Kou Chongxue has the void coordinates of the spirit world in his hand, and also has the stargazing guide that can guide the general direction. It is not difficult to find the spirit world through the turbulent flow of the void.

"It's just that the turbulent flow of the void in the spirit world is really violent. Could it be that the turbulent flow of the void in the plane world outside Guantianyu is also like this? Why haven't I heard it from others before?"

Kou Chongxue was puzzled, and had some not-so-good speculations, but he didn't change his mind because of this, but continued to go in the direction of the spirit world.

Even if something really happened in the turbulent void in the spirit world, the chaos and disorder of the turbulent void would make it impossible for Kou Chongxue to find any targets.

Rather than scurrying around like headless chickens, it's better to go to the spirit world first.

Kou Chongxue knew in his heart that no matter what happened to the star-robed avatar and the others in the outer domain, the spirit world was a hurdle they couldn't get around.

There was no danger along the way, Kou Chongxue crossed the turbulent flow of the void and entered the void of the plane of Lingmang Realm, and immediately restrained his aura, covered his figure, and even directly aroused Shang Xia's known concealment talisman to add a layers of insurance.

Because just after he got rid of the influence of the turbulent flow of the void, the void shock caused by the vast power of heaven and earth in the void of the Lingmang plane, even if Kou Chongxue was not targeted by it at this time, just the aftermath affected him. Startled.

However, this also confirms Kou Chongxue's previous judgment that the turbulence of the void turbulence in the Lingmang world far exceeds the barriers of other spirit planes. The driver of it is presumably the real Guan Ziqing from the Lingmang Realm.

In this way, the people who are fighting with Guan Ziqing at this time must be seventh-level existences, and they are most likely Shang Xia's star robe incarnation, and maybe even the master Yan Yu from the Yuandu world has also participated came in.

Kou Chongxue knew that the situation was serious, and before leaving Guantianyu, the worst scenario that Shang Xia and he predicted had really happened.

"It seems that what they gained in the ruins of that world must be not small, otherwise they wouldn't even turn their allies into enemies!"

Kou Chongxue muttered to himself, and Dang Lian quietly fled towards the direction of the Lingmang world.

At this time, Kou Chongxue didn't even need to use Star Gazing Guide anymore, the vast power of heaven and earth had already clearly pointed out the direction of the plane world for him.

It's just that Kou Chongxue had to stop as soon as he escaped thousands of miles, and even restrained his extremely concealed figure and aura that had already been covered up.

Because just at that moment, his divine sense perception suddenly noticed the sudden appearance of an unfamiliar Qi mechanism from the sixth heaven, and it was not worth a single one, and there were even high-quality real people among them.

A moment later, the aura of three sixth-layer heavenly warriors appeared within his perception again.

But the opponent didn't come for him, and judging from the unhurried trajectory of the place, it seemed more like patrolling in the nearby void.

"The other party should be sent by the Lingmang Realm to monitor this void, and the purpose should be to intercept the reinforcements from Guantianyu!"

Kou Chongxue suddenly realized.

The Lingmang Realm is not ignorant of the Lingfeng Realm. After all, not long ago, several real people from the Lingmang Realm and the Spiritual Law Realm entered the Guantian Realm under the guidance of Song Zhen and others to help the Lingfeng Realm and the Shang Dynasty. Xia's double promotion battle.

People in the Lingmang Realm should know that there are not many high-grade combat powers in the Lingfeng Realm, and when the real body of Shang Xia cannot be seen in the sky, the most threatening high-grade combat power is Kou Chongxue himself. He was seriously injured in that battle, and he has not recovered even now.

If it wasn't for the fact that Lingfeng Jie Yuanhai suddenly received a surge of high-quality original essence some time ago, whether he can interrupt the retreat and come to meet it now is another matter.

Although the star boats of the Tongyou Academy used to go around a certain distance in the turbulent flow of the void when entering and exiting the gaps in the boundary barriers near the Lingmang Realm, the purpose was not to directly expose the general direction of the gaps in the boundaries, but The people in the Lingmang Realm obviously expected this, and they deliberately expanded the range of patrols near the void they entered and exited.

If it wasn't Kou Chongxue himself who came to meet him this time, if it were any one or several sixth-level real people from the Lingfeng world who came here, I am afraid that the other party would have already discovered the trace by this time.

Although Kou Chongxue thought that the other party might not be able to find him, for the sake of caution, he still did not move at all, let alone try to bypass the other party's patrol team, but quietly hung in the void without moving, as if Totally non-existent.

The three sixth-level real people in the spirit world really didn't notice Kou Chongxue's existence. After entering and exiting within the range of his divine sense several times, they finally completely stayed away from the nearby void, and they should have rushed to other places to patrol .

After Kou Chongxue saw that the other party did not appear again, he finally started to fly towards the spirit world again, but this time he became more careful than before.

&nb/>Kou Chongxue is well aware that what he is about to do is extremely dangerous, and sneaking into the Daolingmang Realm at this time can certainly have the miraculous effect of "stealing the house", and to a large extent, it will directly solve the crisis faced by the star-robed avatar.

But the foundation of Guan Ziqing's combat power is in the spirit world, so how could he be negligent in this matter?

Once the other party realizes something is wrong, I am afraid that they will return to the real world in an instant. At that time, Guan Ziqing, who is sitting on the advantage of the geographical advantage, will face Tongyou Academy Mountain, who has not recovered from his injuries and is still suppressed by the will of the spirit world. Long, the result can be imagined.

"So you kid probably already thought of what I would do?"

Kou Chongxue touched the two "Wanyun Feixia Talismans" on his cuffs, and his speed of escaping in the void increased by three points.

After the distance from the sky barrier of the Lingmang Realm was shortened to three to four hundred thousand miles, he directly activated the "Liuhe Shifting Talisman" in his hand, and his figure fell directly into a gap in the void. When he reappeared, the person had already arrived In a strange plane world, the suppression and rejection of the original will of heaven and earth are much smaller than expected.

This made Kou Chongxue think of Shang Xia's analysis of the Lingmang world before leaving. Guan Ziqing's excessive control of the power of the world in the plane world to compete with Master Yan Yu was killing the potential of the Lingmang world.

At this time, most of the power of heaven and earth in the spiritual world was drawn by Guan Ziqing, and they were fighting against their opponents in the turbulent void, which further weakened the original will of the plane world.

These reasons directly caused the vision of the will of the world aroused by Kou Chongxue to be unobvious the moment Kou Chongxue descended into the spirit world, at least at this time, Guan Ziqing, who was concentrating on fighting the star-robed incarnation in the turbulent void, did not notice it.

Even so, Kou Chongxue tried to cover up his figure and aura as much as possible at the first time, and then quickly shifted away in a random direction.

As for his next action goal, it couldn't be more obvious.

It is impossible for Guan Ziqing to mobilize and concentrate most of the power of heaven and earth in the Lingmang world. It is impossible for one person or one force to do it. He must have the approval and support of all forces in this world, at least he needs to get all the powers of the cave. Only with the support of the sect and some blessed land sects can it be done.

Regarding this point, the masters of Tongyou Academy and even the various forces in the Lingfeng world have made detailed arguments. Although the detailed inside information is not known, the conclusion drawn will not deviate too much.

"That is to say, if I need to destroy a sect's cave-like secret realm, or a few blessed land secret realms, Guan Ziqing will definitely not be able to maintain the strength of the seventh level if it affects the whole body."

Kou Chongxue thought for a while, then weighed the upper limit of the maximum power he could erupt in the spirit world at this time, and subconsciously changed his words: "Maybe it doesn't have to be so serious, as long as it can hurt the opponent's secret realm Space, even if the other party feels threatened, then the other party will inevitably shrink all power to protect itself, and the support for Guan Ziqing will naturally slow down, or even temporarily cut off."

"In this way, Guan Ziqing may not be directly knocked down from the seventh-level power controlled by the opponent, but it will inevitably lead to instability in the power of heaven and earth controlled by the opponent. It only needs to reveal one or two flaws, and the seventh-level power will inevitably compete. The winner will be decided in an instant."

"The key point is that this way, the old man will have more chances to escape from the Lingmang Realm, instead of being chased and killed by the furious Guan Ziqing!"

After making up his mind, Kou Chongxue took action immediately, and his target was the secret cave that was closest to him. Judging from the approximate power distribution map drawn by the academy's previous exchanges with the Lingmang world, this secret cave belongs to a family The sect called "Yulin Sect", although the sect does not have a high-rank real person sitting in the gate, it has a third-rank real person Dongtian.


And just when Kou Chongxue was already secretly acting in the spirit world, the confrontation between the star-robed avatar, Guan Ziqing, and Master Yan Yu in the turbulent flow of the void had also entered an extremely dangerous situation.

Among them, the star-cloaked avatar was under the greatest pressure. His opponent, Master Yan Yu, was actually fine. He had been damaged by the destruction of the blood-born avatar before. With full cooperation, the extended power will inevitably be weakened. Even if the power is broken up again at this time, it will not endanger the root of the true body of the deity.

But Guan Ziqing is different. At this time, he is already holding the sixth-rank real person in the Lingmang Realm who is not successful or benevolent. Scrupulously squandering the power of heaven and earth in the spirit world, he has no scruples at all that if this continues, it will always cause damage to the eyes of the world of the plane world.

If the star-cloak avatar's energy was mainly focused on Master Yan Yu in the beginning, then Master Guan Ziqing became the main force to deal with him now, and Master Yan Yu's chaotic projection was fully cooperating.

Under such circumstances, even if the star-robed avatar has the projection of the square monument and the fire of the stars, and has the real body of the real body to transmit the source of the Big Dipper through the air, under the joint suppression of two masters of the same combat power, it gradually began to fall into the trap. A situation of exhaustion.

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