It's hard to pack the kitchen, and Ye Tang is tired to sit on the sofa of the living room. If you want to take a break, he is not able to rest at the valley yesterday. Just sitting on the wall of the morning, on the sofa, hunching hob, picking up on the table, but accidentally lighting the screen.

Valley is slight? What is she finding in the morning? Ye Tang looked at the news displayed on the wall of the lady, and frowned. Hesitated, or opened the Lu Yichen mobile phone.

I didn't expect to be a bed photo. The two of the two people were intimate, and the valley was naked, his clothes were also pulled.

Ye Tang angry slide photos, after all finished reading, it will be deleted directly.

I didn't expect the valley to give yourself a medicine. I still have taken these photos to send it to the morning. If these are seen in the early hours, then they can really argue.

Ye Tang's brow is tight, I think that the valley is slight, my heart is even more powerful, and the anger in my eyes is still growing.

"Beingbell ..." Ye Tang's mobile phone rang.

Ye Tang took a deep breath and pressed his violent emotions and said: "Hey, what happened?"

"Ye Tang, where are you? Why haven't you come to the company? This group of people will wait for you." Chen Feng's voice came from the phone.

Ye Tang patted his head and suddenly remembered that today is the day of rehearing the previous cooperative signage contract. It's almost forgotten by the valley of the Valley. Calmly said: "I know, I will come right away."

Chen Feng urged: "Then you have a hurry, and those people should be ..."

Ye Tang did not wait for him to say, hanging up the phone, picking up the wall of the lady to go upstairs. Looking at her is still sleeping, the heart is warm, and the old cheeks are kick. Put your phone on the table of the bed, and go out with your light.

Lu Yichen muttered, turned to sleep.

"" didn't live a while, the mobile phone in Lu suddenly rang.

"Hey ... Head hurts." Lu Yichen was woke up, raising his hand and painted his eyes because of his hangover, opened his eyes and looked at the familiar bedroom, stunned.

Wrinkled frowning, did you wait for Ye Tang in the living room yesterday? How can I be in the bedroom? Is it that Ye Tang hugged me back? Lu Yichen loot, slowly flying on his face.

"" is placed on the bed of the bed.

Lu Yichen smiled and looked at it. The eyebrows have been frowned immediately. What do you do with you?

"Lu Yichen, I know you want to see me, I am waiting for you at the last coffee shop." Lu Yichen whispered.

Lu Yichen is very confused, what does it mean by the white valley? I have thought about it for a while, or I decided to see what the valley is playing again.


"Miss Lu, please enter, Miss Valley is waiting for you in the inside." Lu Yichen just arrived at the door, the waiter next to him stepped forward, courtesy.

Lu Yichen, asked: "How do you know that my surname?"

The waiter laughed and said: "You will come to me last time, and in our work, this work has a strict requirements for memory this, after all, it can go out, it is a non-rich person. If we can't remember accurately, I am afraid it is not long. "

"This!" I nodded in Lu Yichen.

"Miss Valley is in front, I will not send you." The waiter stopped and said.

I nodded in Lu Yichen, and I saw him in the direction of him. Valley is a smile stirring with coffee in the cup, there is no arrogance to your own. Wrinkled, walking over, sitting opposite her, said: "What do you have to find me?"

The valley slipped through a resentment, and it must be lost. The smile on the face is happy and proud, and the cup has a cup of coffee. It is carefully losing the land, there is no call.

Lu Yichen suddenly rose a disturbed, brow wrinkled, looked at the valley: "Do you have anything about me? I have no time to accompany you to drink coffee, if you don't say, I will go first. "I have to go outside the package.

" -" The valley smiled and smiled. "I don't have anything bigger, I want to see how you are doing now."

Lu Yichen is doubtful, I don't know what it means. However, there is no exposure on the face, and the hook is angry, and I said: "I am very good, not to worry about you. You have time to care about yourself."

"Oh, you should also die for Ye Tang now? Also, I should know that I am a woman who is his favorite woman?" You smiled and said to Lu Yichen.

Lu Yichen frowned and asked: "Why do I want to die in Ye Tang? If you still have to let me leave Ye Tang, then you don't have to say, I will never leave him."

Valley is picking eyebrows, saying: "How? You don't care about me with Ye Tang yesterday?"

"Yesterday?" Lu Yushen brows more tightly.

Seeing her face, the valley was relieved, and she didn't know, she didn't know if she didn't know, and they told her that it was the same. Thinking of this, the smile on the face is more brilliant, the opening: "Yes, we are two ... um ... how do you say it? Right, I sent you a photo, you didn't see it?"

Lu Yichen, "", shake his head, said: "No, I didn't see any photos. You have anything to say, I don't have time to have a waste of you."

The shy of the valley, took out the phone from the bag, found the photos yesterday, handed over the past: "I am also embarrassed to say this kind of thing, then, even if I said, you don't have to believe, you still see yourself "

Lu Yichen looked at the valley and took the mobile phone. Only sweep it, the whole person is stiff.

Ye Tang clothes is not fully pressed on the valley, the valley's clothes are not worn, and there is a dark red scar, and they have shown their fierce.

Looking at the close two people on the photo, the heart is cold half.

Valley is satisfied with the lattice look of Lu Yichen, laughing and saying: "There is still, you can slowly, don't worry."

Lu Yichen stiff continued to turn back, looked at the two people on the photo, and it was so breathing.

After reading all the photos, I saw the smile of the valley, I took a sigh of breath, so that I smiled naturally, I didn't want to be too shaped in front of her.

Valley saw she looked up, provocation: "How? After reading it? Then you ..."

"How do I, no matter what you are. Isn't it just a bed? This is not a big thing." Lu Yichen interrupts her, handed over the mobile phone.

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