The moment he saw Zhuo Gudao, Shang Xia was thinking how Jin Shangzun would invite Zhuo Gudao and trust him?

But because the four seventh-rank masters were in front of each other, Shang Xia couldn't ask directly.

Fortunately, what Jin Shangzun said just now seemed to reveal something.

For Shang Xia's gaze, Zhuo Gudao seemed to have understood the confusion in his heart, so he looked at Shang Xia with a smile on his face, and said: "Shang Shangzun is curious why Zhuo appeared here, right?"

Shang Xia nodded with a smile, not hiding the curiosity and suspicion in his heart.

I only heard Zhuo Gudao write lightly: "Actually, it's nothing, it's just a basic transaction. The Yuanguanjie created by Zhuo's painstaking efforts was finally forced to make a wedding dress because of the superior skills of the star master, and the other party also donated alms Zhuo can retreat from the Yuanguan Realm completely, but the original true spirit entrusted to the secret realm of the dojo has been expelled, and now if he wants to re-anchor the original true spirit, Zhuo must find a way by himself."

When Shang Xia heard the words, he immediately understood that this one, like Jin Shangzun, had lost his original world.

Even the problem of Zhuo Gudao is much more serious than that of Jin Shangzun, because his original true spirit was first entrusted in Xingyuan Dojo, and the restrictions he suffered were compared with the seventh-rank Supreme Venerable whose original true spirit was entrusted in Yuanhai. bigger.

Moreover, Shang Xia doubted whether Zhuo Gudao was still lying at the beginning, because as far as he knew, in a situation like Zhuo Gudao's, if he lost the secret realm of the dojo that enshrined the original true spirit, his own cultivation realm should have collapsed at any time. And the combat power will also be directly weakened.

However, what Zhuo Gudao showed in front of Shang Xia now is actually true.

The cultivation realm of a third-rank master.

And Zhuo Gudao seemed to have guessed what Shang Xia was thinking again, and explained: "My ability to maintain my cultivation and combat power for the time being is actually related to the Star Lord, and this is also the reason why I agreed to let go of the secret realm of the Taoist temple and the Yuanguan world. One of the conditions, but even if the star master takes action, Zhuo only has ten years to find a way to solve the problem of re-entrusting the original true spirit after the original true spirit entrusted in the secret realm of the dojo is stripped away without any damage .”

"Because of this, Zhuo has no choice but to participate in Jin Shangzun's plan this time, in order to hope that this trip to the Xingyun restricted area can find a place for himself to settle down, at least find a few A piece of sky stone, used to rebuild a dojo secret realm."

Shang Xia couldn't help but asked again: "Do you know what the Star Lord wants to do after his recovery?"

Zhuo Gudao shook his head and said: "Originally we thought that after stripping at least five states, Yuanping Realm would no longer be complete, and his plan to attack the Eighth Heaven with this vainly failed, but after he recovered, Zhuo It turns out that Star Master doesn't seem to care much about being cut off from promotion, or he should have a backup plan."

"But no matter what, the star master intends to break through the bottleneck of the seventh heaven, and his plan to advance to the eighth heaven will not change."

"It's just that what else he can do next, to try to advance to the eighth heaven in that way, is unknown."

Shang Xia felt that this opportunity was rare, so he wanted to find out more about the Star Lord from Zhuo Gudao, so he continued to ask: "I heard about it before.

Star Lord's cultivation is only at the Dusky Star Realm of the seventh and fifth ranks, and this realm is not even in the late Seventh Heavenly Layer, so how can we talk about advancing to the Eighth Heavenly Layer? Is Master Zhuo worried? "

Before Zhuo Gudao could answer this question, Master Yuanping on the other side had already opened his mouth and said: "The star master's cultivation has only recovered to the seventh-rank and fifth-rank, and he will continue to recover, and the level of recovery of his own cultivation It is very likely that it has something to do with Lingyujie and Lingguanjie completing the Yuanjie promotion respectively."

Shang Xia looked in surprise at this female superior who had always seemed a little taciturn.

I saw Master Yuanping looking at Shang Xia expressionlessly, and said: "Shang Shangzun, the Yuanfeng Realm also belongs to the original Guantianyu Spirit Realm and was promoted, and is essentially the same as the Lingyu and Lingguan realms. As expected, the next target of the Star Lord is very likely to be your world, and once the plane world that carries three Yuan-level upper realms, known as the "Three-Yuan Tianyu", will be crowded again. Entering a Yuan-level upper realm, not only will this space be renamed "Siyuan Tianyu", but also the recovery of the star master's cultivation will successfully cross the threshold of the late Seventh Heaven."

When Master Yuanping spoke, Shang Xia listened very carefully.

But after the other party finished speaking, Shang Xia said very seriously: "Although what Yuanping Master said is reasonable, but Shang secretly thinks that the Master should pay more attention to the Lingjun Realm. Perhaps what the Star Lord is really waiting for is The moment when the Lingjun Realm is promoted to the Yuan-level Upper Realm!"

Unexpectedly, when Master Yuanping heard the words, he smiled and said: "Shangzun's words are indeed reasonable, but I only need to prevent the Lingjun Realm from taking the step of being promoted to the Yuan Realm, what can the Star Master do to me?" ?


Shang Xia thought about it, and wondered why Master Yuanping had such confidence, but he didn't want to continue entanglement on this issue at this time, so he said: "What Master Yuanping said is true!"

Afterwards, the four seventh-rank venerables in the golden boat fell silent for a while, and several venerables also fell into meditation respectively.

I don't know how much time has passed, Jin Shangzun's voice suddenly sounded, waking up the other three from their meditation, and said: "Everyone, the Xingyun restricted area is almost here!"

After waking up, several masters turned their heads to look in the direction pointed by Jin Shangzun, but saw a group of majestic nebula gathering in the void far away in the depths of the void. That's where Jin Shangzun said that the Xingyun restricted area is located.

As the distance between Jin Zhou and the majestic nebula got closer and closer, the forbidden area of ​​the nebula became bigger and bigger in the eyes of everyone, until Jin Zhou was hundreds of thousands of miles away from the forbidden area of ​​the nebula, It's just that what they see in their eyes is bigger than a Yuan-level upper realm.

"The other side is where the Yuanzhou Tianyu is located."

Shang Xia and the others looked in the direction that Jin Shangzun pointed, and they could vaguely perceive that there was a huge and complete world in the sky, which was about millions of miles away.

According to what Jin Shangzun said, the cultivation level of Master Qinming in Yuanzheng Realm is the fourth rank of the seventh rank comparable to Jin Shangzun and Shang Xia, while Yuanzhen Tianyu takes Yuanzhen Realm as the core, and the surrounding subsidiary The plane has four spirit worlds, six sky worlds, some barbaric worlds, and floating land and earth, earth stars, etc. where living creatures live.

"Are we going to approach the Xingyun restricted area directly like this?"

Zhuo Gudao asked at this time.

Jin Shangzun pointed in one direction without turning his head, and said: "Yuanzhen Realm attaches great importance to the Xingyun restricted area, and there are usually starship fleets patrolling around. We need to circle around the Xingyun restricted area from the outside above, and find the right time to rush in!"

Shang Xia couldn't help being startled when he heard the words, and said, "Does Jin Shangzun mean that as long as we rush into the Xingyun restricted area, we will inevitably alarm the patrol fleet of the Yuan Border Realm?"

Master Yuanping also frowned and said, "Can't we sneak in quietly?"

Jin Shangzun shook his head regretfully, and said: "This restricted area is full of fragmented spaces that have been cut up everywhere, and it can even be said that a single hair will affect the whole body. If we want to break into the depths of the restricted area, we will inevitably cause trouble." Make a lot of noise, it's hard not to attract attention!"

Zhuo Gudao sighed softly: "In other words, no matter whether we can gain something in the restricted area, this battle is inevitable!"

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