Gong Xinlan, Shen Baisong and the other four, relying on the increase of Shang Xia's original stellar qi, began to improve the joint attack formation handed down by the three major Dongtian sects.

Because time is tight, the invasion of Lingyu Realm may be brought at any time. Therefore, everyone is conducting adaptive exercises while improving the situation.

Maybe it's because of everyone's brainstorming, or maybe it's because Shang Xia's five elements have a wide adaptability that is unknown to everyone, in short, everyone's improvement of the battle situation seems to be extremely smooth.

And as the formation became proficient, Shang Xia also gradually became more proficient in the transformation of the origins of the people.

In the beginning, Shang Xia used the concept of five elements to amplify Gong Xinlan's Xinhuo fist alone, so that the power of her fist was only increased by 30%. Now, with the smooth operation of the five elements, the layers of accumulation, superposition, and promotion Under normal circumstances, in the case of any shot, it can guarantee that its power will be increased by about 50%.

Of course, behind such a huge increase is that Shang Xia needs to fully maintain the operation and generation of the five elements, and has no time to attack the enemy. This means that only four people in this five-person attack formation really attack the enemy.

And in this process, Shang Xia took himself as the center, and gradually built an invisible five-element qi circulation system in the inner circle of this formation.

In this circulatory system, Shang Xia collected the metal, wood, water, and fire-attributed primordial qi mechanisms scattered by the other four people, and then used the Wuji soil origin transformed by his own five elements as a guide to form a perfect His five-element intergenerational kung fu operating system echoes internally and externally with the five-element kung fu that has just built a framework in his body.

Under such circumstances, Shang Xia suddenly found that the speed of the Five Elements natal Yuan Gang in his body suddenly doubled, and he could faintly use the Five Elements Gang Qi gathered in his body to practice.

Although this method is not fast for improving the cultivation base, it must be known that Shang Xia does not have the corresponding Yuan Gang essence for refining at this time.

At this time, Shang Xia realized that after the successful construction of the Five Elements Kungfu, he could not only get rid of the restriction of the ten kinds of Yuangang essences of the five elements, but only need to refine any five kinds of Yuangang essences belonging to the five elements, and at the same time It can plunder the natal qi belonging to the five elements in the bodies of other fifth-level heavenly warriors for cultivation.

Especially the latter,

It seems to prove that the five-element exercise that Shang Xia is currently perfecting not only lowers the threshold for cultivation and promotion, but also appears to be very domineering!

However, Shang Xia quickly restrained his greed, and no longer secretly ingested other people's original stellar energy for self-enhancement. Instead, he began to use the stellar energy cycle constructed by the dual generation of the five elements in the body and outside the body to accelerate improvement and perfect himself. Create a five-element exercise system.

The opportunity is rare, and Shang Xia can even clearly perceive that the original stellar energy in the body will be shortened every time the cycle runs. The cycle of the cycle, which was originally nearly five hours, has been gradually shortened to four and a half hours after several cycles of improvement. hour...

However, Shang Xia did not enter this good state for a long time. As a little mysterious light in the depths of the starry sky suddenly grew stronger and crashed into the blocked starry sky like a sun falling, the invasion from the Lingyu Realm finally came. up.

"Comrades, please guard the airspace where you are located, and do not allow warriors from foreign domains to rush into our world!"

Accompanied by boundless profound light and tsunami-like void fluctuations, a voice was clearly transmitted to the ears of all the fifth-level sky warriors guarding the starry sky.

As the invasion of Lingyu Realm came, hexagonal night glass-like barriers emerged on the edge of this blocked starry sky, fading each other under the impact of infinite mysterious light.

Accompanied by the continuous sound of "creaking and creaking", cracks appeared on one or several of the void barriers composed of countless pieces of colored glaze from time to time. Gradually bridged under the circulation.

The boundless profound light outside the barrier is like ocean waves. After one tide is scattered, another tide surges from the depths of the void, and continues to hit the night-colored glass barrier.

This is the confrontation at the level above the sixth heaven!

The sound of surging and falling like tides, and the crisp sound like glass cracking, seemed to ring directly on the heartstrings of the warrior, every impact of the mysterious light tide, and every sound of the glass barrier The cracking seemed to viciously shake the minds of all the warriors.

Those warriors in the Wugang realm with relatively deep cultivation bases and foundations are fine, but newcomers like Shang Xia who have just advanced to the fifth heaven, after listening to it for a long time, can see it.

After a long time, it is inevitable that the heart will be shaken, and even the origin in the body will become unstable.

"Concentrate the mind, block the five senses, the confrontation between the sixth-level martial arts is beyond your comprehension!"

A loud shout came from the front of the starry sky. The person who spoke was obviously not a sixth-level existence, but a senior fifth-level master.

Several companions around Shang Xia, Gong Xinlan, Shen Baisong and others honestly looked away, and blocked or weakened their own perception.

Shang Xia, with his five elements originating from the real world, can greatly weaken the impact of the collision between the Xuanguang sea tide and the glazed barrier, but he obviously doesn't want to attract too much attention at this time, and he is also honest. He bowed his head down, but still retained most of his sense of divine will, paying attention to the long-distance struggle between the Lingyu world and the sixth-order existence of his own world across the starry sky.

As the upper realm, Lingyu Realm is obviously far beyond the new world after the fusion of Cangyu and Cangling, whether it is the world background or the number of existences above the sixth level.

However, after all, the sixth-order existence on the side of the Lingyu world shot at the infinite distance of the starry sky, and a considerable part of the power of the mysterious light wave was consumed in the process of void transmission.

On the contrary, although Shang Xia's new world has only three major cave sects, after all, they rely on their own world to defend, and they already have a geographical advantage. At present, they are barely able to block the invasion of the opponent's sixth-order existence. The starry sky world outside the surface world.

However, the Lingyu world is powerful after all, even if it comes to invade and attack across the infinite distance of the starry sky, it still firmly occupies the initiative, and as time goes by, the advantage it invades becomes more and more obvious.

The most remarkable thing is that when the Xuanguang sea tide hit the glazed barrier for the first time, those cracked glazed barriers could be healed calmly.

However, with the passage of time, the sound of "creaking" cracks in the starry sky became more and more intense, and the healing speed of the glazed barrier became slower and slower, and even gradually failed to catch up with the cracking speed.

If this trend continues, it may not be long before there will be "loopholes" appearing on the glazed barriers used to seal off the void.

The confrontation with the warriors of the Lingyu world is inevitable!


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