Huang Xing challenged Shang Xia, Shang Xia actually only made two swords before and after!

One sword forced out Huang Xing's true strength, and one sword made Huang Xing comprehend the supernatural powers of swordsmanship, and crossed the threshold of the Great Perfection of Wuji Realm.

The fight between Shang Xia and Huang Xing seemed fierce, but it lasted for a very short time.

It was so short that most of the spectators didn't realize it, and even if someone saw the way, many people still hesitated whether they should applaud.

It's really because Shang Xia's two swords can be said to be extremely ingenious, and although these two swords don't have the slightest sword glow and sword energy, they have a unique sword charm.

It is precisely because of the sword rhyme in his swordsmanship that his two swords almost merged with Huang Xing's sword intent, which not only avoided the repulsion of his sword intent, but also found the loopholes in his sword intent, which is more important What's more, what Shang Xia's sword rhyme pointed at made him find a way to make up for his own flaws in swordsmanship in an instant.

This kind of swordsmanship realm is no longer as simple as the level difference between the two sides. The gap between the two sides can be said to be a world of difference.

The moment Huang Xing comprehended the supernatural power of swordsmanship, he understood the gap between the two sides, and immediately resigned himself, and quit after thanking Shang Xia for his advice.

Seeing Huang Xing crossing the threshold in an instant under Shang Xia's sword, many warriors who could see the way to do it were already extremely enthusiastic. Before Huang Xing withdrew from the martial arts arena, several people had already challenged him by name.

"I'm going down to Beihai Liao Qingfeng, please give me your advice from Chief Shang!"

Among the warriors who challenged, the one from Beihai Academy even jumped out of the crowd. He was still in mid-air, and a cooked copper stick dancing in his hand had already fallen towards Shang Xia's head. .

Shang Xia obviously didn't expect that he was just pointing fingers at first, with some thoughts of eliminating hostility, but he never thought that it would be self-defeating in the end, and so many people jumped out to challenge him at once.

Shang Xia may not know that although the five frontier academies claim to be of the same spirit, in fact, except for Tongyou Academy, which has a fixed academic system of three to six years, the other four academies have very different training models for warriors.

Regardless of whether it is divided into outer sect, inner sect, and intruder disciples, or ordinary disciples, elite disciples, and direct disciples, the other four academies are not as strict as Tongyou Academy in terms of the time for disciples to practice, but In terms of the status of cultivating disciples, it is closely related to their own cultivation.

The biggest difference between these two methods is that Tongyou College trains more warriors every year, and with the victory in the two worlds, it will continue to expand its enrollment, and from the outer house to the inner house to the upper class The barriers to entry are relatively low.

But the other four colleges are more willing to devote more resources to the talents they can make. They recruit a lot of disciples every year, but the training time is also longer. Therefore, the threshold for the promotion of disciples is extremely high.

This also makes these disciples more and more eager to break through the bottleneck of cultivation after they have stagnated in cultivation.

Therefore, when Shang Xia made Huang Xing cross the threshold of the Great Consummation of Martial Extreme Realm in an extremely amazing way, it immediately moved the hearts of all the academy warriors who were facing bottlenecks.

This Liao Qingfeng from Beihai College is obviously a clever one, and he jumped out before Shang Xia agreed, creating established facts and forcing Shang Xia to do something.

However, what he didn't know was that what he did would only make Shang Xia feel more and more dissatisfied.

It's one thing for him to be willing to point Huang Xing, but it's another thing to be challenged by others as a whetstone to break through the bottleneck.

Therefore, not only did Shang Xia have no intention of pointing out, but he directly counterattacked back with a volley of swords.

Then Liao Qingfeng almost used all his strength to hit the stick, but before the stick was hit hard, he felt the vitality in the stick vent for no reason, followed by loosening his hand, and the copper stick was knocked away somehow go.

Liao Qingfeng was still in a daze, but he felt a force coming towards him, and he was thrown back at a faster speed than when he jumped out.

From when Liao Qingfeng jumped out to when he was thrown back, it took only one breath. Many warriors present didn't even realize what happened.

However, because this person took the lead, it quickly triggered a chain reaction, and immediately another second-tier warrior jumped out.

"Zheng Huaiwen at Xia Yanmen College, please give advice to Chief Shang!"

This man's methods were even more extreme, he was still in the air, and two flying needles had already flown out from between the fingers of both hands.

However, this person saw Shang Xia's wrist flick in mid-air, and the tip of the Bixi sword trembled into a ball of sword flowers in his eyes.

At the moment when the two flying needles that came from lasing were encircled by the sword flower, the surrounding void began to become sticky, and the two flying needles seemed to be frozen, and it was difficult to move.

Then I saw Shang Xia flicked his wrist, and the two flying needles shot back in an instant.

Zheng Huaiwen, who was in mid-air, had no way to avoid it, so he could only throw two flying needles again, and hit two sparks in mid-air with the two flying needles shot back backwards.

But Zheng Huaiwen's complexion changed drastically, and he forced his dantian to take a breath of vitality, and risked serious injury to his internal organs, he forcibly turned his body in mid-air.

Immediately after his ears, he heard two whistling sounds. The clothes on his shoulders had been pierced with two small holes, and his body in mid-air could no longer be maintained, so he could only stagger to the ground.

At the same time, Zheng Huaiwen looked at Shang Xia again with horror on his face.

The two flying needles he shot just now were actually shot down by the two flying needles that were shot back, and the two flying needles that were shot back were not resting, almost piercing his shoulders.

It was another face-to-face meeting. Zheng Huaiwen from Yanmen College lost again when Shang Xia only used his Liangyi realm cultivation base.

This time, more people reacted. The moment Zheng Huaiwen landed in embarrassment, three people jumped out from different directions of the martial arts field at the same time.

"Sword Gate Su Yufei..."

"My next Wuwei Jia Junle..."

"Junior Brother Shang, take the knife from my little brother!"

That's all for the first two, and the last one is connected to You Academy's own students can't bear it anymore.

Shang Xia felt tired for a while.

"What's the matter? When I was young, did you open a shantang? Can you break through the bottleneck, and don't care about this young master?"

He didn't want to be harassed endlessly, and a nameless fire rose in his heart. The Bixi sword turned into a silver light in Shang Xia's hands, and it circled around his body for a week and finally closed.

In an instant, the sword circle was like a cover lifted in mid-air. Countless sword light, sword light, and sword energy, like a bursting volcano, spread violently in all directions, threatening to sweep the entire martial arts arena. .

As soon as the three second-tier warriors stepped into the martial arts arena, they saw the overwhelming sword light rushing like a torrent in front of them.

Although the strength of the three is good, how have they ever seen such extravagant swordsmanship, all of them turned pale with fright, and what's more, they simply stood there, forgetting how to dodge, with a posture of closing their eyes and waiting for death .

Fortunately, Shang Xia didn't really want to end their lives. This cloud waterfall sword art was used in Shang Xia's hands, and it was already to the point where his heart moved at will.

The moment the turbulent sword light approached the three of them, all of them turned into bubbles and disappeared in an instant.

By this time, some fighters had already realized the changes in the situation on the field, but there were still some blind guys who continued to follow the trend and rushed out.

But Shang Xia was already extremely bored at this time, seeing someone still swaying in the crowd, the Guyuan Talisman attached to him fell instantly, and Shang Xia, who had recovered his cultivation, simply stabbed the Bixi Sword upwards, countless thunder The light exploded from the tip of the sword, instantly forming a huge thunder barrier within a range of 30 feet around him, and hundreds of raw fighters in the martial arts field were shocked by it!

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