The sudden change in the void of the original Xingyuan Land in the Sky Watching Star District has caused a significant change in the attitudes of the people on the seventh level of the major celestial domains gathered here.

As more and more secrets were revealed from the mouth of the star master, the vigilance and hostility between the seventh-level superiors have obviously eased. After all, it is completely foreseeable that they may face one or a group of enemies together. things.

However, in this process, it is an indisputable fact that Star Master has the obvious initiative to speak.

However, the other party wanted to include Yuanfeng Tianyu into the Siyuan Tianyu only through verbal persuasion, but it was just wishful thinking.

Of course, the Star Lord might just be tempted, and after being rejected by Kou Chongxue without accident, he said again: "I think you all understand now that this deity took the initiative to provoke disputes from the very beginning, which eventually led to your spiritual thoughts. The qi machine is entangled and cannot be undone because of harmony."

The void fell into silence again, and no one responded to the words of the star master for a long time.

Perhaps because he felt that the scene was a bit awkward, Master Xiong Xin, who had never opened his mouth, suddenly said: "Just now, the existence from the other star sea world launched an attack through the void, if it weren't for the star lord who entangled everyone's spiritual thoughts and auras to form Join forces, may I ask who among you present can withstand the opponent's impact alone?"

Shang Xia in the distance was moved when he heard the words, thinking to himself that the strange and stalwart black shadow just launched an attack?

But naturally he would not be so stupid as to say it by himself, but continued to stand there calmly.

However, the other seventh-level masters obviously would not ignore his existence. Master Hongjing suddenly smiled and said, "Why are there no other people? Shangzun was not in the net we entangled with spiritual thoughts and energy machines just now." middle."

Master Yuanchan's voice from the Yuan Jun Realm sounded immediately: "That's because the attack from the star sea outside has been weakened by the net filter formed by us twisting, and it has long lost the power we have endured. .”

Master Gu Yi's impatient voice came again: "Star Lord is beating around the bush, what exactly is he trying to say?"


Seeing this, the star master no longer concealed his purpose, and said directly: "Just now, it was just a seventh-level top existence in the star sea of ​​the outer domain who suppressed the divine sense from the air. The other party may have used other means, but I think you already have a certain understanding of the means shown, and it is simply not something we can fight alone with our own strength..."

Speaking of this, the star master paused slightly, and then said: "Even if you have friends who can trust each other, even with the help of Xiong Xin Shangzun and Yuan Chan Shangzun like this deity, this deity does not dare to be arrogant. Yan can not be afraid of the other party's invasion and hunting, not to mention that once the other party invades the Chaotic Star Sea, it is absolutely impossible to act alone, and there must be subordinates to contribute, and there will be fellow disciples and friends to help, and then all the worlds except me will unite together Besides, this deity doesn't think we have any other possibility to compete with those top beings in the mighty Star Sea."

Master Yu Kun said: "Is it an alliance? How about a charter?"

Although Master Yu Kun's tone was still full of distrust, it was obvious that he did not directly reject the alliance's proposal when he opened his mouth.

The star master immediately said: "This still requires us to discuss further, but some necessary and necessary measures in the early stage can be prepared first, such as the opening of the star sea route between the various worlds in the sky, and more Open up for quick and convenient void passages, etc."

The Venerable Shi Guan interjected: "The Star Lord is actively forming the Tianyu Alliance in the Tianguan Star District, maybe there is another purpose?"

The star master did not deny this, but said: "The invasion from the star seas of the outer domains is the most imminent threat to the worlds of the major heavens in this star area. Do you think so? Of course, if you really have scruples about the alliance proposal Yes, of course, you don’t need to join in, but if you really encounter a strong star from the outer domain to hunt, I’m afraid I will be beyond my reach.”

Suddenly, a voice like Shang Xia's who had never been entangled by many seventh-level Supreme Venerable Spiritual Energy Mechanisms came from a certain direction: "Yuanhong Tianyu doesn't mind the alliance discussion, but the specific details need to be worked out carefully." discuss."

Star Lord's voice said with a smile: "It turns out to be the Jin Shangzun of Yuanhong Tianyu, but I didn't expect you to come."

The star master directly called Jin Shangzun's place of ownership, obviously confirming that Jin Shangzun had now completed control of Yuanhong Tianyu.

Jin Shangzun smiled and said: "Brother Zhuo was troubled to come to investigate first, because he was worried that Brother Zhuo would be in danger, so after finishing the matter of Yuanhong Tianyu, he hurried over to take a look."

Star Lord smiled and said: "Since Jin Shangzun has agreed to the alliance, I will naturally welcome him, and Siyuan Tianyu will also fully support Jin Shangzun's control of Yuanhong Tianyu, and will increase the gap between the two heavens. After all... the great enemy is at hand, and we can't wait for a newborn seventh-level lord to grow up."

Master Hongjing also said at this time: "Yuanhong Tianyu also does not object to the proposal of alliance, but it is only limited to the invasion of the enemy's outer space star sea power."

Star Lord said: "Of course!"

Master Yu Kun followed closely and said, "Since this is the case, Yuantong Tianyu has no reason to object."

"Okay, Yuanjing Tianyu is the same!"


Just when the Star Lord initiated the alliance of the worlds in the Tiantian District, Kou Chongxue's voice transmission from the divine sense had already sounded in Shang Xia's ears: "What do you think?"

Shang Xia thought for a while and said: "This matter is naturally based on the opinion of the mountain leader, but the disciples have no objection to this."

However, Kou Chongxue chuckled lightly and said, "If the old man really might have had some concerns before you separated the original true spirit from the Yuanfeng Realm, now that you are not bound by the Tianyu world, you can be intimidated by the outside world. The seventh-level masters of the domain, especially the star masters, must have scruples, but the old man thinks that joining the alliance is feasible."

Shang Xia said sternly: "Shan Zhang, this disciple is just the original true spirit who left the source sea of ​​this world, but this does not mean that the disciple will part ways with this Tianyu. Once the strong Xinghai from the outer domain invades, the disciple will still fully assist Shan Zhang to protect this heaven. domain."

Kou Chongxue said with a smile: "Of course, the old man knows that even if you want to be the shopkeeper in this matter, you won't be able to get it!"

As soon as the sound transmission fell, Kou Chongxue's voice sounded in the void again: "Yuanfeng Tianyu is willing to join the alliance to resist the invasion of the star sea from the outer domain."

And just as Kou Chongxue finished speaking, Master Gu Yi finally spoke: "Yuanming Tianyu seconded the proposal!"

So far, the seventh-rank masters of all major heavens in the star-watching area of ​​the dojo today have made promises to form the Tianyu Alliance.

However, there are still two seventh-level lords from the Tianyu world who are not in the dojo today. They are Master Yan Yu from Tianyu, Yuandu, and three seventh-level lords from Yuanxingjie.

The reason why these two heavenly worlds do not have dojos is because Yuanxingjie is currently encountering the joint invasion of Yuanling, Yuandu, and Yuanchong, the three major heavenly worlds.

After the seventh-level venerables jointly decided on the Tianyu Alliance discussion in the star-watching area, the 7th-level lords who were entwined with spiritual thoughts and auras did not leave just yet, but continued to sit in this void to monitor the sky at any time. In addition to the spectacle of the star sea that came, they continued to discuss and improve the specific details of the alliance, and Jin Shangzun, who arrived at the end, quickly joined in, but Shang Xia chose to leave quietly.

This time, no one stopped him from leaving, and from the beginning to the end, no other master even mentioned anything because of his departure, as if everyone had ignored him at this moment.

As for Shang Xia, he was so happy that all the seventh-rank seniors ignored his existence.

After confirming that Kou Chongxue would not be in danger, Shang Xia quickly left the void area and headed straight for the direction outside the star-gazing area.

In fact, Shang Xia's goal after leaving Yuanfeng Tianyu this time is Yuanxingjie!

But at this time, Yuanling, Yuandu, and Yuanchong's three major heavenly domains jointly launched an invasion against Yuanxingjie, and now is the time when both sides are most vigilant and sensitive.

If Shang Xia breaks into the Yuanxing Realm under such circumstances, he may have to deal with the crusade after the alliance between the two sides before he wants to be a fisherman who benefits from the fight between the snipe and the clam.

Therefore, before Shang Xia finally wants to achieve his goal, the first thing he has to do is to reduce his own sense of existence, and shake off or divert part of the eyes that have been staring at him all the time.

Today's Shang Xia is no longer a "newcomer" who has just entered the seventh heaven for more than ten years. Master Ming's game of fighting for the front, or his own strength in the void of the original Xingyuan land to join hands with the seventh-rank lords, the strength displayed by him has already spread or will soon spread throughout the chaotic sea of ​​stars .

Coming again to Xinghai Fangshi, Luan Xinghai No. 6, Shang Xia still did not enter Fangshi, but came to settle in a meteorite belt near Fangshi.

At this time, in this meteorite belt, the warriors of Yuanfeng Tianyu had already established a stronghold as a place to stay.

Although Song Zhen is now the guardian of No. 6 Xinghai Square City, and Yuanfeng Tianyu has become one of the big forces behind the No. 6 Square City, this does not prevent them from building a secret stronghold outside the Square City. .

After all, although Xinghaifang City is a place where resources and news gather, it is also a place full of people. There are many things that are not convenient to carry out in Fangshi, especially for Yuan who has just established the Tianyu system. For Feng Tianyu.

The arrival of Shang Xia was not known to other warriors in this region except for a few high-level officials in the stronghold.

And the person who brought several sixth-rank real people to greet Shang Xia was Huang Jinghan, a fourth-rank real person from Jingzhou Yuanchen School.

Huang Jinghan is one of the few local high-quality real people in the Yuanfeng world.

Although there are several high-grade real people in Yuanfeng Realm today, apart from Zhang Xuansheng, Yang Taihe, and Li Jidao, the three Dongtian real people can't leave Yuanfeng Tianyu at all. Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia never dared to let her go out alone, and they could only stay in Yuanfeng Tianyu most of the time.

Master Gu Mingzheng lacks his own strength. Although he has the cultivation base of the fourth-rank Taoist realm, the level of fighting front can be called the bottom of the high-rank, and he does not have the ability to stand alone.

Reverend Xiao Yugang is the face of the Lingqing Realm. Many things in Yuanfeng Tianyu need to be coordinated between Yuanfeng Realm and Lingqing Realm. Now he is Kou Chongxue's right-hand man, so naturally he cannot leave easily.

Now, although there is another Su Chi real person, and after reshaping his body, this former genius warrior of the Xindengmen, a seventh-rank seed, has a cultivation level equivalent to that of the fifth-rank realm, and it is even more possible when it comes to combat power He is still above the real Gao Qin, but his main energy now is to rebuild the Xindengmen, continue the inheritance of the Xindengmen, and even try to open up the twenty-seventh work of Yuanfeng Realm overseas with the support of Shang Xia. Naturally, it is impossible to go to the Luan Xinghai to sit in the state domain, at least not in the short term.

As for Song Zhen, he has already become the guardian of Xinghaifang City.

As a result, Huang Jinghan is the only one who can truly stand alone in the sea of ​​chaotic stars and gain the recognition and trust of all sect forces in this heaven!

After the ceremony between the two parties, Huang Jinghan dismissed the other real people and led Shang Xia into a secret room for a secret talk.

"Senior Huang, do you have any news about the Spirit Law Realm and the Lingcang Realm?"

After taking his seat, Shang Xia asked straight to the point.

Huang Jinghan hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, you are welcome. Although the route between the Spiritual Law Realm and the Lingcang Realm is difficult, in the past few years, I have traveled there once or twice a year, and Huang personally leads the team to sit in town. From the current point of view, the two worlds The situation is fairly stable, but the velocity of the void turbulence has been slowly increasing."

Shang Xia liked Lin Dao in his heart: "Is it because of the great vortex of void?"

Huang Jinghan said solemnly: "Exactly! Although the great void vortex has stopped expanding in the past two years, the speed of the vortex's rotation is getting faster and faster, and the surrounding void is getting more and more affected, and the degree of distortion is getting higher and higher. Now even if Huang personally drives the large starship, he dare not shuttle around the edge of the vortex at will, and the route with the Lingfa and Lingcang realms has already detoured through the Yuanchen star area."

Shang Xia asked again: "Do the two realms of Lingfa and Lingcang know about this? How can the Ying brothers and the giant ape king respond to this?"

Huang Jinghan said: "The area where these two worlds are located is extremely special. The turbulence of the void is the biggest protective umbrella for the two worlds. Naturally, they attach great importance to this. The monitoring of the two worlds is carried out all the time, but Huang speculates that the two worlds The high-level executives in the world are also not very optimistic about the prospects of the two worlds, but they are still lucky."

Shang Xia nodded thoughtfully, and said: "This Tianyu does have the intention of subduing these two worlds, but there is no need to be too eager. Next, we will send merchant fleets to communicate with each other normally in accordance with the previous regulations. .”

Huang Jinghan nodded in response, but after thinking about it, he still said: "However, Huang thinks that the Ying brothers and the giant ape king in the Lingcang world may have already guessed our plan."

Shang Xia was not surprised by this, but just smiled and said, "So what if I guess? You just need to be kind and righteous."

While speaking, the door of the secret room was knocked, and then Song Zhen opened the door and walked in.

Seeing that Huang Jinghan was present, Song Zhen was slightly startled, and soon greeted him with a smile.

Shang Xia greeted Song Zhen to take a seat, and asked straight to the point, "Is there any news from Yuandu Tianyu?"

Song Zhen hesitated for a moment, Huang Jinghan wanted to get up and leave when he saw this, but was blocked by Shang Xia's hand, then looked at Song Zhen and said, "But it's okay to say."

Song Zhen first smiled at Huang Jinghan apologetically, and then said in a deep voice: "Yuandu Tianyu has been moving in the void, and there is news that Master Yan Yu wants to let Yuandu Tianyu break away from the star-gazing area. .”

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