Qinglan Prefecture who were in the process of closed-door training, either interrupted the closed-door training because of Yuan Hai's sudden riot, or suffered backlash, or simply went mad and died!

And among these unlucky people naturally included the real Qin Changyi, the old leader of the Shanhe Gang who was originally in deep retreat!

However, Qin Zhenren, as the only sixth-level real person of the Shanhe Gang, arranged various preventive measures in advance, and carried a lot of various treasures. Although the retreat was interrupted due to the sudden riot in Yuanhai, he himself suffered a certain amount of backlash , but the injury is not serious, but the mood is quite bad.

Especially when he easily realized that the turmoil in Yuanhai of Qinglanzhou was not accidental, but someone was secretly fueling the flames, this kind of anger reached the extreme!

At this time, the sixth-rank real people of Tieqimen and Changxi faction were still suspicious. They all suspected that Yuanhai's excessive riots were the other side's secret intervention, but they didn't realize that there would be a third party secretly contributing to the flames.

It was really because Shang Xia's methods were too concealed, and several sixth-level real people from the two sects couldn't detect it at all.

The turmoil in Yuanhai will greatly affect the control of Yuanhai by warriors in this state, which naturally gives Shang Xia the opportunity to secretly absorb the origin of the world, and the more turbulent the Yuanhai is, the more he can absorb the origin of the world. Unscrupulous.

And under such circumstances, Master Qin Changyi, who was forcibly interrupted from his closed-door retreat, went to the two sects to question his guilt.

But Shang Xia understands that although the current situation means that the best time to absorb the origin of the world has come, this time is actually extremely short.

Because as long as the sixth-level real people of the three major sects are not ignorant people, they will soon realize that there must be other reasons for the Yuanhai riots in Qinglanzhou. At that time, I am afraid that it is time for these sixth-level real people to join forces to make trouble for themselves, and The fact that he took advantage of the chaos to absorb the origin of the world will also be discovered.

So, where is the limit for the Sifangbei to absorb the source of the Yuan-level upper realm?


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