Shang Xia used the five-element seal formula again, condensing the five-element giant palm on the top of the warrior's head in Cangming Island, and even integrated the five-element ring of the magic weapon into it, directly covering the man's head and pressing it down.

The reason why the Cangming island warrior's expression changed drastically was because he found that the surrounding void was imprisoned, and even he himself seemed to be under tremendous pressure in an instant, and the disaster of extinction came in an instant.

Faced with the joint calculation of the two Lingyu warriors, Shang Xia used a "substitute talisman" to break the situation, and instantly suppressed the Cangming island warriors.

The Cangming Island warrior was naturally unwilling to kill him. Even though his body movement was greatly restricted, he still threw out a pendant with a drop of blood in the center at a critical moment.

The drop of blood on the pendant melted quickly, but immediately there was an aura that was almost the same as the warrior himself, as if there were two identical people in front of the divine perception. .

Not only that, but at the moment when the qi mechanism burst out, the force pressed down by the giant palm of the five elements was divided by two in an instant, and half of the power was wasted on the jade that only had the qi mechanism.

With the sound of "crackling", Peiyu had already been turned into powder, but because the pressure on Cangming Island warriors was suddenly reduced by half, they instantly found an opportunity to break the game.

The five-element giant palm that fell from the sky was pierced in an instant, and the figure of the warrior from Cangming Island soared into the sky, and he was about to join the warrior from Yuanfeng Cave again.

Shang Xia frowned, and pointed at the shattered five-element giant palm, the five-element ring was separated from it, and the five-color Yuangang aura swept across the body of the martial artist on Cangming Island, immediately causing the man to pause in mid-air.

The silver thunderbolt broke through and hit this person's forehead when there was no time to send.

The Cangming Island warrior yelled, and a burst of intensely concentrated Yuan Gang's original Qi exploded, and the violent shock wave spread and directly shook the void, even forcing Shang Xia to go forward to check the specific situation. As for the distance is even further The Thunderbird even dodged far away at the very first moment.

Shang Xia probed the void, and the five-element ring landed on the top of his head, and the five-colored qi scattered, and the turbulent void around him immediately calmed down, and continued to extend to further places.

At this time, Shang Xia was able to see clearly what happened just now.

The moment the warrior from Cangming Island was slashed in the forehead, at the cost of exploding himself as an incarnation of Yuangang, he escaped directly from the pincer attack of Shang Xia and Thunderbird, and now he has fled towards the depths of the void for more than ten years. inside and outside.

Moreover, after the warriors from Cangming Island escaped in this way, Shang Xia and the others were unable to harvest a ray of Yuangang essence from the opponent's destroyed Yuangang incarnation, which can be regarded as the opponent's sophistication.

Thunderbird's silver thunder light is not enough to make a fourth-level fifth-level expert pay the price of an incarnation of Yuangang, but it is enough to delay his fleeing figure, even if it is only for a moment, it is enough to trade. Xia Teng made another palm strike.

If this is the case, then what this person will lose is not just an incarnation of Yuan Gang.

Shang Xia missed the opportunity to make up the knife, and felt a little regretful in his heart. When he turned to look at another Yuanfeng Cave warrior, he found that this person had disappeared at some point. The void collapsed, and he got away from another direction and retreated.

Before the two joined forces, they failed to win Shang Xia, but now he has a fifth-order Thunderbird as his helper, and the other party has lost a Yuangang incarnation. Under the ebb and flow, the two foreign experts naturally feel that There is no need to continue fighting.

Shang Xia still didn't dare to be careless, until the body and aura of the two people completely disappeared from his perception, and then he turned to join Sun Haiwei and the others.

"Liu Jiaoyu, you woke up just in time, otherwise this battle will not end!"

After seeing Liu Qinglan, Shang Xia said, half happy and half lucky.

Liu Qinglan looked at Shang Xia and Shang Xia, and said in a tone of extreme surprise: "How long have I been in a coma since the cave relic was transmitted to now, and you have become so powerful?"

In fact, Liu Qinglan already knew the general process of the trip to the Cangyan Realm from Chu Jia, Sun Haiwei and others, but she was still extremely shocked when she saw Shang Xia fight against two top foreign warriors with her own strength.

In fact, not only Liu Qinglan, but also Chu Jia, Sun Haiwei and others were also inexplicably shocked when they saw Shang Xia fully displaying his full combat power.

After Liu Qinglan was seriously injured, she had already lost the possibility of advancing to the Fifth Heavenly Layer. She could have noticed it when she woke up, but Shang Xia didn't seem to care too much about it at this time, which was strange. Besides, he couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

"It's not too late, let's start as soon as possible, now we are not far from Youzhou."

Shang Xia smiled and said to everyone.

At this moment, Liu Qinglan waved her hand and said, "Don't be busy yet."

Shang Xia looked at her with some surprise, only to see Liu Qinglan pointed at the Thunderbird that fell back on his shoulder, and said, "Can I ask it to do me a favor?"

Shang Xia was startled and said, "What's the matter?"

Liu Qinglan said: "Let it go to the Wushan League to help Yin Wanxiang? Since the establishment of the Wushan League, it has established a good relationship with the college, and you have the relationship with your third aunt Shangpei. It is a good time to help If only relying on Yin Wanxiang alone, the Wushan League may not be able to catch the masters of Shangling Yujie."

Yin Wanxiang, the leader of the Wushan League, advanced to the fifth heaven as a loose warrior, and formed the Wushan League to successfully gain a foothold in the Taihang Mountains. He can be regarded as a talent with both talents and opportunities.

It's just that neither he nor the Wushan League itself has accumulated too much background because the time is too short. In this battle of the dome and the sky, if you are not careful, the entire Wushan League may fall apart.

Since the establishment of the Wushan League, it has been in contact with Tongyou College. The two sides have exchanged information, and the relationship between the two is relatively close. More importantly, the Wushan League is an important link used by Tongyou College to contain the Jizhou White Deer Sect. What's more, Shang Pei is still sitting as the Mountain Lord under Yin Wanxiang.

In terms of emotion and reason, there is no reason for Tongyou Academy to stand idly by.

Shang Xia thought for a while, took out a token from his cuff and tied it on Thunderbird's feet, and said: "Go to the owner of the token, you know her, protect her from accidents."

Although Shang Xia only asked the Thunderbird to find Shang Pei, as long as it found Shang Pei, it would naturally find the Wushan League, and helping Shang Pei was also helping the Wushan League.

Thunderbird blew loudly, its wings turned into a flash of lightning, and it flew towards the west side of Jizhou Sky Curtain and the border of Bingzhou.

After letting Thunderbird go, Shang Xia and his party continued to go north through the sky in Jizhou.

Perhaps it was because the deterrence caused by Shang Xia's repulsion of the two top warriors was too great, but everyone did not encounter too many obstacles in their journey.

On the way, Shang Xia and others also sensed the news of several battles and confrontations. It may not only be the White Deer Sect, but also masters from other families and forces in Jizhou who are also fighting against the invasion of the warriors from the Lingyu Realm.

However, Shang Xia and the others ignored them. Even if there were other masters in the Lingyu world spying on the group of people during the period, Shang Xia and the others ignored them and just marched northward. Resolutely fought back, and soon crossed the junction of the two states and entered the border of Youzhou.

Although the state territory of Youzhou has expanded a lot compared to the past, it is still the smallest state among the nearly twenty states in Cangsheng Realm, so the dome of Youzhou is also smaller.

After Shang Xia led a group of people into the Youzhou Tianmu area, he quickly felt the direction of several battles.

However, according to Shang Xia's perception, the situation of Tongyou Academy seems to be... not bad?

After Shang Xia came out of Jiaozhou, he passed the sky of Yuzhou, Yanzhou, and Jizhou all the way on the sky of the sky. The warriors of these three states seemed to have been fighting against the invasion of the warriors of Lingyu, but the situation seemed to be very embarrassing.

The fundamental reason why there has been no collapse and the casualties are within the tolerable range is because the local warriors can immediately enter the sky.

At the critical moment of life, the warriors in this world can avoid death in most cases as long as they stab under the sky.

It takes a lot of effort for Lingyu warriors to break through the sky, and even after breaking through the sky, they will soon be repelled and suppressed by the original will of the world, and even their own strength will drop a lot.

The high-level warriors in various states basically used this way of entering and exiting to maximize the geographical advantage of the local warriors, so that they were not crushed by the high-level warriors in the Lingyu Realm with absolute crushing strength.

But even so, in the end, more and more Lingyu warriors broke into the Cangsheng Realm.

The reason why the situation in Youzhou is better than that of other states is because the Youzhou sky curtain is small in size and located in a marginal area, so it has not been paid too much attention by warriors from outside domains.

At the same time, the strength of Youzhou warriors is single but they use sufficient cohesion. The high-ranking warriors in Youzhou, with Tongyou Academy as the main body, set up a joint attack formation centered on the gazebo above the sky, and the Liangyi Qiankun joint attack formation itself is better than others. The combination of attacks used by the states is brilliant.

Even if they are invincible in the end, they can withdraw into Tongyou Blessed Land as soon as possible. The safety guarantee is higher, and they can return to the sky to continue fighting at any time.

Under various factors, although Youzhou Tianmu was occasionally breached by foreign warriors, the overall situation was much better than the surrounding states.

After Shang Xia and his party entered the range of Youzhou's sky curtain, they immediately changed their previous cautiousness, and burst out their aura one by one, echoing the aura of warriors in several battle groups not far away.

Shang Xia was the first to break away from the crowd, and flew to the place of the battle above the void. After a distance of more than ten miles, he threw the five-element ring and imprisoned a Lingyu warrior who was fighting with Shang Bo. The peak gun volleyed through the opponent's chest and abdomen.

However, this Lingyu martial artist was not uncommon, and soon he separated an incarnation of Yuan Gang that not only broke away from the imprisonment of the Five Elements Ring, but also broke away from the lock of Qi mechanism of Shangbo, and quickly escaped.

Shang Bo quickly stirred up the void with a spear, condensing the collapsed Yuangang incarnation as much as possible, trying to harvest more Yuangang essence from it.

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