"You did very well!"

After Shang Xia's introduction was completed, Kou Chongxue said slowly, with a touch of emotion in his tone.

With a wave of Kou Chongxue's hand, twelve fourth-order martial talismans flew up and fell into Ji Wenlong's sleeve outside the pavilion.

"Send it outside the territory as soon as possible!"

Kou Chongxue nodded at Ji Wenlong.

Obviously, Ji Wenlong is controlling and guarding the passage to the continent outside the territory at this time.

Ji Wenlong said: "In such a hurry? It's been less than half a year since the void channel was opened last time. Opening it too frequently may have an adverse effect on the stability of the channel."

Kou Chongxue sighed: "I can't care so much! The collapse of the outer continent is just around the corner, and there may be the last large-scale outbreak of the origin of heaven and earth at that time, which will definitely trigger a large-scale melee. The timing of our intervention was originally It's too late, and the preparations are not enough. Once the melee breaks out, the relatively weaker side like me will definitely be expelled by all parties. After this batch of Tier 4 martial talismans is delivered, I am conveniently equivalent to being in the first wave of siege The addition of eight or nine Tier 4 Martial Talismans is enough to make all parties fearful."

Ji Wenlong thought for a while, and said, "Alright, I'll arrange it now!"

After all, Ji Wenlong's avatar returned to the ground and disappeared.

Seeing Ji Wenlong leave, Shang Xia couldn't help asking out the doubts in his heart: "Aren't your two fifth-order patriarchs participating in the snatching of that foreign continent?"

Kou Chongxue seemed to have guessed that Shang Xia would ask this question a long time ago, and he also intended to transmit and teach something to Shang Xia, and explained with a smile: "Which eye of yours didn't see the two of us participating in it? If it weren't for the two of us , how can you find and open up an astral void channel to the continent outside the territory, and maintain it for a long time? If there is no action by the two of us, who can send you to that continent? If there is no separation between the two of us, Guided by the sky, how to pull the broken land of that continent and land, and pass through the world barrier and fall into the Cangyu Realm?"

"Disciple is asking why you two didn't go to that foreign continent in person, even if it's just like the Yunshuijian battle, it would be good to lower the fifth-level original incarnation!"

Shang Xia asked again helplessly, he actually knew very well that Kou Chongxue knew what he wanted to ask.

Kou Chongxue pouted helplessly, and said: "The old man also wants to fight with others, but because of the loss of the origin of the world, the continent outside the region can't even maintain the barrier of the world, so how can the old man bear it?" The ancestor of the Martial Gang Realm? I am afraid that the whole continent will start to collapse completely when the old man sets foot in that world."

Shang Xia's eyes widened when he heard the words, he took a deep breath, and said, "You are so powerful that you can't even hold a whole world, and my disciple's admiration for you is like yellow...cough cough..."

"What are you panicking about?"

Kou Chongxue would be wrong.

Shang Xia hurriedly said: "Don't panic, don't panic! The disciple wants to ask why?"

Kou Chongxue sighed: "The endurance of one world is always limited. That world somehow destroyed the world barrier and exposed the entire continent to the star realm. The collapse is a foregone conclusion. And without the protection of the world barrier, this world can only bear the existence of fourth-level warriors at most, and fifth-level warriors have already exceeded the upper limit of the origin of the continent."

After hearing the words, Shang Xia thought for a while and said, "In other words, in essence, the outer continent and Cangyu Realm are actually missing a layer of world barrier protection?"

Kou Chongxue was slightly taken aback, and said: "Actually... before the two realms of Cangyu and Cangling merged, you can almost say the same thing.

, but the Cangyu Realm itself still has some background. Although theoretically speaking, the warriors in the Wugang realm are already the limit that this world can create, but the number of warriors that can withstand the fifth level of heaven in worlds with the same upper limit can still explain the depth of the world. "

Kou Chongxue's words actually reveal a lot.

Shang Xia pondered for a moment, and then said: "You mean that there are actually levels between different worlds, and this directly determines the upper limit that a warrior can achieve?"

"In this way, whether it is the Cangyu Realm or the Cangling Realm, they are actually world planes that are only a little higher than the outer continent."

"However, once the Cangyu and Cangling worlds are fused, will the essence of the newly fused world, or the level, be improved?"

"And this is why you have been fighting against Cangyu Wuxiu for the past twenty years, but now you have limited cooperation? Because you have learned this secret later."

"And once the entire plane of the Cangyu Realm has been promoted, it means that the martial arts path above the fifth heaven has been fully released to the warriors of the new world, and you will have an advanced sixth heaven in the future, or even higher. A chance to cultivate?"

Kou Chongxue in the pavilion sat up straight at some point, looked at Shang Xia with piercing eyes, and said, "You are much sharper than I imagined!"

Shang Xia sighed: "It's useless to know these now, this is a question that the fifth-order ancestors should consider."

Kou Chongxue sighed: "That's right, because of this, the Cangling Realm invaded more than 20 years ago."

Shang Xia frowned, and said: "You mean that the invasion of the Cangling Realm was originally planned by some fifth-order ancestors? Could it be because of the remnants of the five surnames of the Chinese Rose Society..."

Kou Chongxue sneered, and said: "The five families with multiple surnames don't even have a fifth-level heavenly warrior, and they can't even penetrate the barriers of the world. How can they communicate with the outer world? It's just pushed by some people to replace the dead ghost. Just know it."

Shang Xia took a breath and said: "The Cangling Realm invaded, the five frontier states were severely damaged, the population lost hundreds of millions, and Youzhou almost fell to the ground, and behind all of this are those fifth-order The promotion of the ancestors?"

"Do you feel very angry, very cold-blooded, very chilling?"

Kou Chongxue had a strange mocking smile on his face, and said: "Unknowingly, the fate of the five states has been decided by some people. However, in the eyes of these people, all these sacrifices are worth it. Because once the two The fusion of worlds is completed, the promotion of the world is completed, and the limit that martial arts can achieve is further improved, and the shackles of the sixth heaven will be released. For this reason, what is the death of some insignificant populations and barren regions? "

Shang Xia said in a deep voice: "You have advanced to the fifth heaven more than twenty years ago. It is hard to believe that you only knew this secret after twenty years."

Kou Chongxue glanced at him, seemed to understand the doubts in his heart, and then said: "Of course, the old man has known about the integration and promotion of the world, but the old man has always thought that it was the Cangling Realm who promoted this matter, at least they are the ones who are responsible for this matter." Things are mostly behind the scenes..."

Shang Xia was stunned and said, "So, in those twenty years, you established Tongyou College not only to protect Youzhou, but also to prevent the Cangling Realm from invading the Cangyu Realm, or 'annexation'?"

Kou Chongxue sighed: "That's right, and the old man has done a pretty good job, so the old man has become a thorn in the side of his own people!"

Shang Xia's heart moved, and he said: "The integration and promotion of the two worlds is the solid foundation for high-level warriors on both sides.

There is a tacit understanding, and your existence prevents, or at least hinders and delays this process, so there is the siege against you in 843 of the Shenwu calendar? "

Kou Chongxue nodded and said, "Not bad!"

Shang Xia said again: "And you only understood the whole reason after this battle. You know that the fusion of the two worlds is the general trend. Even you Kou Shanchang can't be a car with your arms, so you deviated from your original intention and chose In order to cooperate with the old enemy Cangling Realm Changbai Holy Land?"

When Shang Xia talked about the later, his tone gradually became a little bit hostile, with a hint of questioning.

Kou Chongxue laughed "haha" and said, "Do you think I've fallen for them?"

Kou Chongxue used "I" in this sentence, obviously asking Shang Xia on the same level as him.

Shang Xia calmly said: "It's not the Cangling Realm that nearly fell to the frontier five states, but the forces behind the fusion of the two realms; it's not the instinct of the plane world's promotion that makes the five frontier states miserable, but the power behind it." The fifth-level ancestors who promoted this matter. In the face of these fifth-level ancestors, even though you have high combat power, you still have no advantage in cultivation, so you need to be promoted to the sixth heaven. For the same reason, if you want to deal with The forces of all parties also need more companions to help, so you also need to assist Deputy Shanzhang Ji, my grandfather, and more like-minded people with you to improve their cultivation and grow together."

Kou Chongxue clapped his hands in the pavilion and laughed loudly, saying: "Miaozai, Miaozai! I don't want you, a junior, but you understand me!"

At this time, Shang Xia suddenly said: "In this case, please allow me to go to that continent outside the region."


Kou Chongxue categorically refused: "Using your ability as a great talisman master to make more fourth-order martial talismans is your greatest contribution to our plan for the outer continents."

Shang Xia asked back: "Can you still get fourth-order talisman paper now?"

Kou Chongxue looked stunned, and said: "It doesn't have to be a Tier 4 martial talisman, but a Tier 3 martial talisman with a lower quality. If the timing is right, it can also be effective in the hands of a Tier 4 warrior."

Seeing this, Shang Xia said directly: "How do you always think the strength of the disciple?"

Kou Chongxue was taken aback, and said, "When it is above the second level of the fourth level, it is barely equal to the third level of the fourth level?"

Shang Xia was noncommittal about Kou Chongxue's assessment, but continued to ask: "What if disciple Linyuan Divine Sword is in hand?"


Kou Chongxue suddenly recalled that during the battle of Yunshuijian, Shang Xia had attacked the fifth-rank patriarch Feng Yezi twice.

Although due to the absolute difference in cultivation base, Shang Xia's two sabers never hurt Feng Yezi at all, but it is undeniable that those two saber styles are really amazing even in the eyes of the fifth-order patriarch.

Seeing this, Shang Xia hit the rails while it was hot: "Shan Zhang, no one knows the situation of these fourth-level warriors in the academy better than you. Apart from my grandfather and deputy head Yun, there is still one person who has smelted three natal spirits? And the fourth-level How big is the difference between the second level and the third level of the fourth level? It can be said that among all the fourth-level sky warriors in that foreign continent, this courtyard is equivalent to only two senior warriors leading a group of novices. Forces compete."

Seeing that Kou Chongxue was still not letting go, Shang Xia continued to add firewood and fire: "The fourth-level martial talismans made by disciples seem to be quite a lot, but in fact they are only for fourth-level martial artists whose cultivation base is below the second level. With strong deterrent power, if you really want to face warriors who have smelted more than three natal spirits, the effect of these martial talismans will drop sharply."

Kou Chongxue finally sighed: "Hey, go ahead, you should be more careful in everything, so you can take care of yourself!"

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