Valley is slightly put on the ground, and the spirit of pain is a bit embarrassed, but the next consciousness hugs his stomach. In the meantime, I feel that I seem to have been hoped from the ground to bed, and some people have been talking to themselves.

The stomach that is increasingly painful is slowly uncomfortable. It is strong to make your own faint, muttered: "Child ... child ... I ... my child ... child ......."

Next to Wang Bimi, see her mouth is moving, hurry to go, after listening to her words, helpless sigh, comfortable in her ear: "Valley ..., Mrs., you can rest assured, children will be fine "

The valley is not heard by her, and it is no longer strong, and I barely pulled a smile, I fainted.

Wang Boim saw her faint, stunned, screaming.

The doctor was shocked by her, frowning: "She is just fainting, you go out, don't add chaos."

"Yes, I will go out." Wang Boim nodded again, and said that he retired.

After a long time, the doctor slammed the tone, wiped the forehead, said to the housekeeper next to: "Ok, the child is hugged. But this time it is moving the tire gas, this time should pay attention to not Tired, just raise it. "

The housekeeper nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, you can rest assured, I will pay attention."

"Okay, then I will go first, what is going on inform me." The doctor said to packed up his own things and turned out.

"You are slow, I will not send you." But the family said glard and lying on the bed.

The doctor nodded and said that his line of sight glanced at the bed, still in a coma, helpless sigh, turned and left.


Valley is lying in bed for a whole half, and finally slowed over. When I thought last time Ye Tang, I couldn't stay in myself, but I was not willing to give up.

After a few days, I was determined to send a phone call with Ye Tang, just like this to see his attitude, if he is still so, you can't kill your own. I have to think about something else, and I will do it.

Thinking of this took the phone on the table, found the Ye Tang's number, dialed the past. After waiting for a while, I was picked up.

"Tang, are you busy? After you played me last time, my body has always been uncomfortable. Can you come to see me? Of course, if you don't have time, I said."

Ye Tang suddenly received a micro-call, and his heart was not a little fluctuation. After all, the valley still had his child, kicking her, is indeed because of it is too excited.

Under the feeling of annoyance, Ye Tang also followed the valley, said: "Last ... last time, I am wrong, you wait for me for a while, I will pass."

The Valley's mouth has a smile, smiling and saying: "Okay, then I am waiting for you at home."

"Well." Ye Tang should have a call.

Valley hanging up the phone, got up and packed yourself, just painted a layer with the foundation with the foundation, and painted on the lips, let yourself look more pale.

After packing it, look at the mirror and weak, I nodded, since I knew that he was guilty of himself, then he definitely wants to make him more serious.

After packing it, I am ready to wait for him to wait for him. When the hand hits the door handle, the Valley's hand suddenly thought of a good idea.

The slight hook the lip, turned back to bed, cover himself with the quilt, quietly waiting for Ye Tang.

Ye Tang is very fast, I found that the valley was not in the living room, frowned, and looked at Wang Bao, who was cleaning, asked: "Valley is slight?"

Wang Baoim was slightly bent over, smiled and said: "Miss Valley has been in the room."

Ye Tang is nodded and continued to ask: "What is her body?"

Wang Bao Mi said, randomly said: "Her body has been much better, but last time ..., it is still good to cultivate."

Ye Tang frowned, nor did you talk to her, directly to the grain's bedroom.

Valley heard the voice of Ye Tang came in, and quickly packed the quilt and picked up the book of the bed.

Ye Tang pushed in, looking at the valley lying in bed reading book, opening: "Valley, I am coming, how are you? Is it better?"

The valley just found him, a surprise, smiled and said: "Tang, you are coming so fast, I have a lot."

Ye Tang is nodded, sitting next to her, gentle saying: "The last time isn't right, you have to rest."

Valley's face has a change in an instant change, but the smile on his face is more sweet. "I know, last time ... last time I ... I don't blame you, I believe ... I believe you must be What is the reason will be like this, I ... I am fine. "

Ye Tang Lip, revealing a helpless smile.

Valley sees he does not speak, carefully raises his hand, hugging his waist.

Ye Tang Yun, the lower consciousness hit her to open her, but the sight fell to her pale and weak face, but she didn't go to her hand, but she was back and she returned.

Valley snapled that Ye Tang did not push itself, the smile of his mouth is even more splendid, and it is also more confirmed that he wants to stay around him.

Ye Tang is stiff to make her hug, nor touch her.

Valley was a little for a while, I opened my hand, smiled and said to him: "Tang, I am really happy, we have long time without such intimate hug."

Ye Tang was reluctant to tear a smile, opening: "Well, you have a good rest, pay attention to your body, I will go to see the rice is doing well." I said to open her and went out.

Looking at the back of Ye Tang, the Valley slides over a slightly.

Ye Tang made a slight thing before himself, and his heart was very regret, and he often ran to the Valley, and said with her.

Because Ye Tang has recently come, the grain's face is getting better and better. He thought that he quickly had to get Ye Tang, and the color on his face was increasingly incompatible.

Every time Ye Tang is coming, the Valley will knock on the side of the side to divorce him with the land, with themselves.

Ye Tang wants to go directly to her, but I am worried that her body has not recovered, I am afraid to stimulate her, I can only use words to pass by speech, or simply change the topic.

Valley, I have no mouth, there is no mouth, and I have a chance to have a chance, but also get it.

Ye Tang was shaken by her, and his heart was getting less and less.

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