Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 132, company confidential disclosure

In a few days, Ye Tang found some unsatisfactory companies, the company's confidential documents were leaked, and the enemy company often released his company's hard work. Moreover, the company's stocks will therefore be a thousand feet. Ye Tang made Chen Feng checked it well and found that it was a problem in the company's internal network. Most of the documents are disclosed from the Internet, and the hostile company also grasped the opportunity, behind the knife.

After discovering the problem, Ye Tang is busy chasing the confidential documents before the previous leaks, and it is necessary to save it. Time to go home is getting more and more late, overtime every time you have a company.

I didn't see Ye Tang in a few days in the morning, and the photos didn't look at him.

After this day, I went home early in Lu Yichen. When I passed the supermarket, I thought that Ye Tang was so busy recently, I wanted to give him some delicious.

I will choose a for a while, and I will go home with shopping bags in the morning.

Go home, put things all. This took out the phone to Ye Tang called a phone call.

"Dudu ..." No one has been picking up, and when Lu Yichen is going to give up, the phone suddenly turned on.

"Hey, in the morning. Is there anything? I am very busy now." Ye Tang's tired voice came.

On Lu Yichen, I frowned, when I opened, my voice was concerned about: "Ye Tang, I bought the dish you love to eat, you ... Do you have time to come back ... Is it come back to eat?"

Ye Tang was silent for a while, only to open: "I know, I will try to go back."

"Okay, then you are busy first." Lu Yichen said with a call and didn't want to delay his time.

Ye Tang smiled glanced at the phone that has been hanged, the smile of his mouth also changed. A group of people who are waiting for Ye Tang talking, in an instant eyes, and a shocked look at the gentle smile in his mouth.

"How? I don't want to come out?" Ye Tang glanced at them, and the smile in his mouth also received it.

The people under the next will continue to be busy, do not looked up again.

Lu Yichen hangs, thinking that Ye Tang tired voice, my heart is very urgent, I know that the company should have an accident, otherwise Ye Tang will not be busy.

Unfortunately, I can't help him, and I was annoyed on Lu Yichen.

Turned to the kitchen, thinking about giving him something delicious, just waiting for him to come back.

After a while, Lu Yichen hurriedly ran out from the kitchen, turned out his own camera, looked at the photos taken inside, and inexplicably thinking about this matter.

I am happy to hold the camera and turn a circle, pick up the mobile phone just being thrown next to him, find out the Ye Tang's mobile phone number, want to tell him.

and many more! On Lu Yichen's action, watching the camera on the hand, some hesitated. Only these photos can't explain, if there is no adequate evidence, the valley will not be easy to admit it? At that time, it is estimated that it will put a hike, saying that he is deliberately framed.

Tangled for a while, Lu Yichen still took the camera, ready to wait for himself to be clear, and then talk to Ye Tang, so that the valley in the province will not admit.

I have an idea in my heart, and I am careful about the camera back into the bag, run to the kitchen and continue to cook.


Just do a good job, Ye Tang returned home.

Lu Yichen smiled and said to him: "You will wash your hands, I can eat the meal."

"Okay." Ye Tang smashed the exhaustion of the eyebrows.

On Lu Yichen, I looked at him. I wanted to tell him a slight thing. When I turned around, I turned it out: "You come to eat, I am doing you like you."

"Hard work." Ye Tang said with picking up the chopsticks, tasted a bite, kickdown, opening: "Good, crafts have made a lot."

Lu Yichen proudly raised the chin, laughed and said: "Of course, don't look at me smart."

Ye Tang smiled and touched her hair, said: "Sit down and eat, wait until you have finished eating, continue to work overtime."

"What? Also going?" Lu Yichen asked.

"Yes, this time is quite serious, I have to take a company in the company." Ye Tang said helpless.

On the morning, bite the lips and stop the discouragement. Just can't give him a pick, let him eat more.

Ye Tang also knew her thoughts, the big mouth of the big mouth took the dishes all the dishes, and the dishes were given to her.

After eating Ye Tang, I quickly went to the company, I haven't come back until the next morning.

Lu Yichen is anxious, but you can't bother him. It is only to put most energy on the valley every day.

However, she can't be determined that the valley is also doing, and the investigation can only be in the dark. Therefore, the progress of the investigation is also very slow.

On Lu Yichen, I invited a day in the morning. I looked at the most recently investigated things in my hand. I want to find a new breakthrough from it.

"Beingbell ............" The phone placed on the table suddenly rang.

Lu Yichen pick up the mobile phone, see is Ye Tang, and quickly pick up, smile and open: "Hey, have you been very busy recently? How do you have time to call me?"

"Where are you?" Ye Tang's voice is low and depressed.

Lu Yichen heard his voice, said: "What happened to you?"

"... I am fine, where are you now?" Ye Tang was silent, open mouth.

"I am at home, what happened?" Lu Yichen asked.

"Well, you wait for me at home, I will go back to you now." Ye Tang low voice came.

Lu Yichen was surprised: "Ah? What is it now? Your company is not very .........." The words are not finished, and the mobile phone will run out "Dudu" sound.

I looked at the mobile phone. Lu Yichen was helpless, I thought that Ye Tang will go home, just packed the things on the table, went to the landlord, waiting for him.

"Hey -" Ye Tang is coming soon, and I saw it on the sofa of the living room. I looked at my own land.

When I heard the voice in Lu Yichen, I just saw the tired Ye Tang. I stunned, hurry up, I went to him and said: "What happened?"

Ye Tang stared at Lu Yichen, opening: "I am looking for you, can you not know?"

"What? How do you know what do you know?" Lu Yichen asked.

Ye Tang picked his eyebrows and said coldly: "You don't know? How can you do what you do?"

"What do I know? What did I do again? You are clear." Lu Yichen is more doubts.

"How? Do you want me to say it?" Ye Tang said with a smile. Seeing her is still a face, continue: "The recent loss of information in the company is from your computer."

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