Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 136, depression, Lu Yichen

Ye Tang's brow is tighter, the opening: "Is there anything else?" Chen Feng thought about it, shook his head, helplessly said: "This ... I am afraid it is okay, this, I will first take it first. Let the video restore, see what you can see. "

"Well, I will go first." Ye Tang nodded and got out.

After returning to the Ye Tang of his own office, looked at the thick file on the table, frowned, and made a spirit, and continued to deal with.

" -" knocked on the door.

Ye Tang Head did not lift it, and he said: "Come in."

A female secretary who looks smabilized, stands in front of the desk, slightly, respectfully, respectfully: "President, directors of the company call to ask the company to have this thief, you What should I do? "

Ye Tang's hand is a pen, saying coldly: "Tell them, I have a self-propelion, let them don't worry."

The female secretary hesitated and said: "But ... but they said that evidence is very sufficient, if you are not dealing with it, then ... they have dealt with the same."

Ye Tang frowned, opening: "I know, you go out."

The female secretary Zhang Zhang did I still want to say anything. But watching Ye Tang is indifferent, I didn't dare to stay, I should go out.

Ye Tang threw the pen in his hand, the irritability pulled the tie, but he also known that it would wait until now, it will tell him that these are the limits of those people.

Helpless sighing, immediately on the table, said to Chen Feng: "First stop the position of Lu Yichen, give her a long holiday." Said that he would hang the phone.

I looked at a file on the table, Ye Tang Xin did not have the end, if you know in the morning, I am afraid you will be angry?

correct! I almost forgot this. Ye Tang patted his head and gave Chen Feng called a phone call.

Soon, I was turned on, Chen Feng asked: "What happened? You changed?"

Ye Tang silent and cold, said: "No, but you have to find a way, the adverse effect of this matter is pressed down."

"What? This is so big now, do you make me press it?" Chen Feng asked.

"Yes, I believe you can." Ye Tang calmly said, he hangs, no longer listening to Chen Feng's complaint.

Valley has received the news from the head office, saying that there is a position of landing, giving her a holiday. Dissathered frowns, I didn't expect that she did this, Ye Tang actually guarded the land.

Looking at the news on your hand, the valley smiles, picking up the phone on the table, giving the personnel, saying that he personally notifies the anum of the morning.

Picking up the phone will send a news on Lu Yime, saying that the company is in justusing that she has worked hard, I will give her a holiday.

Looking at the news smoothly, the smile on the Valley is more concentrated.

Lu Yichen was crying in the room and didn't see the news on the phone.

Ye Tang was busy returning home, looking at quiet home, thinking that Lu Yichen came out again, dissatisfied frowns. I took a phone and gave her a call and I would like to ask her.

"Beingbell ............" Lu Yichen's mobile phone rang.

Ye Tang listened to the ringtones from the upstairs, and stepped up.

On Lu Yichen, I woke up by a ringtone. I opened my eyes, I took the mobile phone next to it. I saw it, and I asked in confusion: "Who?" The words just exported by his throat The pain gave a wake up.

Take the phone, see is Ye Tang, the eyes are in a moment, and they will be hung down.

Ye Tang heard the hoarse voice of Lu Yichen, and frowned. But I haven't waited for him to say anything there.

Take the door to the bedroom, I am worried about: "What happened in the morning? What happened? Is there anything to talk about us?"

Lu Yichen listened to the familiar voice outside the door, trembled, and slammed to the door, raising his hand and touched the door handle. I suddenly responded, and my hand was returned, and the wall next to it slowly sat on the ground.

Ye Tang saw that there was no movement, and the concerns were more prosperous and continued: "Morning? You talk, I am Ye Tang, you open the door to let me go."

Lu Yichen raised his hand to cover his mouth and didn't let yourself cry.

"Work in the morning? What happened? You don't talk, I will hit the door." Ye Tang said urgently.

Lu Yichen's tears, I know that he will definitely do it, clear the throat, let your voice sound so hoarse, open: "I don't want to see you, I don't want to talk to you, you will go."

Listening to her hoarse voice, Ye Tang is more urgent. Holdly guess why she didn't want to see myself, helpless sigh, gave Tang Chen Chen and Yang have sent a news, let them come to accompany the morning, and the way to simply say it simply.

Tang Chenchen came very quickly. When they entered the door, they rushed to the room, patted the door, said softly: "Working in the morning, I am coming to you, you open the door to let me go in."

Yang has also said: "In the morning, what is your grievance to tell us, don't boring yourself."

A silence in the room. Tang Chen Chen did not give up again, but Lu Yichen did not accept.

The two men hungy-tang shake their heads, and there is no way.

Yang passed his shoulders, helplessly said: "This is what you are two people, others can't interceach it. Let's go first, let's explain it with her." Tang Zhu Ji Tang Chenchen left.

Ye Tang continued to explain his before the door.

Lu Yichen was originally recognized that Ye Tang love is the valley. Now he is just a matter of explaining her work, and I am sorry to have a misunderstanding of her. I am more definitely in my guess, throw myself into the bed, with the quilt, no longer listening to him.

Ye Tang said that there was no talk in the morning, and finally helpless sigh, said: "Time is not early, you take a rest first, tell you tomorrow."

Lu Yichen model was fell asleep on the bed, awakening, it is already the next day.

Open the phone, I saw the news that the Valley gave himself, hesitated, or took the initiative to get a lot of work. Want to use this way to paralyze yourself, let yourself think about these things.

Ye Tang has recently been busy processing the follow-up problem of leakage before processing, and the shackles of the rotten stall will be rotten. The time to go home every day is getting more late, sometimes even all night. It will inevitably over Lu Yichen.

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