"The old man is here to buy you time!"

Kou Chongxue's incarnation of Huo Xing Yuangang gave orders to Shang Xia.

Shang Xia's expression froze when he heard the words, and he said, "Buy time? Could it be..."

Yuan Gang's avatar glanced at the direction outside the Forbidden Land, "Hehe" chuckled and said, "There are more than one Yuanchen faction there!"

Standing on the edge of Xinggao Cauldron's mouth, Shang Xia just glanced into the middle of the tripod's mouth, only feeling that the bottom is as deep as the sea, but it seems to have a strange attraction for him, urging him to jump off quickly.

Shang Xia quickly moved his eyes away from the mouth of the tripod, and looked at the back of Yuan Gang's avatar who had come to the edge of the platform.

At this time, the incarnation of Huo Xing Yuangang seemed to be making some kind of preparations. Shang Xia could already sense that the Qi of Yuangang in the opponent's body was skyrocketing, which had already far exceeded the limit that an incarnation of Yuangang could bear.

Obviously, before Kou Chongxue left, in order to prevent some kind of accident from happening, he kept some kind of backhand on him.

Shang Xia's heart moved, and he said: "Shan Zhang, if no one from the disciples or the academy can come here this time, what are you going to do?"

Yuan Gang's incarnation didn't turn his head, and said in a difficult tone: "You see it now!"

Shang Xia nodded, jumped off the edge of the huge tripod, and disappeared into the mouth of the tripod.

"Clatter——, clatter——"

The sound like ocean waves echoed in Shang Xia's ears.

Opening his eyes in the emptiness and silence, Shang Xia turned around at will in the void, and Shang Xia was a little lost for a while, let alone being able to distinguish the direction here.

However, he soon woke up from the trance, immediately started to run the five elements in his body, and everything around him seemed to return to his perception in an instant.

The origin of heaven and earth is so viscous that it almost becomes the essence of heaven and earth.

At this moment, he seemed to be soaked in a piece of sea water that was completely condensed from the origin of heaven and earth... oh, well water.

When Shang Xia looked up, he saw a small sky above his head, which should be the mouth of Xinggao Ding, but it looked more like the mouth of a well.


The sound of the flowing water became louder and clearer, and Shang Xia suddenly realized that this piece of "origin well water" he was in was echoing the five elements in his body. Seeing that the five elements in his body are running more smoothly, the original water around him will be more joyful.

In just this moment of effort, Shang Xia felt that the Five Elements Gang Qi that he had consumed on the way had already recovered by seven to eighty-eight.

At this time, Shang Xia suddenly remembered that Kou Chongxue's Huoxing Yuangang incarnation mentioned that the method of driving Xinggao Ding was engraved on the inner wall of the Xinggao Ding, and he could see the empty and quiet space around him, and he couldn't see the inner wall at all. location.

And maybe it was because he felt something in his heart, or because he was running the five elements in the cauldron, accompanied by the sound of the flowing water of the original source, the water of the original source splashed with his original aura splashed one after another. The characters around him condensed into multi-colored characters, which were just a formula for driving the original holy weapon.

"Is it just that you are trying your best to overflow the original water accumulated in the Xinggao cauldron from the mouth of the cauldron?"

Although Shang Xia was puzzled in his heart, he had already begun to perform exercises according to the records of this formula.

According to the record in the formula, the original holy artifact can be directly connected with the original sea of ​​this world, and this connection is not as simple as the connection between the secret realm of the blessed land and the original source of the world, because Xinggao Ding can be directly connected to the sea of ​​origin in the Cangsheng Realm. Borrow strength from the sea of ​​origin!

In other words, if the person driving Xinggao Ding has enough ability, he can even use Xinggao Ding as a medium to borrow part of the power of the world of Cangsheng Realm!

That is the original power of a world, even though it is only a very small part!

This allowed Shang Xia to have the most intuitive but superficial judgment and cognition of the power limit of the four sixth-order existences of the four major Dongtian sects in the first place.

"So, generally speaking, as long as I run the Five Elements Cultivation Technique with all my strength to trigger the 'resonance' with the 'Original Water' from the inside out, the stronger the 'resonance' is, the more I can use the original holy vessel as a medium, The more origins of heaven and earth that are 'borrowed' from the sea of ​​origins in Cangsheng Realm, the more origins of heaven and earth will emerge from Xinggao Cauldron at that time!"

After Shang Xia carefully considered the formula and made a brief attempt, he roughly understood what he should do next.

At the same time, he also understood why Kou Chongxue chose himself as the final executor when he planned this move.

After advancing to the fifth heaven, Shang Xia cultivated the five-element essence, which is best at manipulating the origin of heaven and earth.

Its control over the vitality of the heavens and the earth, and even the origin of the heavens and the earth, has even reached the point where even Kou Chongxue is amazed.

Especially when his self-created Five Elements Cultivation Method went from initial construction to continuous improvement to final completion, Shang Xia's control over the origin of the heaven and earth has gone a step further.

Therefore, in a sense, Shang Xia even has the self-confidence to give up the source of heaven and earth alone.

With the complete recovery of the exhausted Yuangang Qi in his body, Shang Xia began to put all his energy on the operation of the Five Elements Kung Fu.

Originally, the source of heaven and earth, which was just resonating like water splashes around his body, gradually began to form ring-shaped vortices around his body as he became more involved in the operation of the five elements, and the scope of this vortex is still growing. As it expands, more and more sources of heaven and earth are affected.

Ordinary warriors use the same method to drive Xinggao Ding, but due to the limitations of their own original energy and martial arts concepts, the effect of "resonance" that can trigger the origin of heaven and earth is not ideal.

Even for a top martial artist like Kou Chongxue who has reached the fifth level and fifth level, in the process of driving the origin of heaven and earth with the help of Xinggao tripod, the "resonance" that can arouse the origin of heaven and earth is only limited to the part of the same origin.

Even though Kou Chongxue has been consciously learning from Shang Xia's Five Elements concept later, it is impossible for him to be on a par with Shang Xia when his own martial arts path has been determined.

However, for Shang Xia, the connotation of the Five Elements concept is so extensive that it almost covers everything.

Although he himself only understands the superficial, in most cases, he just knows what it is and doesn't know why.

But just as far as the beginning is concerned, at the beginning of Shang Xia's entry into the Five Elements Realm, he laid the original foundation with ten kinds of Yuangang essence. times!

And when his self-created five-element exercises are constantly being perfected, from the ten foundational essences of the heaven and earth Yuangang, to only need to belong to the five elements of yin and yang, and then to not even need to be attached to the yin and yang, just need to belong to the five elements That's it, finally...

More and more origins of heaven and earth are affected by the "resonance" of Shang Xia's own five-element exercises, and a large number of origins of heaven and earth begin to respond and accept the guidance and drive of the origin of five elements.

And during this process, Shang Xia even vaguely felt that the essence of the Five Elements Yuangang was actively merging into his body.

The sound like the impact of running water resounded from the inside of the Xinggao Ding, and at first glance outside the Xinggao Ding, it seemed that the inside of the original holy vessel had boiled.

The incarnation of Huo Xing Yuangang, with his back to Xinggao Ding and facing the Forbidden Land, heard the movement behind him, and a smile suddenly appeared on his blurred face.

And at this moment, in the Dongtian ruins, the Beihai Xuansheng faction who were not far from the observatory suddenly stopped.

Lu Wuzi took out the round light mirror again, and as the slightly blurred scene on the mirror continued to change, the surrounding scenes of the Forbidden Land suddenly appeared on the mirror.

However, just when the general images of the two people appeared on the mirror, the two people in the mirror seemed to be aware of it. When the faces of the two suddenly turned around, two cold lights crossed and flashed faintly. The image in it was suddenly burst like a bubble.


Yun Lingzi asked cautiously from the side.

Lu Wuzi looked uncomfortable, and after pondering for a moment, he said in a deep voice: "Continue to go to the observatory!"

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