Shang Xia's departure at this time will inevitably put great pressure on Kou Chongxue and the Three Realms Alliance.

It is undeniable that among the major forces in Guantianyu today, compared with Xingyuan Dojo, Lingjun Realm, and Lingyu Realm, although the Three Realms Alliance seems to have three spiritual world alliances, in fact, they are in terms of high-level combat power. On the contrary, it is the weakest party.

Now, Shang Xia, who is the strongest part of the Three Realms Alliance, has to leave temporarily, which will make the current situation of the Three Realms Alliance worse.

What's more, Zhuo Gudao now has the initiative for the joint action against Yuanpingjie. After the previous action mainly aimed at testing, no one knows when the next action will start.

If Shang Xia is not present once the operation starts, then the seven real people of the Three Realms Alliance will most likely become cannon fodder for all parties in the next operation, unless they are willing to give up what they may gain from the Yuanping Realm in the future. various interests.

However, it is related to Shang Xia's future martial arts path, Kou Chongxue finally decided to support Shang Xia's plan to leave temporarily.

"But it's better to have a time limit. If you can't get everything ready within half a year, then go back here first."

Kou Chongxue finally gave Shang Xia a certain time limit.

Shang Xia was surprised and said: "The head of the mountain judges that Zhuo Gudao will not take any major actions in the next six months?"

Kou Chongxue pondered and said, "It can only be said that there is such a possibility."

Shang Xia knew that Kou Chongxue should have gotten some information from Feng Ziying, and that the Lingtu Realm and Linglang Realm might also have sources of news in the Xingyuan Dojo. This judgment should come from the sharing of information by the three parties.

After bidding farewell to Kou Chongxue, Shang Xia left quietly without disturbing anyone.

At this time, the time has come to the second half of the thirty-fifth year of the Lingfeng calendar.

After Shang Xia returned to Lingfeng Realm, he didn't disturb anyone, and went straight to the star observation platform in the secret realm of Dongtian. Gai Qingzhu soon noticed his return and followed him.

"Is there any news about the selection of the five Big Dipper maps?"

Shang Xia nodded towards Gai Qingzhu, then asked Yuan Qiuyuan and Xin Lu.

Yuan Qiuyuan didn't answer directly, but glanced at Xin Lu beside him.

Xin Lu opened the mouth and said: "The latest news from outside the domain is that a month ago, your avatar outside your body has already ruled out two of the five Big Dipper star maps, and the investigation of the third star map is in progress. According to Estimated by the time, the result should have come out, but it is inconvenient for us to contact people outside Guantianyu, so no specific news has been sent back yet.”

Shang Xia had already noticed the strange aura on Yuan Qiuyuan's body when he came here. Seeing the reaction of the two of them just now, he couldn't help but glance at each other, and then asked again: "Where are you in Guan Tianyu?" Are there any movements in the worlds of each plane? Looking at the other heavens outside the sky, what can you find?"

Xin Lu continued to speak: "All walks of life in the region are generally stable, but the gaps in the sky barrier in the directions of the four spirit worlds of Lingjun, Lingyu, Linglang and Lingtu are widening!"

Speaking of this, Xin Lu glanced at Yuan Qiuyuan beside him, and said, "We judge that the speed of the collapse of the sky barrier in Guantianyu may be accelerated!"

Shang Xia's expression changed slightly when he heard the words, and he said, "Do you know the reason?"

Xin Lu then replied: "It is preliminarily estimated that the weakening of the sky barrier has been intensified because the major spirit worlds have increased their communication with the outer worlds!"

Speaking of this, Xin Lu paused slightly, and said: "In fact, not only the gaps in the sky barrier in the direction of the four spirit worlds, but also our place... has also changed a lot!"

Shang Xia nodded silently.

When it comes to communication with the world outside Guantianyu, Lingfeng Realm uses two lair secret realms as its bases, and its frequency is not necessarily inferior to Lingjun Realm and Lingyu Realm, and it is undoubtedly far better than Lingtu Realm and Linglang Realm.

The sudden acceleration of the collapse of the Tianyu sky barrier has an "indelible" contribution from the Lingfeng world.

However, it is precisely because of this that Shang Xia's determination to speed up his journey to the seventh heaven has been strengthened.

"Since this is the case, I need to go to the outer domain as soon as possible, and determine the 'Big Dipper' seven-day star as soon as possible with the avatar outside of me!"

Shang Xia explained his next plan to the few people present, and then his eyes fell on Yuan Qiuyuan, and said: "What's the matter with him? I noticed that there was something strange about him when I first came here. , could it be that the forced promotion to the sixth heaven failed?"

Yuan Qiuyuan shook his head quickly when he heard the words, but he still didn't explain anything.

Xin Lu on the side spoke for him: "When he observed the astrology before, he suddenly realized something in the middle, and then a qualitative change occurred in astrology, and he began to sublimate to the realm of a great master of astrology, but this qualitative change did not take long. He failed because of lack of strength, and because of the backlash brought by stargazing, the original star in his dantian was at risk of being assimilated by starlight, and even talking might cause the inner star to vibrate, and he was simply blocked. The real person imposed a restriction on him, completely isolating the original star in his body from the outside world, and at the same time, even the ability to speak was imprisoned."

"Assimilation? So serious?!"

Shang Xia frowned when he heard this.

This kind of backlash is very likely to completely cut off Yuan Qiuyuan's future martial arts path.

Gai Qingzhu sighed softly at the side: "Before this, our understanding of stargazers was basically the same as nothing. The vastness of the starry sky far surpasses the worlds of all planes. The observation of astrology by stargazers is itself a process of being assimilated by starlight. , if it is not restrained, or if it is addicted to it, it may completely become a part of this deep starry sky."

Shang Xia asked in a deep voice: "Is there a solution?"

Xin Lu shook his head and said: "We can only ban him from performing stargazing for a period of time. If you hadn't come here in person today, I originally planned to suggest that Ge Zhenren prohibit him from going to the stargazing platform for the next three months. "

Yuan Qiuyuan suddenly raised his head, his mouth moved as if he wanted to say something.

Xin Lu next to him was obviously prepared, and hastily stretched out his hand to pull his skirt, warning him not to speak casually.

Yuan Qiuyuan had no choice but to turn around and point to a certain position in the center of the observatory.

Shang Xia raised his eyebrows and said, "You want to read the star book?!"

Yuan Qiuyuan waved his hand at first, but then nodded again, and then pointed in a certain direction.

Shang Xia was a little confused for a while, so he couldn't help looking at Xin Lu suspiciously.

Sure enough, Xin Lu explained: "From the perspective of Lingfeng Realm, the direction he pointed to should refer to the direction of Lingmang Realm and Yuandu Realm."

Yuan Qiuyuan nodded, then pointed in that direction, and then turned back to point to the place where the stargazing book was placed.

Seeing this, Shang Xia's heart suddenly moved, a thought flashed, and he blurted out: "You discovered a new plane world in the starry sky in the direction of Lingmang Realm and Yuandu Realm? Hmm, maybe it's a similar change?!"

Yuan Qiuyuan nodded excitedly when he heard the words.


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