Even after Shang Xia's repeated improvements and optimizations, it is not something an ordinary sixth-level real person can afford to make an avatar that can be improved along with the growth of the deity's real body.

Take Gai Qingzhu, who is currently in the second-rank internal realm, as an example. If he wants to create an external avatar with first-rank combat power, and leave enough room for further progress in the future, he just concentrates on all kinds of needs. The collection of resources may take more than five years.

This is still under the condition that there will be no shortage of one or several kinds of spiritual materials and spiritual objects during the process of resource collection.

Otherwise, the time will only be longer, even if it is delayed for ten or twenty years, it will be nothing but leisure.

And even after spending a lot of energy to collect all kinds of spiritual materials and spiritual objects, it still needs to be produced by the deity himself. It may take another three to five years during the period, and this is still on the premise of a successful one-time production.

Otherwise, once the production fails, all kinds of high-level spiritual materials and spiritual objects collected with great difficulty before will be lost, and it will take more than ten years, or even decades of time and energy.

Therefore, although the role of the avatar outside the body makes all high-level warriors envious, especially for Dongtian Daoist who can only sit and guard the world of the plane, but if it is really put into practice, I am afraid that nine out of ten one would hesitate.

"The method you use to advance to the seventh heaven seems to be extremely complicated!"

Not long after coming out of the cave, Kou Chongxue approached Shang Xia with the seventh-level advanced formula in his hand and asked directly.

In front of Kou Chongxue, Shang Xia didn't need to hide too much.

Besides, Kou Chongxue is not far away from being promoted to the sixth-rank integration realm, and now the advanced formula of the seven-star realm is given to him for reference, so that he can prepare for a rainy day.

Shang Xia put aside a fifth-order talisman that had just been purified with his own six-in-one original energy, and felt that there was already a ray of his original true spirit stored in it, so he couldn't help but nodded with great satisfaction. It won't be long before the spiritual weapon can be thrown into a suitable plane world source sea.

Until this time, Shang Xia had the time to look at Kou Chongxue and asked with a smile: "Have you come into contact with the similar advanced formula of the Seventh Heaven?"

Kou Chongxue gave a "hmm" and said: "When communicating with other people, I heard people talk about the way to advance to the Wukong realm. When talking about advanced formulas, they often mentioned 'heaven and earth medicine', meaning Borrowing the power of heaven and earth, borrowing the power of the plane world to complete the promotion, the so-called advanced formula is already more like a 'ritual' than a 'medication'."

Shang Xia glanced at his mountain chief in surprise, and said, "It looks like this disciple has missed a lot of interesting experiences! However, I remember vaguely mentioning to the mountain chief that Emperor Chen of the Yuanxing Realm had not advanced to the seventh level for a long time. God's reason?"

Kou Chongxue briefly recalled, and said: "You once said that Emperor Chen's way of advancing to the seventh level is different from that of other seventh-level masters in the Yuanxing world. He seems to want to get rid of the shackles of the plane world?"

"That's right!" Shang Xia said with a smile, "The way the head of the mountain has heard people talking about is the way to advance to the seventh heaven, whether it is 'heaven and earth medicine' or using the original power of the plane world, it is always to make the warrior follow The more demands are made in the plane world, then the ties to the plane world will inevitably become deeper, and the "burden" of the warrior himself will naturally become heavier... and what is borrowed must be returned after all!"

Kou Chongxue murmured: "Just like the Daoist Dongtian can't get rid of the Dongtian, such a seventh-level master can't get rid of the shackles of the plane world?"

"Probably that's what it means, but what exactly is it, the disciple is not a master of the Wukong Realm, so it's unknown."

Shang Xia smiled, and continued: "The other way to advance to the seventh heaven is naturally to get rid of the shackles of the will of the heavens and the earth, and transcend the world of the plane. To achieve this, the warrior must first naturally It is to solve the "burden" on his body, so that he no longer owes the world he was born in, and even makes the will of the world in the plane world feel that he owes you, and the more he owes, the more he will be burdened by this side. With the favor of heaven and earth, it will be smoother to advance to the seventh heaven in the future."

Kou Chongxue nodded clearly, and thoughtfully said: "The state of the seventh heaven that your advanced formula wants to achieve is naturally the latter?"

Shang Xia said with a smile: "Actually, the head of the mountain should also take this path of promotion!"

"After all, in the eyes of many people, you and I are the mastermind behind the rapid growth of the Lingfeng world in the past few decades, and you, Shan Zhang, are the instigators. In fact, the bond between the two has almost been repaid, but the original will of this world should thank you and me more."

After the two discussed with each other about their respective cultivation issues, the topic finally returned to Yuanping Realm.

"The speed at the Xingyuan Dojo is very fast. The new plane world has just stabilized, and they have already started to push the entire plane world towards Yuanping."

Kou Chongxue informed Shang Xia of the news he had just received. Shang Xia couldn't help being surprised when he heard the words: "So fast? Has the rejection reaction of the two Cang Realms merging passed so quickly? I'm afraid even the local high-level warriors from the original Canghai and Cangxing realms have not been able to do so now." recover?"

Kou Chongxue thought for a while, and said, "Perhaps the high-level combat power of these two realms is not important to Xingyuan Dojo."

Shang Xia nodded in agreement, and said, "Maybe it is true! I even think that everyone in the Xingyuan Dojo doesn't cherish this newly merged plane world. It's only been a few months, that's all. Being forced to move horizontally in the void, and also crossing the turbulent flow of the void, I wonder if the two sky realms that have been kneaded into one will split apart again!"

Kou Chongxue pondered and said: "In any case, the entry of Zhuo Gudao this time will inevitably bring great changes to all parties outside the Yuanping world. Besides, after owning a spiritual world that can barely carry the secret realm of the dojo, his personal battle The power will definitely increase!"

Shang Xia said: "Soldiers will block the water and cover it with soil. We are not the only ones who feel the same pressure. The pressure on Lingyu Realm and Lingjun Realm will undoubtedly be even greater."

Although the Xingyuan Dojo has begun to push the newly born plane world towards Yuanping, the speed cannot be the same as that of a sixth-order real person crossing the void. Therefore, whether it is Kou Chongxue, Shang Xia, or other high-level real people of the Three Realms Alliance , did not immediately go to Yuanping to meet up.

Shang Xia took this opportunity to add a few sixth-order martial talismans.

However, Shang Xia's large-scale talisman production has just passed, and Tongyou Academy has not collected too many sixth-order talisman papers at this time.

It's a pity that the ordinary sixth-order martial talismans are useless to him when his cultivation level has reached his level. Only a few sixth-level martial talismans, such as Wanyun Feixia Talisman, Liuhe Shifting Talisman, and Qianxudong Ming Talisman, can be used in this world. He played some role against the enemy.

But this time, the few sixth-order martial talismans produced by Shang Xia were not used to fight against the enemy, but to try to make a whole set of secret talismans to condense the "talisman species" according to the inheritance of the secret talisman gate, and then use them Put it in the source sea of ​​Youzhou for cultivation.

If this is really feasible, then Shang Xia will be able to condense a talisman equivalent to a sixth-order martial arts supernatural power in his dantian, then he will have two martial arts supernatural powers that can be used.

Although this move could not benefit Shang Xia in terms of cultivation, it would undoubtedly make his personal combat power, which was already the best in the Sixth Heaven, go a step further.

Half a year later, the seven sixth-tier real people from the Three Realms Alliance gathered again to go to the Yuanping Realm, and this time Shang Xia accompanied them.

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