On Lu Yichen frowned, I don't want to talk to him here, picking up just the wine glass of the waiter to give myself, and drink. "Beauty is really happy!" Huang Jiu smiled and said, he turned and left.

In Lu Yichen, I saw him, and I also relieved a sigh of relief, sitting on the seat, looking at the people around, carefully observing the place where there is no unreliable place.

However, I have never been a while, I have a dizzy, I have a faint feeling. I am shocked in my heart, I know that I am afraid it is a trick, and I'm holding a fist, and a slight nail that stays directly into the meat.

The handache shook, and the first morning's head also has an instant awake, the fierce standing, I want to hurry away.

Who knows that I haven't taken a few steps, and a group of people in my face is the yellow hair.

On the first morning, I frowned, I'm holding the feeling of dizziness, and the side of the side.

The yellow hair trails left until the end of Lu Yichen, picking up her chin, smiling: "How? Is it satisfied with our wine? Big reporter."

Lu Yichen's eyes were very big and asked: "You ... How do you know?"

Huang Mao seems to be very satisfied with this scared look, the smile on the face is also brilliant, the opening: "Let's know, from you, you already know."

Lu Yichen felt that he had a eyes, like a sticky, and consciousness was gradually passing, and he responded for a while, he asked: "You ... How do you know?"

Huang Mao picked his eyebrows, avoiding himself, smiling and said: "Daily reporter, you can talk to me now, your will force is still a surprise."

Lu Yichen is more powerful with his thigh finger, and the painful tears come out soon, and I asked again: "You haven't told me how you recognize me."

Huang Hair stared at her for a while, opening: "Is it useful now?"

Lu Yichen looked at him, and his eyes were a little confused. After a while, he said tough: "I ... I don't know ..." I haven't finished it, I have dizzy.

Huang Mao took her declined body and hugged her upstairs.

The people around them are immersed in the noisy music. I didn't pay attention to their movement, perhaps, even if I noticed, no one would be crime this land snake.

Wu Gang's carefully got an early morning, picking the eyebrows, picking the eyebrows, and some accidents are still good.

"Boss, what do you do with this reporter?" Huang Mao asked.

Wu Gusi went for a while, and the eyes on the Lu Yichen were bright, and the mouth said: "Look at her face is still very good, this way, you find someone to buy her a remote mountain. Remember Stay, don't be afraid, the place must be biased, we can also make a further profit, it is barely to make up for our previous losses. "

Huang Jiu smiled and said: "You are really powerful, you can think of such a good way. You can rest assured that this matter I personally depends on."

Wu Gangtou nodded and waved casually, let them go out.

Yang passed at the door of the nightclub at this time, after being embarrassed by Lu Yichen, I have been worried that she will impulse myself to investigate, and I have been following her behind her heart.

I didn't expect that she is really a person to investigate. Yang did not know how to say her, thinking, waiting for her, must educate her.

Yang was sitting in the car, and immediately looked at the door of the Evergreen Club. Seeing that there is no one in the morning, he has been angry from the original, turned a worry.

After waiting for a long time, there is still no from the inside of Lu Yichen, and Yang has a little doubt, I think she should come out. Hesitating for a while, it is really not sitting outside.

Get off, I looked at the door of the night, and Yang's brow was screwed into a sputter, helpless sigh, stepped away.

When I went in, I had a little pain in the noisy sound of the sound in it. I raised my hand and pinch the nose, and I went to the surrounding desk.

"Sir, what do you need?" Asked the service and politeness of Changxiang Qingxiu.

Yang took the wine and swept a single eye and got a cup at will. Then just smiled and asked: "I would like to ask, have you seen a girl in a gray dress here?"

"Mr., there are a lot of girls wearing gray clothes here. I don't know which one you said?" The service laughed and said.

Yang frowned and continued: "The height is probably 165, long looks, the eyes are big. Yes, she also took a black small bag."

Service students thought for a while, sorry, said: "It's not embarrassed, gentleman, I have never seen this lady."

"Nothing?" Yang has smashed, wrinkle the eyebrows: "How can it be? I looked at her in my own eyes."

The color of the waiter is unnatural, and it is necessary to pass away. I said: "Sir, I really have never seen this lady. I think, is it wrong? Or, admit mistake?"

Yang Yong did not miss his face, the unnatural thing, "", know that Lu Yichen should have an accident.

I don't have to waste my tongue with him, turning around and go out. By the way, I took the mobile phone to Ye Tang called a phone.

"Hey, what happened?" Ye Tang said as a tired voice.

Yang was anxiously said: "Ye Tang, there is an accident, accidental in the morning, she is missing."

"What? What happened?" Ye Tang shocked voice passed.

Yang over the lips, said quickly: "At this afternoon, I suddenly called me in the morning, saying that I want to help her. I asked her what she was, she told me that she recently checked a news It is a small girl in the slum. I also said that she found the missing little girls, took the video to the police, but those police have evidence that they have evidence that this is not investigated. I was I don't think it is wrong, let her take another thing. Then she rushed me, and I also hung up my phone. I am afraid that she will follow her, who knows that she is really a person. "

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