Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 138 Children in the Cellar

Lu Yichen did not care, after being pushed, I have retired two steps. I looked at the closed door, and I blinked in the morning.

He hesitated for a while, and he retreated his first two steps and took the door.

"You are far from my family." The voice of the person came from the gate.

Lu Yichen frowned, explained: "Hello, I am not malicious, I just want to talk to you."

"I have nothing to talk to you, you will go, away from my family." The man is excited.

Lu Yichen's brow wrinkled, the opening: "I am really a reporter, you have to do it, I can give you a reporter certificate, I have nothing malicious, really."

Silent in the door, the sound is shouted: "Who are you, you are rolling, then I will call people."

Lu Yichen was shocked, and even together: "Well, I will go, don't be excited."

It's helpless, I looked back and closing the door, turned back to my car.

The promulgation of the previous reminded of the news again, and the more I thought that this thing is not simple, there must be anything you can't see it. Otherwise, this person will not hear itself, it is a reporter, and he hurriedly took himself out, and he was swindled to people at the time.

However, what are they afraid? Why don't you dare? Lu Yichen was frowning.

Careful memories, Lu Yichen stunned, when he started to talk to him, he was still a face, but he was shocked when he said, he was shocked, then not listened, Put it out. And it's seen that he later appeared, I am afraid because I am afraid that I am a liar, because I am a reporter, he will panic.

Thinking of this, Lu Yichen not only did not feel relaxed, even more tight.

It now seems that there must be a big problem at this point, but from the reaction of the family, it is estimated that there is no useful news in other people. In this case, it can only go directly to the victim's home.

Lu Yichen helpless sigh, carefully put the news of the victim news, and searched online on the Internet to the specific situation and home address.

Soon, I found the news you wanted in Anchorage. I nodded, I pushed the door, along the dirty street, walk, be careful to avoid the water on the road, and dry the clothes on the clothes. The water is down.

The people of the roadside are interested in avoiding her, but their eyes are curious about her.

Lu Yichen wrinkled hard to ignore the sight of his body, and the face has been in a slight smile.

The seven turn gone for a while, and landed in the morning, they will finally stop in front of a broken and rotten.

Take carefully, this is reluctant to call the house in front of you.

Lu Yichen hesitated for a while, frowned, on the first few steps, standing at the door: "Is anyone? Is there someone at home?"

"Who?" A attacked voice came from the house.

Lu Yichen Yixing, continue to ask: "Is this a little Fen?"

"Xiaofen? Do you know where Xiaofen is? Are you finding Xiaofen?" The old voice asked excited.

Lu Yichen, panicked: "No ... No, I am a reporter, I heard that this little child has lost, I will come over to understand the situation."

"Isn't it Xiaofen, come in." The voice said.

On the morning, the next step in the morning, bowed to the room that looks quickly in front of you.

The room was very dark, Lu Yichen was adapted for a while, and the habitual bowed surrounded, this only saw the bed in the corner, there was a white-haired old man, and he was watching a pair of turbid eyes.

On the first step in the morning, I walked to him, smiled and said: "Old people, hello, I am a reporter, knowing that there is a lot of little girls nearby, so I want to find out."

The old man nodded, covered with wrinkled face, painful. The opening: "Okay, what do you want to know?"

Lu Yichen thoughtfully, open the mouth: "Can you describe what Xiaofen missing the day?"

The old man's hand trembles, and flustered in front of him, it seems to be the same as you want to catch something.

Sliding over a strange scene in Lu Yichen, surprised, said: "Old people, you ... your eyes look ... I can't see it?"

The elder man explored, the finger huddled, slowly collected back, put it on the shabby quilt, slowly opening: "Well, I can't see it in the past few years, Xiaofen ... When Xiaofen was at home, she often told me that she was my eyes, but she didn't know where she was now. "Said that the eyes rolled out of the big tears.

Lu Yichen was trembled, raised his hand and holding the hands of the old man, comforting: "The old man, you don't hurt, you tell me how she is missing, I will help you find her."

"Really? That ... that is too thank you." The old man said tightly holding Lu Yichen's hand, continue: "That day, she followed usually, from the school, I told me." She knows that there is a place, there are a lot of waste, she wants to go, let me wait for her at home. Who knows ... Who knows that she will come back again. "Saying mood is some out of control.

Lu Yichen comforted patted the old man's thin shoulders and asked: "Where is she saying?"

"It seems to be a waste factory that is not far away." The old man said something uncertain.

On Lu Yichen, it was comforted by the old man, and went straight to the abandoned factory.

I didn't see the place where the old man said, the factory is very quiet, and Lu Yichen is careful. I just went in and didn't go far. I heard some weak sounds.

If there is anything, if it is not because the factory is really quiet, I am afraid I can't hear it, I have not hesitated, and Lu Yichen put the footsteps lighter, be careful to send a sound.

Lu Yichen followed the sound to a look that the shabby cellar, listened to the sound of weakness, and the heart was also mentioned.

Pull out the phone, open the camera, and take it carefully. In the corner of the cellar, be careful to explore the mobile phone camera, watching the screen displayed on the phone, the eyes are in an instant.

More than a dozen children look miserable, if they are not in their chest, she almost thinks ... I thought they had ... already ...

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