On the bed, I went for two days in bed, I can't stand it. Pull the hand of Ye Tang, said: "Ye Tang, I am already all good, can you go to work?" Ye Tang picked his eyebrows, said: "How? How? Is it not good?" "

Lu Yichen laughed, said: "The salary vacation is of course good, but we do our employees, you should think about the boss, you can't just think about yourself. I like work, work make me happy."

Ye Tang is a serious nod, saying: "Well, you think so."

Lu Yichen is looking forward to watching Ye Tang, nodding, waiting for him to go to work.

Ye Tang smiled and saw her, said seriously: "However, your boss requires you to rest at home."

Lu Yichen was got by his words, crying, said: "But I am ill, I don't let me go to work, I have to be sick. Really!" Said that it is still a serious rush. Holding a neighborhood.

Ye Tang touched her hair and said: "Doctors said, let you stay at home."

"I can be in the company, really, I will stay in the office, I will not go out," Lu Yichen hurriedly said.

Ye Tang wrinkled, seeing her face resolute, compromise: "Okay, you can go to the company, but you should pay attention, don't let yourself get tired, don't you want to go next time, remember? "

On Lu Yichen, I nodded and again, I will pay attention to rest.

Ye Tang helplessly sigh, said: "Then you have a packing, I will send you in the past."

"Okay, I am very fast." Lu Yichen said from the bed and quickly cleaned up.

Ye Tang looked at her happily, and the favor, turned and went out, greeted their company's responsibilities, let him take care of Lu Yichen.


Lu Wi-morning walks into the company in the morning, and found that colleagues looked at their eyes very weird, frowned, I don't know what happened.

In the office, I feel that everyone's eyes are very despised, I can't afford it. He hesitated, walked to Xiaoxi, laughed and said: "Xiaoxi, I didn't come in the two days. Is there anything in the company?"

Xiaoxi swept her, ridiculed smile, said: "We are a small company, what can I have?"

Lu Yichen, asked in confusion: "What? I don't understand it."

"Oh, I don't understand, I will ask others, I can't climb you this high branch." Xiao Xi looked at his computer, and I didn't want to talk to her again.

Seeing her, Lu Yichen frowned, turned to leave, did not know what happened again, I would like to ask others, but I saw the dislike and laughing, hesitated, or returned to his seat.

Liu Ruifeng looked at this in his eyes, she certainly knew why they would be so late. To be honest, in this matter, she doesn't believe that the truth is that everyone says that.

In Lu Yichen, I didn't want to take care of themselves, but I also dealively handled the first two days of backup work on my own seat.

It's hard to eat at noon, and people in the office go out to eat three or two two or two. No one is in the morning, just like she didn't see her.

On the morning, I bite the lip. I know that they don't welcome themselves, and they have not made up, stay in the office to continue working.

Liu Ruifeng looked up at her, hesitated for a while, and others were all over, and they went to the end of Lu Yichen and said: "Drink a cup of coffee in the morning?" Said that his eyes did not stop the door I am afraid to be seen by others. That thing is coming out, you can guess it. If she is known, she can't pack it, can you pack yourself?

Lu Yichen looked up and said with a smile: "Ruifeng? Drinking coffee now? Is it better to eat?"

Liu Ruifeng frowned and said: "In the morning, I have something to say to you."

Lu Yichen, thinking, nodded: "Well, the new coffee shop near this is not bad. Go there."

Liu Ruifeng nodded and said: "Then I will go to you first."

On Lu Yichen, I said: "Okay, I will go for a while."

Liu Ruifeng turned out.

On Lu Yichen, I packed up the information and I went out and went straight to the first coffee shop.

When I got an eye, I saw Liu Ruifeng, who was sitting in a hidden place, walked in the past. I asked with a smile: "What do you want to tell me?"

Liu Ruifeng bite the lips and said: "You haven't come to these two days, some people spread rumors in the company. Say ... Say you are a small third, specializing in destroying others' feelings."

Lu Yichen stunned, asked in confusion: "I am a small three? Who is it?"

Liu Ruifeng looked at her and said: "Say you is a third party between Ye Tang and Valley, but also said that two of them have been very good, because you seduce Ye Tang, Ye Tang Tang She is getting better and less. "

Lu Yichen is a surprise, "What? I am in pushing them?"

Liu Ruifeng nodded seriously and continued: "This whole company knows, so they will ..."

Lu Yichen squinted and asked in confusion: "Then you ... Why don't you take care of me?"

Liu Ruifeng smiled and said: "I think you are not that kind of person."

Lu Yichen also laughed with a smile, said: "Thank you, I am willing to believe me."

"Okay, I have to go first, what about you?" Liu Ruifeng stood up.

Lu Yichen shook his head and said: "You go back first, I will take a while."

Liu Ruifeng nodded and left out.

Lu Yichen frowned, thinking about Liu Ruifeng said, who is coming out of the rumor, she can guess.

Valley is right, it will be reversed, and Lu Yichen is angry thinking. It is stood up, I want to find her atriore theory.

Just took a step, but I thought that Ye Tang did not take care of himself these two days, I thought about him.

Hesitating for a while, Lu Yichen still decided to believe in Ye Tang once, she believes that Ye Tang will not lie to himself, and believe it is.

It is very likely that all this is a small self-director, Ye Tang is nothing to do with her. The more I want to think about it, the more I feel that the coffee on the table is drinking, and I will put it first.

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