Shang Xia actually has two secret message talismans on him, one is from Tongyou College, and this secret message talisman directly leads to Shangbo after being activated, and it has just been issued by Shang Xia.

And the other secret talisman on his body came from the family, and all the merchant warriors who entered the battlefield of the two realms this time have one in their hands.

This secret message talisman is no better than the one in the academy that can be communicated across the two worlds. After the secret message talisman is activated, it will only fly to the holder of the same kind of secret message talisman that is closest to it.

Not long after Shang Xia sent out the academy's secret message talisman, and was thinking about the next itinerary, he saw a stream of secret message talisman falling directly towards him from the sky.

Shang Xia was very surprised, and thought to himself that the college's reply was really too fast. Could it be that his grandfather was not far from him in the first place?

It's just that the academy's secret message talisman can walk back and forth by itself, and I haven't heard of such an effect beforehand?

With doubts in his heart, Shang Xia used his own true energy as a guide, and easily received the secret message talisman hovering above his head into his hand, only then did he realize that the secret message talisman came from other clan members of the merchant.

Seeing this, Shang Xia's heart froze, and he hurriedly used a secret technique to activate the sound ban of the Secret Message Talisman, and then he heard Shang Ke's voice turned into a wave of vitality, ringing in his ears.

"There is a group of fourth-order alien monkeys brewing wine in the Redwood Forest, and the nearby clansmen came to help."

Shang Xia's expression was slightly relieved when he heard the words. Although it wasn't that the clansman was in distress and asked for help, but the monkey king of the fourth-level alien beast brewed wine. Seeing how solemn the fifth uncle was, it was obvious that seven or eight out of ten of the monkey wine brewed were also fourth-level wine. .

Even if it has not been successfully brewed, the koji used is most likely fourth grade.

You must know that Shang Xia's fourth-level advanced formula also needs blindly fourth-level jade crystal red rice cakes as an envoy.

Of course, the possibility of such a coincidence is extremely low, but even if it is not the jade crystal red grain cake, if it can be obtained, at least it can be exchanged with other people.

Several thoughts flashed through Shang Xia almost instantly, and then without the slightest hesitation, he flew straight towards the direction from which the secret message talisman came.

The transmission distance of the merchant's secret message talisman is limited, usually within a range of more than a hundred miles. Shang Xia just followed the direction where the secret message talisman flew, and it didn't take long before he saw a redwood forest appearing in the distance. on a hillside.

At this time, Shang Xia had just crossed a hill, and from a distance, he saw a figure from another direction, also heading towards the location where the redwood forest was, using light body skills to rush.

"Could it be that other clansmen have also received the fifth uncle's secret talisman?"

Shang Xia was puzzled, and thought to himself that there were no more than ten people participating in the battle this time, and it was unlikely that they would be within a radius of more than a hundred miles, so they gathered three people together with Fifth Uncle, and it was also unlikely that Shang Ke would be like a prophet , released two or more secret message symbols in one breath.

But if this is not the case, then it means that Shang Ke is not the only one who discovered the fourth-order alien monkey group in the Redwood Forest.

The figure in the distance heading straight towards the redwood forest in the opposite direction probably also came after being summoned by others.

You must know that Shang Ke himself is a Tier 4 warrior, which means that the person who sent the message at least has the strength to compete with Shang Ke.

In other words, there may be more than one Tier 4 warrior in the Redwood Forest at this time.

Shang Xia's originally excited mood calmed down suddenly.

Through the "Heaven and Man Response Chapter", Shang Xia once again restrained his own energy, and Shang Xia followed the surroundings on the hills.

Covered by the terrain and vegetation and rocks, he fell far behind that figure, and followed this person all the way to the direction of the redwood forest.


If the previous battle to return to the Two Worlds Battlefield was due to the cooperation of all forces in Youzhou under the leadership of Tongyou Academy, then when this battle is won and Tongyou Academy successfully regains a foothold in the Two Worlds Battlefield, Next, the forces of all parties will seek some benefits for themselves.

It was after this battle that Shang Ke successfully found this piece of redwood forest, and found a fourth-order alien beast monkey king and its group in the forest.

Because there was an entire group of people to rely on, and the monkeys were flexible and difficult to kill, it was naturally impossible for Shang Ke to deal with the group of monkeys alone.

But then Shanke noticed that under the command of the Monkey King, the monkey group was collecting all kinds of wild fruits and flowers, and it looked like they were fiddled with in a tree hole that had been dug out.

The legendary monkey wine flashed into Shanke's mind at once.

While his heart was burning, a thought flickered in Shang Ke's heart, which also made him immediately release the secret message talisman dedicated to the family.

After the secret talisman was released, it quickly found a direction and disappeared into the sky as a stream of light.

This made Shang Ke feel certain that what he was most afraid of was that there happened to be no clansman nearby, and the secret talisman would wander around like a chicken without a head, and then destroy itself.

Now that the secret talisman flew out successfully, it meant that there was a clan member of the merchant not far from him.

The next thing Shanke had to do was to hide his body, observe the movements of the monkeys secretly, and at the same time find the tree holes where the brewed monkey wine was sealed.

However, just after he found two tree holes that were suspected to contain monkey wine, he suddenly noticed that in another direction of the mangrove forest, there was also a brilliance rising, and then it turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the distance.

There are others in this mangrove!

Shan Ke's heart sank. Although he had tried his best to restrain his energy before, he couldn't help but hibernate again at this time, and at the same time, he focused most of his attention on searching for another warrior who broke into the mangrove forest.

At the same time, I secretly rejoiced that I should be the one who came first, otherwise the other party would not have made another discovery after discovering that he had issued the secret message talisman.

While focusing on searching for other warriors who entered the mangrove forest, Shanke also hoped that the clansman who received his message would not arrive too early.

Perhaps it was because Shang Ke's expectation really worked. When he sensed a third-order air machine rapidly approaching the redwood forest, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The visitor is not anyone from the merchant.

As this third-order qi machine entered the redwood forest undisguisedly, a voice sounded in the woods at the same time: "Elder Qi, this disciple has been ordered to arrive, please show yourselves!"

Shang Ke's heart moved, and he thought to himself: "Elder Qi? Could it be Qi Yunxiu, the fourth-rank martial artist from the Changbai Holy Land who came to the Battlefield of the Two Realms this time? That is, the one who broke into the Battlefield with the Changbai Divine Soldier Whisk, but turned into an advanced warrior. That Elder Changbai brought out by Ji Wenlong from the Fifth Heaven?"

With the end of the battle between Cang Yu and Cang Ling warriors in the two-world battle domain, the identities of the fourth-order warriors who entered the two-world battle domain from Changbai Holy Land have also been known to Tongyou.

It was just that as the voice of the visitor fell, the redwood forest was completely silent, and no one responded.


Wondering in his heart, he wondered to himself, could it be that his deeds had been noticed by others, that's why Qi Yunxiu didn't respond?

Thinking of this episode, Shang Ke quickly sensed the situation around him with his own will, but still found nothing.

When he sensed the third-level aura that just broke into the redwood forest again, he noticed that this person's aura was also restraining, but he didn't have the ability to hide his whereabouts from the induction of the fourth-level warrior.

Obviously, this Changbai disciple of the third heaven, after not getting any response from the fourth-rank elders of the sect, quickly realized that there were other unexpected dangers in this redwood forest.

However, at this moment, Shang Ke's face has gradually become more and more serious.

If Shang Ke's own whereabouts were not exposed and was noticed by the fourth-tier warrior who released the communication talisman after him, why didn't he respond after the third-tier warrior from Changbai Holy Land entered the redwood forest?

Now that the Tier 4 Alien Beast Monkey King and the monkey group have been discovered, there is no reason for the Tier 4 warrior to retreat without reason.

Then there is only one possibility, the third-level disciple of Changbai Holy Land who just came in was not recruited by the fourth-level warrior after Shang Ke!

But if this is the case, it means that there is another fourth heaven lurking in the redwood forest, and this person came to the redwood forest before Shang Ke, and it is the inner sect elder Qi Yunxiu of the Changbai Holy Land !

In other words, the Changbai Elder Qi Yunxiu who came to the Redwood Forest first, already knew that there were two other fourth-rank warriors lurking in the Redwood Forest, and they had never revealed their whereabouts, but he never wanted to be the disciple he recruited first. identity exposed.

In other words, now Qi Yunxiu already knew that there were two other fourth-tier fighters lurking in the redwood forest, but he didn't know their identities.

Shang Ke has also guessed that there are currently three fourth-tier warriors in the Redwood Forest, and Qi Yunxiu was the one who rushed to the Redwood Forest before him, and although he did not know the identity of the last fourth-tier warrior, his own identity Nor was it exposed.

Only the fourth-tier warrior who came last, although he knew that there was another fourth-tier warrior before him, and knew that this person's identity was Qi Yunxiu, did not know the existence of Shang Ke or his identity.

After carefully reviewing the current situation, Shang Ke suddenly found that although he was the second to come, he had an advantage in controlling the news.

Just how long this advantage can be maintained is still a question.

Once other members of the Shang family came, if they were the same as the Changbai disciple just now, not only would this advantage be gone, even Shang Ke's own identity would be exposed.

Now Shang Ke can only hope that the family members who came here will not be too reckless, let alone crash into the hands of the other two fourth-tier warriors.

In addition, what Shang Ke is most concerned about now is the identity of the third Tier 4 warrior.

Once this person is a Cangling warrior, it's okay, the left and right are just the side of the academy, or the other three major families, or the newly promoted fourth-order warrior Zhao Hengchun.

But once he is a fourth-tier fighter from the four major tribes of the Cangling side, the situation he faces will be very difficult.

As for whether this person is also Changbai Elder, Shang Ke doesn't think about it.

If there were really two Changbai elders in the Redwood Forest, why would everyone still be hiding from cats and cats? Those two Changbai elders would simply reveal their identities and expel Shang Ke directly.

Just when Shang Ke was thinking about the relationship, a familiar voice suddenly came from his ear: "Fifth Uncle!"

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