Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 143 Chapter Ye Tang's suspicion

The two hurriedly greeted, asked in the same way: "Doctor, she ... How is her?" The doctor smiled and opened: "Don't worry, her body is very good, as long as it passes the risk period, hospitalization After a period of time, you can safely discharge. "

"Thank you doctor, really thank you very much." Ye Tang Song tone. Go to the ward with the nurse.

Ye Tang looked at the unacue of coma, and I have some embarrassment and indignation.

The heart is secretly decided, you must find the murderer hurt in the morning, you must let those people pay a painful price.

Ye Tang went to the hospital near the hospital to buy some fruits and pastries, and went to the hotel to buy dinner, hurriedly rushed to the hospital.

In the hospital building hall, a family is free of blood, which adds a sense of negligence of Ye Tang. The door to the ward is pushed away. Yang is sitting next to the bed, holding the guilt of the hand in the morning, Ye Tang helpless sigh, mouth: "Yang, I bought you a meal, hurry to eat hot Let's have some fruits and pastries, don't be tired of you. "

Yang Jing Li smiled and said: "You put it there first, I am not hungry."

Ye Tang also did not force, put down the things in his hand, said to Yang, "You go back first, I am watching her at this time."

Yang wanted to think, nodded, said: "Well, I will go first, let's take a look at her tomorrow." After finishing, patted Ye Tang's shoulder, turned and went out.

Ye Tang sat next to the land, poured a cup of hot water. Slowly blowing the smoke floating from the cup, I feel that this is a bit wrong.

Ye Tang looked at the first morning of lying in the bed, a pain in his heart. Careful to raise her pale cheek and think of this thing, the expression on the face is slowly over.

Remove his hand, holding the cup on the table, poured a glass of water, with a cotton swab to give her wet wet lips.

I watched her for a while, took the phone on the table.

Even if you know that she can't hear the outside world, Ye Tang also consciously does not want her to touch these things.

Before the window at the end of the corridor, Ye Tang had a gloomy to take out the mobile phone, and Chen Feng hit a phone call.

"Hello? How is it? Is there a person found?" The phone was connected, Chen Feng asked anxiously.

Ye Tang thought that he was still lying in the intensive care unit, there was a deep in the face, and the face was deeper, the cold open mouth: "She is in the hospital now, I always feel that this is not too strong, you will give me a good look. Check this thing. "

"Isn't it?" Chen Feng stunned, asked in confusion: "What is going on? Is there anything wrong?"

Ye Tang said, said: "I can't say this, I can't say it. I have been caught by them for a long time. If Yang has not worried about her, I am afraid ..., I am always I think they seem to know that I will find them in the morning. Otherwise, they will not move so fast, line, this matter you give me a good picture. "

"Okay, you can rest assured." Chen Feng should hang up the phone.

This thing is best just a coincidence, otherwise the person who dares to move his hands and feet will wait for the revenge means of accepting his Thunder. Thinking of this, the Ye Tang's eyes slipped over the cold.

Hanging up the phone, Ye Tang quickly stepped back to the ward of the lady. Sitting on the chair on the side, looking at her quietly.

After a while, Chen Feng's phone called.

"Hey, you are really good, this is afraid that some people are behind the ghosts." Chen Feng said excited.

Ye Tang's brow was wrinkled, and the cold open mouth: "Say clear."

"I just searched the video online, I finally found it, but I found it on the official website of the police, so I guess that she should only send it to the police, and I Just trying to tell the source of that video, but ... but I didn't find it. If you say it in advance, I am afraid I really don't know that it is her shoot. "Chen Feng said quickly, said After completing, some hesitatedly asked: "That ... I said, can you understand?"

"Well. Is there still?" Ye Tang asked coldly.

Chen Feng was silent, and the phone came to the sound of "" sound, regretted: "Other temporarily, I can only find so much, wait for me to check other things. I will tell you as soon as possible. "

Ye Tang raised his hand and pressed according to the nose, the opening: "Okay, I know, you will continue to trace it." I hang up the phone.

The eyes were gentle and looked at the morning in bed, Ye Tang hangs down his eyes, analyzing the words that Chen Feng said in his heart.

From the situation he just said, it can be seen that there is a cautious thing in Lu Yichen. He has asked Yang before. He said that when Lu Yichen entered that nightclub, he covered himself a lot, if not carefully It can't see it at all.

Moreover, in time, she is not going in, and she is recognized, even taken away. Otherwise, it will not run so far.

So how do those people recognize her? Ye Tang frowned and thoughtless.

Is that video? Ye Tang's eyebrows moved, immediately shook his head. No, the video is not in a lot of forwarding online, and it is not a few people at all, and then, even if they see the video, what? Even Chen Feng can't find a video who sent it. You can believe that those people will be more proficient than Chen Feng.

It must be said that some people say that those people say, otherwise they will not do this, at least the move will not be so fast.

Ye Tang frowned, took out the mobile phone, played the names of several people in the memo, and wrote the reasons and motivation behind it later.


Liu Ruifeng picked up the cup on the table, drank a breath, looked at the computer screen straight, didn't know what I was thinking.

After drinking the water in the cup, Liu Ruifeng also returned to God, biting his lips hesitated for a while, and the heavy spit out of mouth, as if there is a decision under the same decision. After taking a few documents from the table, get up to the valley office.

"Hey -" raised his hand knocked knocking.

Valley smiled and looked at the documents on his hand, heard the knocking on the door, and didn't care about smiling: "Come in."

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