While Huang Yu was entangled with Young Master Dugu almost desperately, preventing him from easily escaping from the Sword Gap, Shang Xia was using all his strength to disinfect Young Master Cao who was imprisoned by him under the giant palm of the Five Elements !

When Shang Xia beheaded Feng Yezi, he was able to build the five-element space in the process of fighting with the help of the five-element origin.

Now that his cultivation base has greatly increased, not only has it become much easier to construct the five-element space, but the five-element space he constructed has also become more and more exquisite, and Shang Xia has discovered more and more wonderful uses.

When Cao Zixiu noticed the giant palm of the five elements appearing above his head, he had already found that the surrounding space had been completely imprisoned. If he wanted to choose to escape, he had to rush to the giant palm of the five elements and break it all the way.

What's more, at that time, there was Huang Yu, a helper comparable to him in terms of cultivation alone, by his side!

However, the fact is that before Huang Yu could help, he himself was imprisoned by a magic weapon, and then Cao Zixiu was pushed back to the bottom of the sword canyon by the five elements giant palm.

However, this is not a hopeless situation for Cao Zixiu. At best, he was caught off guard and lost a move. What's more, he still has a life-saving object in his body, and he has not suffered any damage at all. He can still forcibly break the five elements giant. The suppression of the palm escaped from it.

However, at the moment when he was gaining momentum, Huang Yu, who was crushed together under the giant palm of the Five Elements, strangely got rid of the imprisonment of the magic weapon at this time.

Although Cao Zixiu didn't know what happened, the sudden release of his companion's hand was a great help to him.

But before he could get overjoyed, Huang Yu, who had escaped from the five-element ring, pierced the protective body he used to weaken the suppressing power of the five-element giant palm from behind him with a single shot.

The suppressing and restraining power of the five-element giant palm broke out in an all-round way, instantly dissipating Cao Zixiu's momentum, and making his preparations to escape fall short.

This Huang Yu is actually a rebellious boy!

Cao Zixiu panicked, and subconsciously wanted to separate out the avatar of Yuan Gang to bear the restraints instead of the deity. At this time, when there was a town outside and ghosts inside, the first thing he wanted was to save his life!

However, Shang Xia and Huang Yuli cooperated with each other and used Jianxia to plot against them. How could they easily leave hidden dangers and let them escape?

Before Cao Zixiu's figure changed between virtual and real, the Five Elements Ring that had detached from Huang Yu's body had landed on Cao Zixiu's body again.

The incarnation of Yuangang on Cao Zixiu's body had not yet separated out, but was imprisoned in the body again by the Five Elements Ring.

In fact, even if Cao Zixiu succeeded in separating out the incarnation of Yuangang, it is unlikely that his real body will escape from the five-element space constructed by the five-element giant palm.

But in that case, Shang Xia would have to spend more energy to catch and kill Cao Zixiu, who was running around in the Five Elements Space and struggling to survive.

Now his body is directly imprisoned in place by the Five Elements Ring, but it can save Shang Xia more time and energy.

Moreover, in the current situation, the best way is naturally a quick solution!

From Cao Zixiu's intention to rush out of Jianxia to now being completely imprisoned, he can only sit and wait for his own end to come. It only took a moment before and after. Seeing this, Huang Yu directly drilled out of the Five Elements Space under the Five Elements Giant Palm.

The next step is to see how long Huang Yu can hold Young Master Dugu, and how long Shang Xia can completely kill Cao Zixiu who is imprisoned by the Five Elements Ring.

And the final result didn't seem too bad. Although Huang Yu was severely injured by Young Master Dugu, he still delayed the time until Shang Xia could free up his hands.

Huaguang, which has become more and more miraculous, evolved from the five-element qi, and under the blessing of the five-element ring, it took turns to sweep the heart mirror of Mr. Dugu, and unexpectedly annihilated the spirituality of this protective treasure in one fell swoop, turning it into a treasure. A piece of scrap metal.

Young Master Dugu, who had fallen back to the bottom of the Sword Canyon, showed a panicked look, and managed to suppress the turmoil of the original qi in his inner organs, but saw a martial artist who looked a little younger than him standing above the Sword Canyon with his hands behind his back , looking down at him with indifferent eyes.

And Huang Yu, who was not far from Mr. Dugu, looked as if he had received an amnesty, staggered all the way back hundreds of feet away, and sat down on the ground with his buttocks slumped on the ground, propping his upper body with his arms Panting heavily, as for the spear in his hand, he dropped it on the ground casually.

"You, who are you?"

Young Master Dugu knew that this time he might not be spared, but he was still unwilling, until now he didn't know who he was tricked by.

"Do you think I will tell you? Or please get on the road as soon as possible, everyone be safe!"

Shang Xia will not engage in any smug operations, he is well versed in the truth that "villains die because of talking too much", not to mention that now the Cangsheng Realm is the victim, and he is on the side of "justice".

When Shang Xia was about to make a move, he suddenly saw that Young Master Dugu looked at Huang Yu, who was almost paralyzed on the ground not far away, his eyes were as if breathing fire, and he asked loudly: "All this is from the Fukong Mountain. How could you, a martial artist in the Cangsheng Realm, take refuge in Fukong Mountain without being discovered for many years, and even gain Lou Yi’s trust? All this can only show that Fukong Mountain and Cangsheng Realm have colluded for a long time! What exactly does Kongshan want to do? Could it be... Could it be that the rumors are true, that Fukongshan is really secretly communicating with the outer domain, conspiring to weaken the power of Lingyu Realm?"

On the surface, Shang Xia was calm, but his heart was full of excitement. Could it be that they accidentally broke some shocking secrets that happened in Lingyu Realm this time?

Shang Xia glanced at Huang Yu who was behind him indiscriminately, but saw that Huang Yu, who was still panting, was also full of shock at this time, and almost forgot to breathe.

Obviously, Huang Yu was also stunned by the words of this young master Dugu.

Shang Xia's thoughts changed, and his eyes flashed: "You know too much, no one can save you today!"

After all, the five elements around him were surging, but in fact it was thunderous and raining a little bit. I wanted to see if I could get this person to say more extraordinary things out of desperation.

However, Huang Yu shouted urgently from behind: "Be careful, he is trying to escape!"

Huang Yu hadn't finished speaking, but the figure of Mr. Dugu at the bottom of the sword canyon had already begun to disintegrate like sand, and he didn't know where his real body had fled.

Obviously, the real purpose of this Mr. Dugu is to escape!

Shang Xia snorted coldly, no joy or anger could be seen in his expression, but he said in a deep voice: "Your Excellency is not qualified to play such tricks in front of Shang!"

As soon as the words fell, the five-element gang energy around Shang Xia's body suddenly expanded, and in an instant, the five-color brilliance almost covered the area whose diameter almost reached half of the Jianxia.

In this temporary space built by Shang Xia based on his five elements, everything belonging to the five elements can be controlled by Shang Xia, at least it can be easily interfered and disturbed.

The dust all over the sky was instantly emptied, and the earth was imprisoned!

The water vapor within the envelope of the space is condensed, and all the places where water vapor exists in the vegetation and soil have been infiltrated by the water qi.

The golden and stone objects in the earth are perceived by Shang Xia's divine sense at any time.

Shang Xia seemed to be able to see every move of the vegetation, even the fallen branches and leaves, the rotten branches, and the underground roots.

As for the fire thing...

Shang Xia suddenly turned his gaze, and a certain cliff in Jianxia suddenly collapsed, and a mutilated body fell out of it in embarrassment. He was about to continue to escape, but was instantly suppressed by a force of Yuan Magnetic, making it difficult to move. With Shang Xia's remote control, it fell apart.

This is just an incarnation of Yuan Gang!

Shang Xia's expression remained unchanged, because at this moment, the midair of this area, which was originally shrouded in the source of the five elements, suddenly became majestic!

Shang Xia sneered, the void around him began to congeal, layer after layer of void barriers advanced layer by layer, chasing and intercepting a wisp of flowing aura, until in a remote place this wisp of flowing aura turned into a whirlwind left Rush to the right, but still can't get out of the three feet around.

With Shang Xia stretching his sleeves and flicking in the air, the power of the five elements linked up layer by layer, and the three-foot-long void oscillated and annihilated, and what was annihilated at the same time was the flowing breath.

Young Master Dugu's second Yuangang incarnation, destroy!

At the same time, the vast area covered by Shang Xia's five-element qi is shrinking layer by layer, but in fact, it is constantly compressing the space in which Young Master Dugu moves around, forcing him to show up.

Two consecutive Yuangang incarnations were cut off, and Mr. Dugu, whose strength has been greatly weakened, will have no hope of escape as time goes by. In the end, he can only - take the risk!

Huang Yu suddenly shouted again: "His target is me!"

Shang Xia suddenly turned her head and saw Huang Yu struggling to get up from the ground.

However, when Huang Yu tried his best to stop Young Master Dugu before, it can be said that he went all out, but after Shang Xia took over, Huang Yu's desperate momentum was released. It became extremely difficult to get up.

But at this moment, Mr. Dugu, who was full of ferocious eyes, suddenly appeared and rushed directly to Huang Yu. Obviously, after the hopelessness of escape, he chose to drag Huang Yu, the culprit, to die together.

But when this person rushed into Huang Yu's body, a huge five-color halo suddenly appeared from the ground under his feet, and Huang Yu was firmly protected in the halo.

Divine Weapon Five Elements Ring!

After Shang Xia killed Cao Zixiu, he never used this magical weapon when confronting Young Master Dugu, but secretly ambushed it under Huang Yu, and it happened to come in handy at this time.

Young Master Dugu, who has lost two Yuangang incarnations, has reduced his cultivation base. How can he break through Shang Xia's tricks?

The Five Elements Ring and the Five Elements Gang Qi burst out, directly flying Young Master Dugu who was rushing forward.

Shang Xia moved, and appeared above Young Master Dugu's head again.

Looking down at the embarrassing figure sitting in the sword gorge, Shang Xia said indifferently: "Would you like to catch him without a fight?"

Young Master Dugu raised his head and showed a horrifying smile, the energy mechanism in his body suddenly became disordered, and the origin of Yuangang in his body began to fluctuate disorderly.

"The source is out of balance, he is going to explode himself!"

Huang Yu shouted in horror.

Without Huang Yu's reminder, Shang Xia already knew what he was going to do the moment he noticed the change in this person's aura.

It's just that Shang Xia's Five Elements Origin Gang Qi is amazing, but there is no way to directly invade the Dantian Origin of a martial artist of the same level to prevent the other party from self-destructing.


"Water and fire?"

Shang Xia was thoughtful: "In addition to the two incarnations of the Yuan Gang that were killed before, one is shaped like an earth-moving astral, and the origin of the other is related to the wind. , fire, wind, coincidence or other reasons?"

The water and fire clashed, the Chiba Mountains shook, and several peaks collapsed, but other than that, there seemed to be no more commotion.

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