"Who are you?"

Cen Yu split the wind and snow in the sky with his phoenix wings, but he still couldn't find the person who killed the crown, so he immediately poured out his anger on the girl who had just escaped from the bound spirit rope that had lost control. On Yan Su'e.

"In that case, you go to die!"

In any case, the purpose of the mysterious opponent who attacked and killed the crown must have something to do with rushing to help Yan Su'e.

Cen Yu just put Yan Su'e to death, not worrying about that person not showing up.

At the same time, at the moment when Yan Su'e was bound by the binding rope, Liu Yu, another fourth-tier and fourth-level cultivation base, had the opportunity to kill Yan Su'e, but because the crown was instantly annihilated by the quadruple snow tide There were no bones left but fear in his heart, not only did not seize the great opportunity, but he hurriedly approached Cen Yu in mid-air in an attempt to seek shelter.

Liu Yu knew very well that even if she attacked Wang Guan herself without any defenses, she would never be able to kill him in such a short time.

The strength of the visitor is definitely above her, perhaps only Senior Cen Yu can compete!

Although Cen Yu was annoyed at Liu Yu's retreat at the critical moment, he couldn't care less in the current situation, so he just tried his best to chop off Feng Chi Bo in the air.

Fortunately, Yan Su'e finally breathed a sigh of relief at this time, and she herself is also a figure of great accomplishment in the four heavens, no matter how embarrassing she is, she should not be underestimated.

I saw her holding the crutches in both hands and volleying in the air. Immediately, four evil lights twined and gradually merged into one. The falling phoenix wings are boring.

However, before Yan Su'e could breathe a sigh of relief, she heard a "click" sound, and under her astonished eyes, the crutch that had followed her for decades was split from it.

As if being hit hard, Yan Su'e opened her mouth and sprayed out a bloody arrow, and her whole body collapsed in an instant, and it was almost difficult to maintain her figure in mid-air.

However, just as Cen Yu continued his efforts several hundred meters away, causing Yan Su'e to completely lose her combat strength, Liu Yu who had joined him suddenly widened her eyes and looked behind him with horror: "Cen... ...Senior Cen, look over there!"

There was no need for Liu Yu to remind her, Cen Yu had already turned to look back the moment he saw her expression.

A few miles behind him, the diameter of the original beam of light that had been going straight to the sky and the earth suddenly shrank by nearly one-third, and not far from this beam of light, there was a person standing in the air, separated from the beam of original light The source of heaven and earth that came out was so rich to the extreme, it was attracted by some kind of container on this person, and it was continuously sinking into his body.

"It's that person!"

Cen Yu's face darkened, and he couldn't help but care about Yan Su'e who had been severely injured in the distance. When the phoenix wings slammed into the air, a strange flame burned in the void, and as the flame spread, a ray of fire was formed. Void portal, and then he stepped into this portal under the eyes of Liu Yu who tried to block it but failed.

Flesh across the void!

This is what Shang Xia once did with the help of martial talismans, and now he saw with his own eyes that someone did it again without having advanced to the fifth heaven, and this person obviously did not use any external force.

Shang Xia immediately interrupted Sifangbei's almost greedy devouring of this beam of original light. The Linyuan knife stirred the surrounding void, and at the same time used the knife's momentum to attract the surrounding celestial phenomena. With the help of this snow peak mountain range, the wind and snow poured in again. , and it is pervasive, suddenly the coldness of the world suddenly appears, and the meaning of death suddenly rises, but it seems that it has not risen to the extreme,

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It's more like it's gaining momentum.

At the same time, Shang Xia's figure retreated sharply in mid-air, even forcibly suppressing the restlessness of the Sifangbei in his mind, away from the original beam of light.

And at this moment, Cen Yu's figure fell from the void in some embarrassment, and he immediately caught Shang Xia's aura.

Although Cen Yu was slightly surprised by Shang Xia's prophetic foresight, this distance was far from enough to avoid his blow.

Following Cen Yu's violent vibration of the weapon in his hand, amidst the trembling and moaning sound, a completely fused evil spirit poured in, and in an instant, a raging flame that looked half solid and half empty blazed on the body of the Phoenix Wing. on fire.

As he bore the phoenix wings in the void and drew an arc, a strange half-solid and half-empty flame remained along the way, as if spreading a pair of wings flowing with flames in mid-air.

And when Feng Chi Tang cut another arc slowly and quickly, another wing that was flowing with flames also opened.

The moment the wings were outlined in the void in front of Cen Yu, they formed a tacit understanding in the mid-air as if with spiritual wisdom, and then the wings trembled slightly. The pair of flame wings instantly split the void, leaving a trail from the void to the sky. The strange streamer reflected from outside chased behind Shang Xia.

"Martial arts supernatural power, this is the martial arts supernatural power of the fourth heaven!"

Yan Su'e, who was not far behind Shang Xia, shouted loudly, her tone full of fear.

In an instant, Shang Xia sensed a great crisis and fell behind him, and Yan Su'e's exclamation had already reached his ears.

The flames burst into the sky!

This is the name of the martial arts supernatural power that Cen Yu comprehended when he advanced to the fourth level of great perfection.

This supernatural power is very powerful. Not only is it extremely difficult for a fourth-level celestial warrior to practice, but even after it is practiced, it is extremely difficult to use it. Usually, it is necessary to use a high-quality weapon that is quite compatible with its supernatural power to be able to use it. The power can be brought out as much as possible.

But even so, the fault is not that there is a magic weapon in his hand. After any weapon is used in his hands, it will cause great damage to the body.

Even with the top-notch sharp weapon in his hand, the Phoenix Wing Boring, he might only be able to last three or five times with all his strength, and the power is still increasing with the increase in the number of times. decrease.

This is also the fundamental reason why Cen Yu is so reluctant to use this martial arts supernatural power when he is fighting with others.

At this time, Cen Yu cast "Sky Flame Splitting the Sky", not only because Shang Xia's displayed strength made him afraid, but more importantly, he wanted to free up his hands as soon as possible to solve the problem of the original beam of light.

As for Liu Yu, another master who had joined Cen Yu, his face was also full of shock when he saw Senior Cen displaying the magical power of "Sky Flame Splitting the Sky".

"To actually force Senior Cen to display this supernatural power, this person is dead! No, it is these two people who are dead, for sure!"

Liu Yu looked at Shang Xia, who was hundreds of feet away, and Yan Su'e, who was farther away, as if he was looking at a dead person.

She didn't even need to do extra things, she only needed to watch the two of them be destroyed by the supernatural power of "Sky Flame Breaking the Sky".

Even without Yan Su'e's reminder at this time, Shang Xia knew that she was in big trouble.

Shang Xia once heard from Shang Bo that if the fourth-level celestial warrior will usher in a leap in strength when he smelts the third natal spirit, then when the warrior completes the transition from the fourth-level Dacheng to the Dzogchen After that, what warriors will usher in may be a qualitative change in realm.

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And this kind of qualitative change is very likely to be related to promotion to the fifth heaven. In a sense, this realm can even be called "half-step martial arts realm", a vulgar but extremely vivid title.

Shang Xia firmly believes in Shang Bo's words, because Shang Bo himself is also a "half-step martial arts realm" who has comprehended the supernatural powers of the fourth-level heavenly martial arts. The personal experience of strength changes naturally has great persuasive power.

Looking at the pair of flaming wings that burned through the void and rushed towards him in an instant, Shang Xia became more dignified than ever at this time. The pair of wings dancing with golden flames looked extremely gorgeous, but they couldn't hide the beauty behind them. dangerous.

And at the moment when Shang Xia put all his heart and energy into those pair of flame wings, it seemed that everything in the world became extremely sluggish.

At the same time, only Shang Xia with a cold face was left, and at this time, he slowly pushed out his palm.

Four Seasons Palm, or the "Four Elephants Palm" renamed by Shang Xia!

Pushing out this palm, the void in front of Shang Xia was first squeezed, then twisted, then shattered, until finally completely collapsed.

The whole process was clearly shown in Shang Xia's eyes, and then the Four Seasons Evil Yuan, which had also been integrated into one, collided with the flaming wings carrying the will to incinerate everything in the broken void.

I didn't expect a scene where the sky collapsed and the earth shattered. What I saw was just the mutual melting between the palm and the wings, and the annihilation of the void that would make one's scalp tingle at a glance.

However, the final result of the contest between the two was that Shang Xia's "Four Elephant Palms" were finally "burned out", while the pair of "Sky Flame Wings" only seemed to have faded from the dancing flames.

However, even so, Shang Xia's expression at this moment is not despair, but his eyes are shining with hope.

Because although all of this happened in a short moment, Shang Xia noticed that the "Four Elephant Palms" really blocked the "Tianyan Wings" in the void for a moment!

What does this mean?

This shows that although Shang Xia's "Four Elephants Palm" was crushed, it was not killed instantly!

There seems to be no difference between the two, but in fact they are fundamentally different.

The former is a lack of strength accumulation, while the latter is completely a gap in realm level.

Just like what Yun Jing and You Shang commented after seeing Shang Xia's "Four Elephant Palms" after being surprised, the "Four Elephant Palms" already possessed certain characteristics and embryonic forms of martial arts supernatural powers. .

In other words, the essence of "Four Elephant Palms" has already converged with Cen Yu's "Sky Flame Breaking the Sky", the only difference is that the accumulation of strength is still too weak.

But the "Four Elephant Palms" is taken from the alternation of the four seasons, the true meaning of endless life, but it can make Shang Xia hit the second palm and the third palm in a short period of time...

But Cen Yu's "Sky Flame Breaks the Sky" obviously couldn't send out a second or third blow in a short time...

As for whether Shang Xia would still have a chance to strike, he was not worried.

Because he didn't think that the old lady behind him who was also within the range of "Sky Flame Breaking the Sky" would be indifferent.

A clear and long cry made Shang Xia's somewhat familiar blood fiend fly into the air. Behind him, tens of feet away, a huge swift's dharma form faintly changed from imaginary to real, and then passed over Shang Xia's head. He slammed into the void, and slammed into the golden wings that had just been blocked by the "Four Elephant Palms", and the dancing flames were slightly decaying...

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