After Kou Chongxue's sword chopped off the entire Lingmang world, after four or six points of success, what the Yuanfeng Fleet has to do is no longer to snatch a piece of the world, but to complete the division of a spirit-level world!

As more than ten starships outside the sky barrier began to pull outward with all their strength with the help of anchor chains, the crack opened by Kou Chongxue on the ground also began to expand continuously.

Although there are not many people inside and outside the Lingmang world who dare to stop this matter in person, the original will of the world in the Lingmang world is obviously unwilling to see the division of the plane world.

When that crack continued to expand, Kou Chongxue could clearly perceive that the origin of the world in the entire plane world was trying to communicate across that crack. The circulation between them finally makes the divided continents reunite.

So when the two sides were pulling at the limit, Kou Chongxue waved the Youxue Sword again, and the bright cold sword energy cut deeper along the cracks that had been cut earlier.

This sword not only separated the two continents more thoroughly, but also completely interrupted the trend of the source sea between the two continents trying to reconnect.

The seventh-rank lord can often complete the domination of the will of the heaven and the earth with his gestures, and even complete the tampering of certain rules of the plane world.

Kou Chongxue's sword may not be as good as Jin Shangzun, but if his sword is not enough, he will make up for it with another sword. However, the Lingmang Realm did not have the foundation and strength of the Lingyu Realm.

Kou Chongxue swung out the second sword, once again venting the recovered original energy in his dantian.

But after the second sword went down, the main continent of the entire Lingfeng Realm completely lost the possibility of bridging, and even the entire plane world began to actively split towards both sides.

Beyond the sky barrier, the pulling of more than ten starships of the Yuanfeng Fleet suddenly became much easier.

However, Kou Chongxue couldn't help turning his head to look at the edge of Yuandu's Tianyu after withdrawing his sword. Shang Xia was fighting with Master Yan Yu and dozens of high-grade real people in the direction, and the worry on his face became deeper. a bit.

Finally, among the cheers from more than a dozen starships, the spirit world was completely split. With the release of the massive source of heaven and earth to the depths of the void, another plane world composed of ten states is being With the help of more than a dozen real people of the sixth rank and more than a dozen formations above the fourth rank, a simple formation was built to temporarily replace the sky barrier, and the most important role was to isolate the internal source of heaven and earth from losing to the void.

Despite the fact that the main body of this split plane only accounts for 40% of the entire Lingmang Realm, it actually exceeds the original Cangqing Realm, both in terms of its size and the accumulation of the source sea.

After all, this is two-fifths of a senior complete spiritual world!

Seeing that the entire Lingmang Realm was forcibly divided into two in the void, even the established Yuandu Tianyu system began to become unstable at this time.

Those Yuandu starships that had already fled far away began to move around again, trying to launch an attack when more than ten starships of the Yuanfeng Fleet were towing and splitting the continent, but then they saw a simple bronze long sword The sword rises from the largest star boat among them, and the mighty sword energy traverses the void. Whenever a star boat from the Yuandu Realm tries to approach, the long sword that swallows the mighty sword light will slowly move the sword. Pointing to this starship, it seems that there will be a sword glow piercing through the void and rushing towards it in the next moment.

Among the small and medium-sized starships in the Yuandu Realm, there are many sixth-level masters sitting in them, but at this moment, no one dares to step forward, even if Master Yan Yu once sent a secret message, saying that the other party's seventh-level master was beheading After breaking the spirit world, it must be the end of the battle.

But who is willing to use their own lives to try?

However, Master Yan Yu's words are still in my ears. If they really don't even have the courage to act this time, then it is foreseeable that once this matter is over, no matter what the final result is, I am afraid that Yuandu Realm will face a cleansing!

But among the warriors in the Yuandu Realm, there are still smart people after all. Among them, I don’t know which starship first noticed that the Lingmang Realm of Sicheng Continent was snatched by the Yuanfeng Fleet. The fault is still draining the origin of heaven and earth into the void like a waterfall, and the split sky barrier has not been fully recovered until now, so it immediately rushed into the spirit world with the fastest speed, dozens of warriors below the sixth level Go to the edge of the Continental Fault, and assist the various forces in the Lingmang Realm to seal the lost origin of the world...

This seemed to suddenly open the minds of all the warriors in the starships of the Yuandu Realm who did not dare to confront the Yuanfeng Fleet head-on, so the small and medium-sized starships hovering in the surrounding void suddenly swarmed towards the Lingmang Realm. Like the first starship, those who sealed off the continental faults of the town, some collected the scattered origins of heaven and earth in the surrounding void, some assisted the local forces in forming formations, and some started repairing the sky barrier...

For a moment, it seemed that everyone had important things to do, and everyone was determined to maintain the stability of the remaining continents in the Lingmang Realm, especially the other The most important thing is not to fall in the rank of the plane world.

Because only by maintaining the rank of the spirit-level world in the Lingmang world, can the continued existence of the Yuandu Tianyu system be guaranteed!

Could it be that there is something more important than maintaining the existence of the Yuandu Tianyu world system?

Without any hindrance, the Yuandu fleet dragged a small half of the Lingmang Realm and began to accelerate towards the outside of the Yuandu Tianyu.

Kou Chongxue has already stepped up to restore the original source of qi in the dantian in the star boat.

Because his martial arts skills in the seventh heaven also need to be created by himself, it will take a long time to recover the original energy consumed in the dantian. Therefore, Kou Chongxue needs to seize every opportunity to restore his combat power.

At the same time, when the division of the Lingmang Realm has become an established fact, the top leaders of the local forces in the Lingmang Realm in these ten states have been invited to the starship of the Yuanfeng Realm. Some of the sixth-order real people in Yuanfeng Realm.

And the addition of these sixth-layer heaven masters also made the speed of the starship fleet faster, and rushed out of the scope of the Yuandu Tianyu world in the shortest possible time!

Just when the Yuanfeng Fleet left the Yuandu Tianyu, Shang Xia suddenly launched a final round of violent attack, then immediately retreated and followed the Yuanfeng Fleet all the way away.

At this time, Master Yan Yu was naturally unwilling to be reconciled to being forcibly taken a share of the benefits obtained by Yuanfengjie, and he was also extremely certain that Shang Xia, without the help of the power of the world in his own world, forcibly broke out to suppress him and the world. More than a dozen high-quality real people have teamed up, and it is already at the end of the battle at this time. Maybe this kind of high-load explosive state has already seriously injured his internal organs. If he can catch up at this time, he might be able to join him immediately The Yuandu Fleet completed the anti-kill inside!

However, just after Master Yan Yu chased him for thirty thousand miles, he bumped into a fortress formed by thousands of clouds and rays of light.

Such a cloud castle is naturally impossible to stop him, but after this cloud castle was forcibly broken by Master Yan Yu, his speed was inevitably slowed down by a few breaths.

After chasing another 30,000 li like this, his figure was once again blocked by a cloud castle, although this time he was more proficient at breaking the cloud castle, the distance between the Yuanfeng fleet and him did not increase because of this No matter how much you drive, the distance between the fleet and Yuandu Tianyu is getting farther and farther!

And Master Yan Yu, after these two delays, he suddenly realized that as he was getting farther and farther away from the Yuandu Tianyu, the power of the Tianyu world that he could borrow was getting smaller and smaller, so even if he After catching up with the Yuanfeng Fleet, how much of his combat power can he still retain in his heyday?

Without the blessing of the power of the Tianyu world, can he still be Shang Xia's opponent? What's more, there is a second seventh-rank master in the Yuandu fleet!

Thinking of this, Master Yan Yu suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, secretly thinking that Shang Xia was sinister.

Even though he was extremely unwilling at this moment, he also knew that he should not pursue any longer. At this moment, the most important thing is to keep the existing achievements and work hard to maintain the spirit world from falling from the spirit world, which is the way to maintain Yuandu. The foundation of the Tianyu world system!

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