If it weren't for the joint attack formations coming forward to the three void passages, Shang Xia would have never imagined that nine joint attack formations gathered in this blocked starry sky at this time, a total of forty-five fifth-level sky warriors .

Shang Xia originally thought that if everything went well, judging from the situation where they guarded the rear area at the beginning, maybe they wouldn't be needed to make a move.

Who would have thought that it took so much effort before and after, and it was Shang Xia's turn to block the void passage with the five of them.

Shang Xia is in the center of the formation of five, and the other two have already solved the opponent's joint attack formation, ready to intercept the impact of the fourth wave of fifth-level masters from the Lingyu world in the three void passages.

In the process of flying towards the three void passages, Shang Xia looked at the other two joint formations that had already experienced a big battle.

One of these two formations was the first wave to intercept the masters of the Lingyu world. The five warriors who formed the formation were indeed all above the third floor of the fifth heaven, but at this time they did not look completely intact. One of them had a face like The gold paper and the front of the clothes were stained with blood, obviously the internal organs were seriously injured.

The other person has lost an arm, and at this time is using the incarnation of Yuanyuan Yuangang to re-condense an arm.

Obviously, the first three warriors from the Lingyu world who broke into this starry sky were the real top five heaven masters. Even if they were finally suppressed by the five together, they paid a huge price.

In fact, if the five-person combined attack could fight steadily, they could completely sack and kill the opponent without any damage.

However, what our side lacks most now is time. After all, the number of their fifth-level celestial warriors is limited. If they cannot free up their hands in a very short period of time to continue to block the void passage, Lingyu Realm can rely on the limited number of fifth-level celestial warriors. Accumulate advantages, and gradually crush your own world!

Therefore, it is not that they do not know what is the best choice, but because they have no choice at all.

The other combined attack formation is one of the three formations that intercept the warriors in the Lingyu world in the second wave. The warriors who make up these three formations are mostly between the second and third floors of the fifth heaven.

However, compared to the first wave of three combined attacks that blocked the void passage, their luck was much better, because they happened to meet two warriors from the Lingyu world who rushed out of the void passage, but these two They were all at the second level of the Fifth Heavenly Layer, so the five of them quickly killed one, seriously injured the other, and made them lose their combat power.

When Shang Xia was observing these two formations, he didn't know that the people in the other two formations also saw Shang Xia and the other five.

"Don't fight recklessly, just hold them back, and wait for others to free up their hands to help you!"

The first wave of five-person combined attack obviously judged from the aura of Shang Xia and the others that they were all newly promoted warriors in the Wu Gang realm.

"Do your best!"

The leader of the five-person formation in the second wave only sent this sentence to Shang Xia and others from a distance.

Obviously, these two groups of people are not very optimistic about the joint attack formed temporarily by Shang Xia and other five-level heavenly warriors who are all newly promoted.

From their point of view, people like Shang Xia might not have even practiced the most basic fifth-level kung fu for a few cycles after they advanced to the fifth level, and they probably didn't have much time to study fifth-level martial arts.

However, in fact, the actual situation of the five people including Shang Xia was worse than they expected. Among these five people, when it comes to age, Shang Xia is naturally at the bottom.

But when it comes to the length of time to advance to the fifth heaven, I'm afraid Shang Xia will be ranked first!

Because only one of the five people advanced to the fifth heaven before the origin of the two realms was unified, and the other four took advantage of the large-scale origin of the unification of the two realms and the original will of the world. When he had no time to care, he successfully completed the advanced stage.

But Shang Xia's Five Elements Realm cultivation method needs to be created by himself, and the same is true for the fifth-level martial arts. It can be said that the means he can display at this time are extremely limited.

Compared with him, the situation of the other four may be better. At least like Yi Jingzi and Shen Baisong, two heroes who came from the sect of the Holy Land of the Cangling Realm, they will definitely have ready-made fifth-order exercises and martial arts. For selection and reference, Gong Xinlan and Yu Furen may not be people without roots.

This is also one of the reasons why Shang Xia chose to expose a part of his original qi from the very beginning.

All kinds of thoughts flickered in Shang Xia's mind, but in fact, it took only a moment before and after, and the three formations had already come close to the three void passages.

Almost at this moment, the void passage in front of him suddenly had another mysterious light brewing. Accompanied by the invisible space vibration, two escaping lights rushed out of the void passage facing Shang Xia and others with the mighty body guard Yuan Gang. out.

"Two people, the third of the fifth rank and the second of the fifth rank!"

This time is not the time to hide clumsiness, Shang Xia took the lead in reminding the four companions around him with the help of his broader and sharper perception of spirit.

Not only Shang Xia, but the other four companions also changed their complexions wildly when they heard that someone was cultivating.

Obviously, after the previous three waves of fifth-level masters' trials, the warriors in the Lingyu Realm on the opposite side have already had a certain judgment on the tolerance limit of the void channel, and transported two people at once, with one person's cultivation level as the third level of Wugang Realm and one person's cultivation base. The combination for the second level of Wugang Realm is the best.

"Attack that fifth-order second first!"

Gong Xinlan roared loudly, and took the lead in gaining momentum.

The others didn't speak, but they all acquiesced to Gong Xinlan's words.

Facing the two masters of the Lingyu world whose cultivation base and combat power are far above them, only by concentrating on defeating the weakest one first can we free up our hands to deal with the strongest one.

Shang Xia's heart moves at will, and the source of the five elements spreads out from the center of itself, forming a huge five-color halo, which is respectively connected with the protective qi of Gong Xinlan, Shen Baisong, Yi Jingzi, and Yu Furen. A superficial five-element Yuangang cycle has been built, which can complete mutual leverage and increase.

And at this very moment, Gong Xinlan let out a snarl and took the lead in punching the air. The fiery punch directly burned through the void, like a stream of fire directly facing the fifth-level second-level cultivator who had just stepped out of the void passage. Go for the warriors in the Lingyu world.

And the moment Gong Xinlan punched out, the five-element yuangang ring Shang Xia maintained reacted accordingly, and the rich wood element was perfectly integrated into her fist, just like a fire cooking oil, It made her fist power increase by 40% to 50% out of thin air, and the stream of fire burned even more intensely.

At the same time, Shen Baisong and Yi Jingzi also made their own moves, and Shang Xia also completed the timely conversion of the five elements' original qi almost at the same time.

The wooden ruler in Shen Baisong's hand pierced through the void, but suddenly became a little more flexible, which made his blow more varied.

Meanwhile, Yi Jingzi's golden dagger is not only quick and fierce, but also thicker, and this thicker makes his knife style more swift and sharp.

When the three void passages broke through the glazed barrier, the layout behind the blocked starry sky was vaguely seen by the higher-ups of the spirit world.

After dispatching three waves of masters to break into it, the senior leaders of Lingyujie have already understood their response methods.

The fourth wave dispatched the six fifth-tier masters who broke into this sealed starry sky, all of them were matched with a fifth-tier third-tier warrior and a fifth-tier second-tier warrior.

When the two masters of the Lingyu world in the void passage saw Shang Xia and the other five people who intercepted them in front of them, they felt that the two of them were lucky to the extreme. The little guys from the advanced fifth heaven have all been sent out.

"Today is the right time for you and me to break the game!"

The two Lingyu world masters looked at each other, and they could see the joy in each other's eyes.

The Lingyu Realm expedition to the Cangyu and Cangling Realms, because they knew in advance that there are sixth-order existences in these two realms, so they naturally understand that this battle will inevitably suffer losses. All promised high rewards.

However, before the two of them could walk out of the void passage, the five fifth-layer novices blocking the exit of the passage had already shot towards them.

Well, it was aimed at one of the two of them.

The master of the Lingyu world who has practiced the three natal Yuangang couldn't help but laugh out loud "hehe" at his companion,

"Being treated as a soft persimmon, Brother Xie only needs to break the situation, but remember to leave that plump, mature woman with outstanding temperament, Brother Xie to me!"

The martial artist from Lingyu Realm, who possessed two natal Yuangangs, immediately took a fancy to Mrs. Yu, who was in the formation of five people attacking together, and there was a hint of greed | lewdness in his eyes.

"Hehe, Brother Wu, let's play with these children, and wait for Xie... No, be careful!"

The expression of the warrior surnamed Xie who had just stepped out of the void passage changed, and he quickly reminded his companions who went forward.

However, it was too late for him to remind. By the time the martial artist surnamed Wu realized that the attack in front of him was wrong, he had already lost the opportunity to evade.

The warrior surnamed Xie behind him was about to help, but before he could react, a pair of white sleeves pierced through the air, wrapping around his body.


The martial artist surnamed Xie roared angrily, and the protective qi around his body suddenly expanded outwards, trying to burst the water sleeve.

Unexpectedly, he obviously misjudged the tenacity of Mrs. Yu's water sleeve. With the blessing of Shang Xia's Five Elements Origin, Mrs. Yu's sleeve's prestige far exceeded the limit that a fifth-level first-tier warrior could achieve.

Even though this limit was under the second eruption of the martial artist surnamed Xie's protective energy, it only lasted for two more breaths of time.

However, the time interval between these two breaths is enough!

Gong Xinlan's fist shook head-on with the martial artist named Wu, directly disintegrating the void that was sealed by the martial artist named Wu with the true source, although Gong Xinlan was also dizzy and pale from the shock of the blow .

Shen Baisong took advantage of the situation to attack, the moment the wooden ruler made of an unknown kind of wood pierced the void, it also cut open the body shield of the martial artist surnamed Wu.

Yi Jingzi's golden saber light disappeared in a flash, and he cut Wu Zhe in two sections along the right shoulder of the warrior surnamed Wu!


The second change, asking for a monthly pass!

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