Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 134 new breakthrough

I cried for a while, and the emotions of Lu Yichen were still stable. It turned out that Ye Tang has always loved the valley. It turns out that he is like a elder. It turns out ... It turns out that everything is my own love.

Ye Tang is the valley, is it because of himself? Is it because I am pinned in them?

Lu Yichen panic shook his head, wanted to take this idea, but the heart is more identified, his guess is correct.

That ... what should I do now? I have to continue to be stupid, pretend, don't know this? However, do you really want to get rid of each other? Some of the lakes of Lu Yichen uncertain.

If ... If so, what do you do? Is it ... Is it necessary to give them two places?

When I thought I had to leave Ye Tang, the breathing of Lu Yichen was a stagnation, and I was in the heart as if I was excavated by life. Run your hand, cover your mouth and put the cry.

I can't bear it! Why don't you come back early? Why do you see your feelings for your own now?

If you can know it earlier, can you manage your heart? Not so that three people are suffering now.

The finger is hard to smash the clothes, as if this can catch anything, in the depressed cry, it is trembling.

Lu Yichen lifted a trembling hand, pick up the phone next to the body, one to light, the purpose is the back of Ye Tang Shui.

Looking at it, my eyes are full of sadness and dismissal.

The trembling is unlocked to the mobile phone, which is placed on the chat record of Ye Tang.

Ye Tang's words are very small. Their two people's chats are basically a person in Lu Yichen. Ye Tang should be simple.

Looking at these chat records, laughing on the face on the morning, and squeezing a smile.

It took advantage of it, like decisions in my heart.

Turning down the dialog box below, wants to give Ye Tangfa news, say to divorce.

Just entered a few words, I couldn't help but throw the phone on the side, and I cried myself.

After the Ye Tang fell out, he sat in the car downstairs. He was bored, he didn't understand ... I don't understand why Lu Yichen is doing this? What is the benefit of this for her?

"" Ye Tang's mobile phone suddenly sounded.

Ye Tang was destroyed with the smoke in his hand, pick up his mobile phone.

See the news of Lu Yichen, thinking that she is sending a message to scholastic, irritated frown, raising his hand, throwing the phone back.

Turning to the scenery outside the window, hesitating for a while, turning his head glanced at the phone that was thrown away by himself.

Tangled for a while, Ye Tang helplessly sighed, or not to bear this ingredient.

Draw a look at it, Ye Tang's eyes were in an instant, surprised to watch the moving intimate two people. How can I be with him? Ye Tang frowned, and some doubts in his heart. After all, in the company's company, he stepped his best, and he was most wants to fight his company directly.

Now he is with the valley, it seems that two people are still so intimate, it is difficult to let themselves think.

Ye Tang looked at the photo, suddenly remembered, just said that the information from Lu Yichen is in her computer, she is a mistake, I thought she was pretended. However, I now look at her photo to myself, some are hesitant.

Helpless sigh, not he does not believe that Lu Yue, it is really this time all leaks are in her computer. Moreover, she also found that she secretly survey this.

I naturally want to believe her, I believe she will not harm this, and I believe that she is not such a person.

However, so much point to her is a kind of adverse evidence, even if I want to believe she is useless.

I believe that she will not do this, but others will not believe that the company is not alone, can't believe in her, I have to believe in her.

The impact of this matter is also very bad, if, even a little leakage, I am afraid it is enough to ruin the cause of Lu Yichen.

You can see that she really likes the reporter, if she can't enter again, I am afraid she will be very sad.

I don't know what to do, but now it is different. Ye Tang thought down his head to look at the photo on his hand, and his eyes were revealed.

Lu Yichen hugged himself, I can't breathe. I looked up and looked at my mobile phone next to him. The trembling raised his hand and took it in his hand.

The breath of the big mouth, the small and exquisite mobile phone, but now it seems that there is a thousand kilobs, just open the previous edited news, it will quickly consume all the strength of the Lu Yichen.

Through the crying red and swollen eyes, I looked at half of the news before I was edited. The tears of the extension blurred the line of sight, blinking hard, reluctantly controlling themselves, and continued to write down.

"No! I ... I can't do it." Lu Yichen was shouting, and the mobile phone was re-thrown back.

I think that I have to leave Ye Tang, there is a feeling of breathing in the heart of Lu Ye.

On the end of the collapse, I don't know if Ye Tang is now thinking about her innocent.

Ye Tang took the mobile phone a few times, gave Chen Feng called a phone,

Soon, I was louder, Chen Feng tired voice asked: "Hey, Ye Tang, what happened?"

Listening to Chen Feng tired voice, Ye Tang pinched his temple, opening: "I just asked Lu Yichen, she said it was not what she did."

Chen Feng was silent, and when he opened, there was this faint disdain in the voice: "Even if she is doing, she will not admit it? How? What evidence can she prove that this is not her?"

"Chen Feng! She is my wife, she has no reason to do this. If I have something, she will also be implicated, she will not know this truth." Ye Tang said helplessly.

"I ..., hey, you are not sweet, but even if you persuaded me to believe in her, what is the use? Other people, you have to go to a one to explain it with them? Even if you explain to them, Lu Yichen is your wife, it will not do this. I am afraid that they will not believe it. And you will say that you are , use your position to cover her. "Chen Feng cold analysis .

Ye Tang helplessly sigh, open mouth: "I know, I certainly know this, you can rest assured, I know what to do."

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