Although it was the first time for Shang Xia to advance to the Martial Extreme Realm, he did not lack some pioneering experience.

According to the experience left by some seniors and senior brothers, after swallowing the advanced potion of Wu Jijing, the vitality in the body will begin to divide.

Until the vitality is divided into two poles, the dantian will appear, which marks that extraordinary Wuxiu has truly stepped into the Wuji realm.

Of course, the completion of the differentiation of vitality does not mean that the qualitative change has been completed just because the vitality in the body has stood in line.

The problem Shang Xia is facing now is the vitality in his body, although it has begun to polarize because of the advanced medicine.

However, due to the influx of the essence of the sun and the sun in the land of turbidity, the polarization of vitality in his body has been going on, but it has never been completed!

The polarization of vitality cannot be completed, and the dantian cannot be displayed naturally, so Shang Xia has been unable to truly step into the Wuji state for a long time.

However, the vitality that can be accommodated in Shang Xia's body is always limited. When the dantian is still unable to open up and manifest, as the vitality of the two extremes in the body expands, conflicts will inevitably begin to arise.

If things go on like this, Shang Xia will definitely die due to the loss of vitality in his body.

Originally, even in such a rare situation, it is not impossible.

If Shang Xia has a set of martial arts in his hands at this time, maybe he can learn and sell them now to absorb and control the swelling vitality in his body.

Originally, there were only two biggest functions of martial arts skills, one was to strengthen the extraordinary vitality of qualitative change, and the other was to stabilize the extraordinary strength to prevent loss of control to the greatest extent.

Now that the vitality in Shang Xia's body has not yet completed the qualitative transformation of the Martial Realm, naturally there is no need to worry about growing extraordinary power when practicing the martial arts, but it is enough to stabilize the swollen vitality in the body and prevent it from getting out of control.

It's a pity that although Tongyou College promised to provide Shang Xia with the martial arts of the Martial Realm for free, but in just a few days, he hasn't even thought about which set of exercises to choose to inherit.

At this point, Shang Xia found that he seemed to be in a predicament now, standing on the threshold of the advanced martial arts realm, unable to advance or retreat!

What should I do?

Looking at the three-foot water belt under his feet, a thought suddenly popped up in Shang Xia's mind: That bit of inspiration!

By the way, in the Sifangbei's deduction of the advanced formula, the "a little bit of inspiration" pointed out is in the place where the clear and the turbid meet.

Perhaps the real turning point lies in this!

At this time, Shang Xia was on the shore of the small lake, and his feet were the starting point of the three-foot water belt.

That is to say, Shang Xia is now standing at the threshold of the place where the clear and the turbid meet, and if he really wants to find that "a bit of heaven and earth inspiration", he may have to go deeper!

Looking at the faintly surging lava under the boiling lake on the right, and the cold light flickering under the thick ice layer on the left, Shang Xia suddenly let out a chuckle, and stepped into the three-foot water belt in the center ...


This time, the sun and the moon appear together, and the scope of the original tidal eruption seems to be limited to a small range.

After the female warrior retreated into the woods for a few miles, she found that the original tide began to ebb and gradually subside.

So she stood on the edge of the original tide and looked inside, trying to see something.

However, as far as the eyes can see, except for the chaos stirred by the original tide, nothing can be seen.

"Don't you really die?"

The female warrior muttered to herself, then spat again, and said, "It deserves it if it dies, but it's a pity for that bird!"

As if echoing what she was thinking, a high-pitched cry suddenly came from above her head.

When the female warrior looked up, she saw a silver glow passing by, and the Thunderbird had already landed on a treetop not far from her.

"Are you here to see if the man is dead?"

As the female warrior said, she seemed to subconsciously take two steps in the direction of Thunderbird.

Responding to the female warrior was Thunderbird's long, slightly warning cry.

The female warrior seemed to be unaware, and took another two steps forward, and said, "Is that mutated swift really your spouse? Are Lei Yan and mutated swift the same race in essence?"

The Thunderbird flapped its wings and sang again to warn the female warrior not to come closer.

However, the female warrior had already rushed out at this time, and the two willow-leaf scimitars flew out at the same time, directly attacking the Thunderbird on the treetop.

"Come down for me..."


Shang Xia looked at his feet in surprise.

He was standing on the surface of the water at this time, and the gentle water under his feet didn't even soak the uppers of his shoes.

Walking on water is not a difficult task for Fei Fei, but it is definitely not something that Shang Xia can do now.

However, the fact is that Shang Xia is really standing on the water now, and he can even walk on the water like walking on flat ground.

But Shang Xia soon discovered the reason.

What really supports him is the delicate balance formed by the two extremes of the original essence meeting in the three-foot water surface and the two extremes of vitality in his body.

Also because of the formation of a balance between the two poles of vitality, the original vitality conflict in the body also temporarily subsided, and Shang Xia seemed to have escaped the crisis of losing control.

Could it be said that this "balance" between the two poles is the inspiration?

Shang Xia felt that he seemed to have grasped a key to Wuji Realm cultivation.

This balance between the two extremes of vitality, even after he opened up his dantian and truly entered the martial arts realm, is an extremely important part of his cultivation process.

However, this "balance" did not really open the door to the extreme martial arts realm for Shang Xia. Although the conflict and loss of control of vitality were avoided, the dantian still had not been opened up and manifested!

So what comes after "balance"?

Shang Xia felt something in his heart, and a random drop of water splashed up, fell into his palm, and was carefully felt by him.

The essence of the sun from the great sun, and the power of the yin from the full moon, all perfectly coexist in this drop of water.

The essence of these two extremes is not to maintain a clear balance in the three-foot water surface, but to maintain the balance in any drop of water.

This is not "balance", this is "fusion"!

The essence of the sun and the power of the yin, these two originally opposing sources, have completed the fusion in this three-foot water belt!

This is the real "heaven and earth inspiration"!

Shang Xia suddenly realized, and opened his mouth to flick the drop of water into his mouth.

The vitality of the two poles that had already been balanced in the body tried to start contact again.

This time, however, no mutually exclusive conflicts occurred in this contact.

Two strands of vitality with completely opposite natures began to run in parallel in Shang Xia's body, although at this time Shang Xia did not have the martial arts to reconcile.


A huge roar sounded from the body, and a space between the virtual and the real was opened up, and Dantian finally manifested in Shang Xia's body.

Martial Realm, this is the real Martial Realm!

Until now, Shang Xia could be regarded as having truly stepped into the second stage of extraordinary martial arts!

The vitality of the whole body instantly poured into the dantian like swallows throwing themselves into the forest.

The vitality that was originally enough to blow him up, now scattered into the dantian, but it was just like a thin layer of mist.

However, even this layer of mist only existed in the dantian for a short time, and soon it disintegrated again, part of it rose, and part of it sank, making Shang Xia's newly opened dantian empty again of a slice.

At this time, Shang Xia has already noticed that the dantian he just opened up and manifested seems to be "somewhat" bigger than what those seniors and seniors described?

However, he didn't care too much about this, he just thought that when he was in the Wuyuan realm, his foundation was solid enough, his vitality accumulated enough, and the vitality that his dantian could hold would naturally be more.

However, the empty dantian brought Shang Xia an unprecedented sense of emptiness.

This feeling made him wish to devour all his vitality to fill up the vacant space in his dantian.

So, as if attracted, the three-foot water belt under Shang Xia's feet began to spiral upward along his body, and in the process, it continuously penetrated into his skin.

In this process, without Shang Xia's active guidance, the steady stream of essence energy began to fill Shang Xia's dantian by itself.


There was another loud noise, this time it came from his dantian.

Shang Xia's face immediately changed, his dantian was trembling, as if it would fall apart in the next moment.

The reason is that the newborn dantian was overwhelmed by the influx of a large amount of essence vitality!

Shang Xia wanted to interrupt the influx of essence vitality, but found that it was impossible to completely stop it.

At this time, Shang Xia's dantian was like a bottomless vortex. Although it was overwhelmed, the vast space was still absorbing the essence continuously.

This made Shang Xia have to regret again that he did not carry the inheritance of martial arts.

His intestines are about to turn green, at this time, if he has a martial art in hand, how can he not even control the active infiltration of essence vitality?

Could it be that other Extraordinary martial artists who have advanced to the Martial Extreme Realm will also encounter such predicaments one after another?

One hundred people in Shang Xia did not believe it!

But the problem in front of him has to be solved. If he really has to wait until the moment when his dantian is overwhelmed, not only will he fail to advance to the Martial Extreme Realm this time, but I am afraid that he will have no hope of advancing in the future.

Shang Xia pondered over the solution to the dantian problem more than once, and gradually seemed to realize something.

There is no problem with the dantian he opened up and manifested himself. To some extent, because he has comprehended the essence of "two-polar balance" and "two-polar fusion", he has even been two or three steps ahead of his peers.

However, it is precisely because of this that the vitality and dantian, which should complement each other, are suddenly out of balance.

Under normal circumstances, the step-by-step qualitative change of the essence vitality should be a long-term process, and during this process, part of the essence vitality rises and one step sinks, which is not only nourishing the dantian, but also strengthening the dantian.

But the current situation is that Shang Xia's understanding of bipolar vitality greatly exceeds that of the newly formed dantian.

However, without knowing it in advance, a large amount of essence energy had poured into the dantian, and by the time Shang Xia realized something was wrong, the dantian had become precarious.

In this case, without the regulation of Wu Jijing exercises, the dantian can only be made stable enough to carry the influx of essence vitality.

In order to speed up this process, more essence and vitality in the dantian must be devoted to nourishing and strengthening the dantian.

Therefore, the originally fused bipolar vitality will be split again and re-formed into the sun source and the yin source. The former rises and the latter sinks to stabilize the dantian.

However, it's not that it's impossible, but it's too late to separate the vitality of the two poles that have been integrated into one!

So since the two can be integrated, can it be transformed at will?

When this thought flashed through his mind like lightning, Shang Xia understood that this time he had really gained a firm foothold in the bipolar realm.


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