Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 155 re-moving home

Ye Tang Yi, he has never thought of this problem before. Lu quietly looked at him in the morning and didn't urge it.

Ye Tang frowned to think about the little bit of himself, from the beginning, he liked her, otherwise it would not be married to her. Is it true that I have loved her now?

Looking back quietly, I looked at the beautiful eyes in the morning. Ye Tang suddenly thought that he saw her in the river that day, his mood. I am also more dedicated to my own guess.

Run your hand tightly hugged her in his arms, and said that he was gentle in her ear: "Of course, I love you."

There was a moment in the brain in the morning, and the reaction was also tightened by him, and said: "That's kind, I love you too."

Ye Tang hugged her hand and then took her more tight, and magnetized laughter loudly in her ear.

Lu Yichen was embarrassed in his chest. After a while, he pushed him, and he looked up: "The previous company's business, do you find it clear?"

Ye Tang touched her hair and told her to discover the doubts, and the progress of the current investigation.

Two people talk about the next morning, all about all the misunderstandings all explained clearly, which should not be said.

I held my hands in the morning, and smiled out of the leaves.

Ye Tang took the land of Lu Yichen, and left straight to his own car, ready to send her home.

Lu Yichen followed him, his face hanged a brilliant smile.

Ye Tang looked at the driver's seat, laughing, the laughing, laughed, said: "The misunderstanding between us is not there, you should also move back from the family? Always bothering Ok, what do you say? "

Lu Yichen went to see him, and said dissatisfaction: "How can I be disturbing at home? I can't live more for a few days."

Ye Tang helplessly sigh, smiled and said: "Well, I know you hurt you, but you can't always live in your family, let me live alone?"

Lu Yichen, hesitated, said: "Well, then I will move."

Ye Tang smiled and said: "Then I will pack things with you, help you pack it, and send it to the apartment."

Lu Yichen smiled nodded, opening: "Let's go back to the apartment first, have you not going back this time? Just go back to see."

"Okay." Ye Tang came with a sound, turned down to his apartment.

Lu Yichen turned his head to enjoy the scenery of the window, and said a few words with Ye Tang from time to time.

I quickly arrived at the apartment, and the two people were invited.

Lu Yichen wanted to walk, Ye Tang thought that it was not far from it, and agreed, the two played hands and pulling it in the past.

When I arrived, I was still in the company, and I took out my key in the morning and opened the door.

Ye Tang was followed behind her, because of the past, the light car is going to the morning room, the movement of Maji put her usually used something to pack it, it is necessary to pull the land, hurry home.

Lu Yichen smiled and took his hand, followed him slowly, and gave a call when he went out, and said that this thing told him.

When the two said, there was a laughter, most of them said that Lu Yichen said, and the Ye Tang responded from time to time.

Gu Yunxi went to the company's way, and Yu Guang did not care about two of them who were walking around, and thought it was wrong.

I looked at it carefully. I wrinkled the car on the side of the road. I pade it deeply in the car. I was uncomfortable in my heart. I didn't care. I got off the bus. I went to them, smiled and said. : "Hey, I haven't seen you for a long time, have you miss me?"

Lu Yichen, surprised, I suddenly appeared in front of Gu Yunxi, I am happy: "Gu Yunxi? How can you here?"

Gu Yunxi pointed to the car on the roadside, said with a smile: "I am preparing to go to the company. I saw you in the car, I will talk to you."

Lu Yichen looked at him in the direction of him, a low-key black BMW stopped on the side of the road, and smiled nodded.

Just want to say, I heard the Ye Tang next to him. "Since you still have to go to the company, then we will not stop you, hurry."

Gu Yunxi's face is unchanged, and the opening: "This doesn't work hard, I will not go to the company, and I will not even talk to the time in the morning. You are not like someone, busy There is no time to go to the hospital. "

The headache of Lu Yichen is frowned, it seems to have seen the sparks between them between two. Hurry up with the previous step.

Gu Yunxi looked at Lu Yichen and said with a smile: "I am coming to bless you in the morning, you must make yourself happy. If ... I don't know if Ye Tang is not good for you, then you are always Can come to me, I will never change to you. "

On Lu Yichen, I just wanted to talk, I was pulled behind by Ye Tang.

"Gu Yunxi, if you want to fight, I will say it straight." Ye Tang said that I have a fist to play him.

Gu Yunxi's mammoth, escaped Ye Tang's fist, smiled and helped the Lu Yichen, turned to ran back to the car, quickly launch the car left.

Ye Tang was cold and glanced at him. He left, and turned and said to Lu Yichen seriously: "In the morning, you must stay away from him in the future, do you know?"

"I know, let's go home soon." Lu Yichen smiled and stretched out the Ye Tang continued to go forward.

Ye Tang's cold expression, the softness, and continued to move forward along her strength.

On Lu Yichen, I went back to work on the second day. I went to the phone before I got a call and said with him. I didn't say anything, but I said that she can understand her and let her go in his own heart.

Because the Ye Tang has turned over, the personnel of the Personnel are also very interesting.

Going back to the familiar office, there is a better mood in the morning.

After dinner at noon, I found a time on my desk in the morning.

Open a look at the divorce agreement to Ye Dad, Mom. He hesitated for a while, Lu Yichen raised his hand to open, but found that it was just a cartoon painting.

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