From the perspective of the incarnation of the star robe, Lingyu Realm took advantage of the disappearance of the boundary barrier and the possibility of a large-scale invasion by foreign forces at any time, and suddenly made a plan to attract the original will of Yuanping Realm to enter this realm, and to split the continent of Yuanping Realm. Deciding to start the process of attacking the Yuan-level upper realm at the same time, will definitely trigger a large-scale countermeasure by the star master, and the retreat of both sides may break out at any time. At that time, not only the Yuanping world and the Lingyu world, but also the Lingguan world, And the Jin Shangzun standing behind Lingyujie will also be involved at any time.

But in such a chaotic situation, it is easier for the star robe incarnation to fish in troubled waters.

However, at this time, the strangeness coming from the Big Dipper Sun Star clearly told the star-cloaked incarnation that Shang Xia was eagerly calling him to return to the Yuanfeng Realm.

This is the method that Shang Xia and the star-cloaked incarnation came up with after experiencing the battle in the ruins of the spiritual world. The stars communicate some simple messages with each other.

In desperation, the star-robed avatar could only hold back his regret, turned around and pierced through the void to leave the void of Lingyu Realm.

The star-cloaked incarnation's trip to the void of the Lingyu plane can be described as anticlimactic, except for a little gain from talking with the star-lord's incarnation, there is nothing else.

And not long after he left, the starlight in the void area where he was located dimmed a lot.

Before the boundary barrier disappeared, the star-cloaked incarnation existed as a seventh-level existence, and it was not difficult to escape between the various plane worlds in Guantianyu, just like when he went to the void of the Lingyu plane just now, The time taken before and after is extremely short.

However, the star-robed avatar quickly noticed something was wrong in the process of returning, and it was clear that there was nothing wrong with his advancing route, but the time he took was prolonged!

The star-robed avatar soon realized that the reason for this should be that after the barrier of the boundary domain collapsed, the void inside the Guantian domain began to expand.

However, the expansion speed of the plane void in the Lingyu world was extremely limited before. From this, it may be speculated that the expansion speed of the plane void in each world in Guantianyu is slower than that between the worlds.

Although there was some delay on the way, the star-robed avatar quickly passed through the increasingly turbulent void turbulence and entered the void of the plane.

As soon as the star-robed avatar entered the void of the plane, he noticed the changes in the surrounding void, and at the same time, the Yuanfeng Realm located in the center of the void was also changing.

It's just that the star-cloak avatar has not yet entered the plane world at this time, so it is not clear what happened inside.

However, Shang Xia's deity soon appeared in front of him, and said: "I know all about your experience in the Lingyu world, but now I need you to go to the void near the Cangqing world to sit in the town, just in case! "

The star-robed avatar was startled for a moment, and then he said in surprise: "The promotion and transformation of the Cangqing Realm has reached the last moment? It just happened to happen at this time?"

Shang Xia nodded solemnly, and said: "The void and turbulence between the two realms have already merged into one. Once the Cangqing Realm is promoted, I will be able to communicate with the original will immediately and build the prototype of the Tianyu world system. Once completed, the defensive power of this world will surely increase greatly. With the advantage of occupying the geographical advantage, we can fight with all our strength even if we face a seventh-rank and fourth-rank superior, but those seventh-rank superiors in the outer domain Zun may not be willing to see the formation of Yuanfeng Tianyu, it is very likely that he will take action to stop it."

The star-robed avatar became serious when he heard the words, and said in a concentrated voice: "So fast? Could it be that those people have already broken into the Tianguan domain?"

Shang Xia shook his head, but told him another piece of worse news: "It has been observed at the observatory that after the boundary barrier disappears, the turbulent flow in the sky domain has also been greatly reduced. I am afraid that the general trend will disappear completely in a short time.”

The star-robed avatar said with a face full of astonishment.

Shang Xia nodded and continued: "In other words, Guan Tianyu will soon cease to exist!"

The star-robed avatar hurriedly asked: "Then what is the 'boundary barrier'? Also, is the disappearance of the turbulent flow in the sky related to the establishment of the world system in the sky?"

Shang Xia hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I don't know either! But even if it is related, it should have something to do with Yuanping."

The star-robed avatar immediately nodded sympathetically, and then said with regret: "Speaking of Yuanping Realm, Lingyu Realm chose to attack at this time and split Yuanping Realm, which will inevitably lead to chaos there. It's a pity You and I have no time to participate in it."

Unexpectedly, the corner of Shang Xia's mouth twitched at this time: "Who said you can't fish in troubled waters if you and I are not there? Maybe it will be an even better opportunity instead, at least you and I don't have any evidence of being there!"

The star-robed incarnation was taken aback when he heard the words, but after a while, he seemed to think of something, and immediately said with joy: "Extremely! Extremly! Hahahaha... Maybe this deity crossed the threshold of the third rank today, and I will go first! "

After the Xingpao incarnation left, the smile on Shang Xia's face gradually subsided, and when he turned his head to look at Yuanfengjie, his expression was even slightly more dignified.

In fact, the current situation facing Yuanfeng Realm is far more complicated than what the star-robed avatar knows.

Shang Xia seems to be able to control the overall situation with absolute strength at this time, but in fact he is not fully sure about the situation that he may have to deal with next.

But no matter what happens, there is nothing wrong with improving one's cultivation as much as possible and strengthening one's combat power.

And not long after the incarnation of the star robe left, the fourth subsidiary source star in Shang Xia's dantian suddenly had a strange movement, and he immediately looked inside the dantian with his perception, and carefully sensed the movement of the fourth subsidiary source star , which was clearly anticipated.

The initial formation of the seven subsidiary origin stars in Shangxia's dantian was directly related to the seven spirit-fixing devices that he entrusted in the world of different planes. Yes, it's just that after the formation of the subsidiary source star, it has become part of Shang Xia's own cultivation base. Therefore, even if four of the seven spirit-fixing weapons were destroyed in succession, the jade pillar supporting the sky in the spiritual world was destroyed. He retracted it in the air, but it didn't affect his own cultivation in any way.

However, Shang Xia also discovered that he can still perceive the changes inside the source sea through the only two surviving spirit-fixing devices. Kong directly draws the origin of heaven and earth from the sea of ​​origin.

It is also because of this that Shang Xia has never easily used these two remaining spirit-fixing tools. As for the spiritual law world where the supporting sky jade pillar was originally located, the supporting sky jade pillar was exposed to the eyes of everyone in the spiritual law world at that time. Yes, and secondly, because the relationship between the top executives of the spiritual law world and Shang Xia is quite good, he is naturally not ashamed to attack Yuan Hai of the spiritual law world.

However, up to now, at least this spirit-fixing weapon stored in the source sea of ​​the southern state of Yuanping Realm has to be used. Firstly, the timing is just right, and secondly, once the Lingyu Realm splits Yuanping Realm successfully, It is very likely that this spirit-fixing tool will be discovered by a seventh-rank master who is about to appear in the Lingyu world.

Now the fourth subsidiary source star in Shangxia Dantian, which is directly connected with the spirit-fixing device in the southern state of Yuanping Realm, suddenly changes, which shows that Lingyu Realm has completed the connection with the will of Yuanping Realm's original heaven and earth. After the introduction, it has begun to tear at least five states in the south.

For Shang Xia, this is the best time to come!


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