The Linyuan Saber is a magic weapon!

Although it is a broken divine weapon, it is still superior to all top-grade sharp weapons and some so-called "demigod weapons" in essence.

However, it is such a thing that most fifth-level masters want but can't get, but in Shang Xia's hands at this time, he dislikes it because it is not suitable for use.

You must know that Shang Xia's cultivation base has changed from the first Yuan level to the current Five Elements level. He has almost never raised a level, so he has to choose a brand new weapon to practice a new martial art.

When he was in the One Yuan Realm, the martial skill Shang Xia cultivated was palm technique.

After he advanced to the Liangyi state, he changed to swordsmanship.

When he was promoted to the third talent realm, he chose the inheritance of the "God's Will Spear" passed down by the merchant's family.

And after he successfully carried out the Sisha fellow practitioners to set foot in the Sixiang Realm, he also created the "Twenty-Four Solar Terms Divine Sword" because he obtained the Linyuan Sword.

Now that he has forged the true source of the Five Elements and successfully advanced to the Five Elements Realm, it seems that he needs to create a whole new set of martial arts inheritance in addition to creating the Five Elements Kung Fu.

It's just that what kind of weapon needs to be selected this time needs to be adjusted according to the original characteristics of his five elements after he has perfected the exercises of the Five Elements Realm.

The warrior surnamed Xie had to be besieged by Shang Xia and others in his heyday, but now he failed to break through and was destroyed by an incarnation of Yuangang. The second level of cultivation, but in fact, the combat power has dropped significantly.

Among the five people including Shang Xia, although Shen Baisong and Mrs. Yu also suffered serious injuries, when Shang Xia started to take the initiative to attack, they could barely make up for the lost combat power of the two.

As a result, the situation of the warrior surnamed Xie became more and more embarrassing. Under the siege of the crowd, he was left and right, with several injuries added to his body, and his defeat was only a matter of time.

Immeasurable mysterious light suddenly gushed out from the four void passages that had not been moving for a long time, and the original energy from the Lingyu world surged out of them, and even almost broke up several nearby combined attack formations that were barely maintained.

Even so, in the end, two warriors from the Lingyu world broke through, although they still paid a certain price.

However, at this time, the combined attack formations guarding the four void passages had no time to worry about other masters in the Lingyu world. In the violent void tremor, there was a dull loud noise suddenly from the four void passages, and suddenly there was The majestic Yuangang Qi gushed out from it, and four figures appeared outside the void passage with immeasurable aura.

This time, only one person broke into each void passage, and there were only four people in total!

However, it was these four, the moment they appeared, the coercive aura that erupted almost swept across the space of thousands of miles in the sealed starry sky.

You must know that when the first three void passages pierced through the glazed barrier, the first wave of three masters from the Lingyu world who rushed out of them were all above the fifth and fourth level, and almost all of them could be regarded as five heavens. Top players.

However, even when those three people appeared at the beginning, they never set off a grand power like the four people in front of them.

So what level of cultivation and combat power have the four who just appeared have reached?


A loud shout resounded through the starry sky, and at the same time solved the doubts in Shang Xia's heart at once.

The four brilliance, which makes people feel palpitating just by looking at it, burst through the air, and slashed straight towards the four combined attack formations waiting near the four passages.

And at the moment when the brilliance soared into the sky, Shang Xia's divine sense perception keenly sensed its essence: it is formed by the condensation of five original qi!

The fifth level of the fifth level, the cultivation base of the fifth level!

Those four masters have all practiced the five natal Yuan Gang, and their cultivation base has reached the fifth level of the fifth order, and they may even be the ultimate masters of the Wu Gang Realm!

And they are fifth-tier and fifth-tier warriors who each hold a magic weapon!


"Get out!"


There were mournful roars from the four joint attack formations.

The fifth-order fighters from Cangling and Cangyu worlds who formed a joint attack formation used the greatest strength in their lives to agitate the original source in their bodies, and pulled out a series of original source qi in the starry sky, which was enough to penetrate the space, and fled in different directions.

No one dared to block the charged blows of the four top-level fifth-level masters who were armed with divine weapons, even though the warriors who formed the joint attack formation also had one or two masters with cultivation bases above the fifth level and the fourth level.

The brilliance that spanned thousands of miles fell in different directions, cutting the space near the four void passages into pieces.

The four combined attack formations collapsed on the spot, and at least four five-level masters from the Cangyu and Cangling worlds, even if they separated all the Yuangang incarnations, they could not exchange for the deity to escape, and eventually died under the divine soldiers.

The Cangyu and Cangling worlds have set up nine joint attack formations in this sealed starry sky, even if they have been attacked by more than 20 experts from the Lingyu world, they can manage to maintain it until now.

However, the moment these four top fifth-level masters in the Lingyu world made their moves, four of them collapsed on the spot, which directly triggered a chain reaction, causing the remaining five to collapse on their own.

And there are only two remaining formations that can barely maintain their formation. One of them is because they have just completely killed the besieged masters of the Lingyu world. It was because of the increase in strength brought about by the super-strong vitality channeling that the other four people in the formation had a deeper awareness than the others that leaving their companions would definitely lead to a worse death.

What's more, the martial artist surnamed Xie who was being besieged by them was really at the end of his battle at this time, and it was impossible for the five of them to give up the chance to kill the enemy because of the changes in the situation that had not yet affected them.

When Gong Xinlan took advantage of Madam Yu's only remaining water sleeve to wrap around one leg of a martial artist surnamed Xie, restraining his figure for a moment, she directly punched the air and smashed the weak protective energy around him. At this time, Yi Jingzi finally seized the opportunity calmly this time, and plunged the golden dagger in her hand into the opponent's heart.

Even so, the few people didn't make any mistakes at this time, Shen Baisong directly threw the wooden ruler in his hand, and when the martial artist surnamed Xie suddenly broke away from a complete figure, the wooden ruler happened to hit The back heart of this figure.

The intact figure stripped from the body of the martial artist surnamed Xie immediately stagnated in mid-air, Madam Yu pulled out the water sleeve from the lifeless body, wrapped it around the neck of the stripped figure again, And Gong Xinlan punched in the air again, and directly accompanied by the sound of "click", the head of this figure fell to the back.


Several people breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and Yi Jingzi also pulled out the golden knife that was originally stuck in the chest of the Yuan Gang double.

But at the moment when the golden knife left the chest of the body, the double, which should have been dead, suddenly opened its eyes...

However, at this moment, a brilliant and colorful brilliance cut into the battle group surrounded by four people, directly submerging the body that was supposed to be a "stand-in", but suddenly opened its eyes!

"How did you find out?"

Shen Baisong took a look at what they thought was the body of the martial artist surnamed Xie, which was gradually turning into a ball of brown slime. Instead, it should be the body of Yuan Gang's incarnation, but it was caught by Shang Xia's special colorful Gang Qi. After cutting off the head, blood was oozing out.

Obviously, the four of them were almost going to be deceived by this warrior surnamed Xie again.

In order to escape, this person did not hesitate to take Yi Jingzi's seemingly fatal knife with his real self, making people mistakenly think that he used Yuan Gang's incarnation to "replace his life", so that everyone's attention was focused on the stripped " This deity", but in fact it is the last remaining Yuangang incarnation, and it is almost about to let this person succeed.

Shang Xia smiled and said: "Maybe it's because the bystanders can see clearly. You fight hard, and you are in the middle of the game, so it's not easy to notice this person's tricks. I have never personally participated in the battle, but it is easy to see this person's plan."

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