The sudden shock at the center of the great vortex of the void was not only noticed by Zhang Yusheng, the stargazer, but also by the seventh-rank masters on several other starships, and they were more certain than Zhang Yusheng that it was the abnormality. Artificially, some people even guessed that it must have been done by Shang Xia.

As for the distance from the edge of the maelstrom to the center, there is still a distance of hundreds of thousands of miles. Whether the seventh-level martial artist can extend the perception of spiritual sense there is not a problem at all in the eyes of other seventh-level lords.

Their cultivation has reached their level, and they have already practiced various secret techniques, and there is a huge force behind them. As long as they have any treasures, they will definitely be able to get them, so one or two Treasures that can be used to project the warrior's own spiritual will may be rare, but they are definitely not unavailable.

After all, if Shang Xia didn't have such means, it would be impossible for him to bring back the news of the arrival of foreign masters behind the space portal.

Soon, several secret message talismans flew over to ask what happened. Shang Xia thought about it and didn't hide it. He roughly communicated the process of his confrontation with a strange divine sense just now to the seventh-order talismans on several other starships. Master.

After the eight starships formed the formation, a relatively stable space area was formed between the formations, and several starships could easily communicate with each other using secret communication symbols.

In fact, the message talismans that asked about the reason just now not only flew to Shang Xia, but also flew to the location of Hu Shangren, Mr. Xi and Master Lei, three warriors who also reached the mid-seventh stage. Among the starships.

However, in Shang Xia's reply, he admitted

After his confrontation with the existence beyond the star sea, even though these people had guessed beforehand, they were still shocked when he actually admitted it personally.

After all, after Shang Xia brought back the news about the space portal and the confrontation with the outer domain, many people were somewhat skeptical, at least a lot of people were skeptical about the latter news.

But now that this happened twice in a row, others couldn't help but believe it. Once it might be a fluke, but twice it is really strength!

And at this time, after a period of repairs, Shang Xia communicated frequently with Hu Shangren and Lei Fuzi on the two leading giant starships through communication symbols many times. The message talisman on the starships flew over, notifying the starships to prepare to set off into the maelstrom, and told the starships to keep their distance and pay attention to maintaining the ship formation at all times!

After Shang Xia passed the news on to other people in Xingzhou, he temporarily took over the control of Xingzhou from Huang Jinghan and Gao Qin, two high-quality real people.

That's right, when the ship array was approaching the maelstrom, two high-quality real people were controlling the speed of the starship and maintaining the ship array throughout the entire process.

And at the moment when Shang Xia's Big Dipper star source poured into the core of the star boat, his spiritual perception quickly spread throughout the entire ship as the source qi spread, and at the same time he could clearly see Observe the movements of the big boat in all directions, front, back, up, down, left, and right, and even use the anchor chains connecting each starship to observe the general situation of the other seven starships.

And at this time, led by

The two giant starships have already set sail first, and the large starship Jiaozhou controlled by Shang Xia has also been launched, almost simultaneously maintaining the position with the two giant starships.

As for the start speed of the starship controlled by Mr. Xi on the other side, it was a bit slower, but it did not affect the overall formation of the ship.

After that, the other four large starships also linked together, and the huge ship array was quickly adjusted again during the process of advancing, and finally, as if they were one, they all crashed into the void vortex in the next instant.

And the moment the ship array entered the maelstrom, the entire ship array seemed to be half shaken, and every starship began to shake violently.

This is only the edge area inside the great vortex, and the degree of distortion of the surrounding void is several times steeper than that outside the great vortex.

This is still due to the joint suppression of the ship formation, which almost offset 80 to 90% of the twisting power of the maelstrom.

You know, just a few years ago, Yuanfeng Tianyu's merchant fleet crossed the great vortex of the void and entered the turbulent flow of the void to communicate with the two worlds of Lingfa and Lingcang.

However, after just a few years, the danger of this void vortex has increased by more than a hundred times?

And this is only when the ship formation has just entered the void vortex.

Following the efforts of the seventh-rank masters sitting in the starship, the eight starships that were shaking quickly stabilized, and the power of the ship formation suddenly rose to a new level.

Afterwards, the leading two giant starships led the way again, and the remaining six large starships closely followed each other according to their directions.

Although there are occasional unexpected situations along the way, and with the

The ship array is deepening, and the destructive power caused by the maelstrom is also increasing, but it has not yet caused any destructive effects on the ship array. At least so far, the eight seventh-rank lords on the eight starships have been able to calmly deal with it. .

In the blink of an eye, the distance of 200,000 miles had passed, and Zhang Yusheng, who was in charge of the wooden star platform, reported the observations again: Although the overall ship array was still going deep into the center of the whirlpool, in fact the entire ship array was affected by the whirlpool. Due to the impact, its forward direction has been slowly deflecting, and the current position of the ship array has deviated by a large angle compared to when it first entered the maelstrom.

However, Shang Xia was not surprised by this, but after thinking for a while, he still sent a message talisman to the two giant starships headed by him, communicating the situation observed by Zhang Yusheng to Master Hu and Master Lei.

After the communication talisman was issued, Shang Xia also noticed that the flight of the communication talisman within the range of the ship formation had begun to be greatly affected, just like a flat boat haunting the waves. Under Xia's control, he flew into the two giant starships smoothly.

After a while, two communication symbols flew back from the two giant starships respectively.

Master Hu replied in the message: "Master Seven Stars, please pay attention to the extent of the ship's deflection at all times. If possible, please calculate the direction where we first entered the maelstrom and the trajectory when we returned."

Master Lei replied directly: "Your starship has a stargazer?"

Shang Xia had no expression on his face, he casually pinched the communication talisman, Master Lei's reply was reduced to ashes in his palm,

As for Master Hu, he just replied with a message: "Do your best!"

Undoubtedly, before Shang Xia decided to pass the news of Zhang Yusheng's observation to the two, he had already expected that the fact that there was a stargazer on the Jiaozhou would be guessed by the two, but after all, at this time, everyone was doing it for the common good. The goal is to help each other in the same boat, and the sharing of information will help the ship formation make timely adjustments to deal with possible accidents.

However, exposing the existence of stargazers is actually not a big deal. After all, stargazers are very famous in the chaotic sea of ​​stars. Stargazers exist.

It's just that these so-called "star gazers" are nothing more than second-level "star apprentices" or third-level "star masters" in the eyes of people like Shang Xia and Zhang Yusheng, and there are one or two fourth-level "star masters". "Astrogazer", most of them are lame stargazers with incomplete inheritance and incomplete astrology skills.

However, being able to quickly and accurately calculate the degree of deflection of the great vortex under the influence of the void vortex, as well as infer the specific position and trajectory of the ship array, shows that the stargazers on the Shang Xia ship must be of high standard. , and even the other party may be able to think that they are from the star-watching area through this.

After all, only in the current sky-gazing star area, in the former sky-gazing domain, and in the last hidden stronghold of the sky-gazing sect, is it possible for the complete inheritance of astrology to exist.

But it is one thing to be able to think of it, and another thing to directly pick it out.

What's more, Mr. Lei's tone of reply was rather questioning, which made him feel even more displeased.

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