The edge of the void maelstrom.

Two raging waves that directly rolled the void collided in mid-air, and then the two figures walked directly through the surging raging waves, and then confronted dozens of times at close range in an instant, and the leaking edge cut the surging raging waves Cut to pieces.

Then with the last roar, one of the figures staggered back in the void, but the other figure also swayed, and it took a while to stabilize his figure, but his opponent also took the opportunity to pull away from him enough to be safe. distance.

"Okay, okay, it's really a good method, it's just that I haven't seen it in decades, the four leaders under my command in the past have grown to such a point, it seems that you are like a fish in water in that Yuanfeng world, and you are doing well! "

The former Pirate Chief of Chuanyun Pirates, and now one of the three leaders of the Three Ships Star Pirates, the fifth-rank Daoist Gao Takong looked at the figure tens of miles away and smiled angrily.

Tens of miles away, Song Zhen calmed down the turbulent source of energy in his chest and abdomen, and said with a sneer: "I have labored and stolen my head, and I have been respected and valued by the merchants. Now I am fortunate to step into the high-grade realm. It's just that I have a I don't understand, Bandit Shou brought the former brothers into Master Yuan Ling's command, but now decades have passed, how come the former brothers have never made any progress, but Bandit Shou yourself has been promoted to a higher level? Think about it, if it weren't for that Master Yuanling treats his subordinates harshly, is it because the bandit leader withholds all the benefits that should go to the brothers?"

Song Zhen's words were spread throughout the surrounding void under the influence of Genesis Qi, and even brought a group of original cloud-piercing warriors to besiege Zhu Nang and the two medium-sized Zeng Jin from Youzhou and Haizhou in the distance. The offensive of the leaders seems to have slowed down.

Gao Takong's face changed slightly when he heard the words, and he said in a deep voice, "It's nonsense! Hmph, you are eloquent, but I don't know if your skills are as good as your words!"

Before he finished speaking, only an afterimage of Gao Takong's original figure remained. His real figure stepped on the void nine times in a row, and the distance between the two of them was shortened by his trample Nine times, but the strength of each foot has been superimposed nine times, and then burst out on Song Zhen who is close at hand.

However, the moment the condensed space exploded suddenly, Song Zhen's figure was completely torn apart.

However, Gao Takong didn't like to be shocked. The real Song Zhen had already left his original position, and what was just torn apart was just a phantom, but Gao Takong just didn't notice it at all.

It's a martial talisman!

"Wait carefully!"

Gao Takong's heart moved, he quickly turned around and shouted loudly at the three subordinates who were besieging the other two starships.

However, it was too late for Gao Takong to remind him. Song Zhen's figure suddenly appeared behind the three sixth-order star thieves, and he stretched out his hand and pressed it from the air, and it was a great master of the void!

The Star Bandit who used to sit second in the Cloud Piercer and whose cultivation had reached the third rank reacted in a timely manner. When he realized that Song Zhen was already behind him, he immediately retreated.

As for his two companions, their reaction movements were a little slower than his, and they were immediately shrouded in Song Zhen's big catch!

When Song Zhen appeared, he didn't stop in the slightest, and he still rushed towards his own starship while he shot, and even the two second-rank real people who were suppressed by him were also wrapped and rushed towards a dilapidated starship. The large starship Youzhou protected by Yunbao.

That's right, the reason why the two starships of Youzhou and Haizhou, which were besieged by three sixth-level star thieves and hundreds of fourth-level and fifth-level star thieves, have been able to persist until now, except for the two starships themselves Apart from defense, the biggest reliance is a sixth-order Myriad Clouds and Flying Clouds Talisman inspired by Zhu Nang.

Although the Wanyun Feixia Talisman is just a pure defensive martial talisman, once the two second-rank star thieves are knocked into the Yunbao by Song Zhen, then combined with the power of Song Zhen, Zhu Nang and the two star boats, the two One can imagine the fate of a second-rank star thief.

At a critical juncture, a whip tip exploded into the void, and then a whip rope stretched out from it, passing Song Zhen from the side in an instant, wrapping around one of the two second-rank star thieves suppressed by him, and then pulled The man forcibly dragged it out.

As for the other second-rank star thief, he was suppressed by Song Zhen all the way into the dilapidated Yunbao amidst the cries for help that were getting farther and farther away, and then there was no more sound.

Gao Takong's figure immediately appeared outside the broken Yunbao, but he didn't have the courage to rush in directly. Instead, he turned his head and looked at the rear one of the two large starships on his side, annoyed. Said: "Brother Taifeng, you should have been able to save all of my two subordinates, right?"

A chuckle resounded from the void, and out of the large starship that Gao Takong glared at, a warrior with a green scarf and a frivolous face walked out, holding a whip and rope, and said with a smile: "Brother Gao, Bao To save the next one is to benevolent, so it is probably not appropriate for you to accuse Bao like that?"

As he said that, Bao Taifeng pointed his whip at the third-rank star thief who escaped from Song Zhen's big capture just now, and jokingly said: "Just now, if you have a little brotherhood, you can save at least one of them, but But he only cared about running away by himself, Bao originally thought he could save one, and if Bao saved the other by himself, both of your subordinates would be safe, what a pity..."

Gao Takong was speechless for a while, and could only give the subordinate who used to sit in the second place a hard look.

And after losing the second-rank subordinate just now, in the three-ship star bandit group, he can still rely on his fifth-rank return to the true realm, which makes his faction comparable to the original star bandit's overall strength. The situation is suddenly broken , the overall strength of the former Cloud Piercer may have fallen to the last among the three ship star bandits.

Thinking of Master Yuan Ling's rule of distributing spoils according to the overall strength established by Master Yuan Ling for their three factions, Gao Takong felt even more annoyed, and couldn't help but glared at the subordinate of the third-rank star thief again.

Seeing this, the fourth-rank real person called Bao Taifeng couldn't help sneering, a tricky smile flashed in his eyes, and he said casually: "Brother Gao, we have spent too long here, and now we are more It was one of your brothers who was folded in, so I don’t think there is any need to wait any longer, you and I will join hands and break this dilapidated cloud castle first!”

Gao Takong snorted coldly and said: "It is true that there is no need to continue the performance. If the person from Yuanfeng Realm really wants to come, even if the two starships are broken into pieces, he will come here to have a look. !"

After all, the two high-quality real people seemed to have reached a tacit understanding, and immediately attacked the already dilapidated Yunbao at the same time, dismantling it to pieces in a few strokes.

However, at the moment when Yunbao was completely breached, a medium-sized starship that looked dilapidated on the surface suddenly rushed out of it at full speed, and went straight to the two high-grade real people.

How could the two high-grade real people be hit by a starship, and immediately spread out to both sides, and at the same time attacked the starship.

Gao Takong stepped out three times in a row, and broke through three holes with a diameter of about one foot in the hull of the star boat below the right side of the ship.

On the other side, Bao Taifeng's strength was slightly inferior to Gao Takong's, but when he threw the whip in his hand, he also knocked one-third of the buildings on the starship deck away.

However, the expressions on the faces of the two high-quality real people changed at the same time after they shot, and they shouted in unison: "Not good!"

This medium-sized starship, which had been covered by the large starship Youzhou before, had raised its speed to the highest speed at some point. Even after being easily and severely damaged by two high-grade real people, it still swept away from them in an instant. Passed, and then rushed towards a large starship belonging to the Three Ships Star Thief Group in the distance and crashed into it.

"Stop it!"

The two high-quality real people shouted loudly almost at the same time, and Gao Takong's voice was the most urgent.

However, the strange thing is that these two high-quality real people did not continue to stop the medium-sized starship Haizhou after leaving the order, but instead chased straight towards the direction where the starship rushed out.

However, in the direction where Yunbao dissipated before, when the Haizhou passed through the void at high speed and crashed into the starship of the Three Ships Star Thief Group, the large starship of the Youzhou had gathered all the warriors of the fourth and fifth ranks. Under the control of Song Zhen and Zhu Nang, they rushed into the void maelstrom.

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