Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 149 is coming to the company again

Lu Yichen stunned, hurry up in the first few steps, holding her arm, smiling and said: "Morning morning, how come you?" Said in Lu Yichen pulled Tang Chen Chen into the living room, smiled and said: "Waiting, I will give you a cup of tea." "In the morning, I heard that you resigned? You and Ye Tang ..." Tang Chen Chen took the tea, and asked. "

Lu Yichen lip, reluctantly laughing and said: "After surgery, my body is very weak, until now, I don't want to improve, the doctor said that my body needs a long time. This is a long time, I can't go to the company. So I let me help me resign work. As for Ye Tang, we have no feelings, there is no common topic, we are divorced, this matter will not be mentioned in the future! "Didn't say half, Lu Yichen's tone .

Tang Chenchen heard here, I don't know what I should say, I will swallow my words again ...

At this time, Zhong Wei came in, "In the morning, morning morning was hard to come to the family, I went to buy something." Said that turning to Tang Chenchen: "Morning morning, don't go home at noon, eat in the uncle "

Tang Chen Chen quickly said: "Uncle, I will go for a while, don't use it so much!"

Lu Yichen pulled her hand, spoiled: "Morning morning, you will leave it, we haven't talked about it for a long time."

Tang Chenchen hesitated, said: "This ... well. Then I will wait here, it is really trouble, uncle."

Zhong We smiled and shook his head and turned out of the door and went out to buy vegetables.

Soon, Zhong Wei's two-handed fish, lobster and green peppers, entered the kitchen, and quickly came out of the kitchen.

After a while, the carp, sweet and vinegar squid, crispy lobster, green pepper fans, with the scent, Tang Chenmachen and Lu Yichen came to the dinner table, I was happy to eat.

After lunch, I sent Tang Chen Chen to the door.

Tang Chenchen looked at the pale face of Lu Yichen, said: "In the morning, you have to rest, don't think so much!"

"Know, you can rest assured." Lu Yichen said with a smile.


Chen Feng looked at Ye Tang, who was buried in the document, frowned, asked: "There is always, do you want to go out to eat together?"

Ye Tang looked at Chen Feng at a glance, shook his head and said: "Can't, now I am still not hungry, you will go to eat first!"

Chen Feng helpless sigh, open mouth: "Well, then I will go first."

Going out of the office, Chen Feng looked back at the Ye Tang, he knew that he was like Lu Yichen, I really don't know what they would do.

The big day, Ye Tang stayed in the company a night, yesterday, it is also estimated today.

Leaf house

At home, Ye Da Ye had eaten a meal early, Ye Dad sat on the sofa and read the newspaper, Ye Ma frowned him on him: "Is the company very busy? Busy no time to see the morning? Busy Didn't you have time to go home? "

Ye Dad, lips, open mouth: "Maybe."

"Now, the old lady is eating at home, hehe! If it is in the morning ..." Ye Mom complained.

Ye Dad is looking through the newspaper's hand, helpless sighing.


In the office, you are full of wine bottles and cigarettes, smog, if you don't look carefully, you will not believe this is the office of the company, the messy beard is equipped with a fluffy hair, and the clothes are distributed and a strong wine and Unknown cigarette.

"Ye Tang, you ..., hehe!" Chen Feng gently pushed the door and came in, and looked at this Ye Tang's look, helpless sigh.

Chen Feng found the place where the Personnel Department lived in Lu Yichen and drove directly to her.

"Hey -" said a knock on the door.

"Come here ..." Zhong Weisheng opened the door and looked at the neighborhood of the strange life, and asked "You?"

Chen Feng politely nodded, smiled and said: "My name is Chen Feng, a colleague with a company in the morning, she is at home? I am looking for her to have a little urgent!"

"Oh, this way, at home in the morning, come! First come in." Zhong Wei smiled and said Chen Feng came in.

Zhong We shouted in the house: "In the morning, your company's colleagues came to you!"

"Hey! Come." Lu Yichen quickly came out from the house, Chen Feng, asked the doubtful doubt: "Chen Feng? How come you? Is there anything?"

Chen Feng said with a smile: "I am looking for something, can we go outside?"

Lu Yichen hesitated, nodded, said: "Okay, I know there is a bad cafe near this."

Chen Feng followed the Lu Yichen into a cafe, and the two were free to sit down.

"Lu Yichen, how are you doing now?" Chen Feng took the lead asked.

Lu Yichen said with a smile: "Now, much, thank you for your concern!"

Chen Feng nodded, sinking, said: "Lu Yichen, I know that you and Ye's matter I shouldn't insert, I know some, of course, I don't let you forgive him, just hope ...... I hope you can see him "

Lu Yichen, looked up and looked at Chen Feng did not speak.

Chen Feng sighed and continued: "Maybe you don't know, Ye always bored in the room, smoking alcohol, in the office, stacking the wine bottle and cigarette butt, smog, full of wine and gas, do not know the finishing makeup, add I really can't bear it ... I really can't bear it ..., so I beg you, you can persuade him. "

"What?" Lu Yichen said, suddenly remembered that Ye Tang had a problem with insomnia, and it hurts.

Chen Feng saw Lu Yichen's intention and continued: "The leaves have not returned in a few days, and the lights in the evening have been bright. I have to see him several times, he didn't sleep, full of red, drink, stupid Silly looks outside the window, which kind of look, I can't bear to describe, even if the leaves have done a lot of sorry, hurt you! But for the past, persuade the leaves of the leaves! "

"Will you think about it in the morning? Is it back to the company?" Chen Feng asked in anxiously "in the morning ..."

"Ah ..." Lu Yichen found Chen Feng as calling her.

"If you don't see Ye always like this, I will not come to you, I don't want you to forgive you, I only hope that you can go to see the total, so that he can work with peace of mind, otherwise the company will collapse ...... "Chen Feng didn't be patient, he can't wait to bring it back to the company immediately.

"Well ... I will go to the company."

"Too good!" Chen Feng face showed a smile.

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