Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 168 Chen Feng's Accounting

Chen Feng poured a cup of white water to Ye Tang's hand, "Ye, you will take the gas, the force is the best way to solve the problem!" Ye Tang took a teacup, did not say anything, his eyes are full of angry .

After a while, Chen Feng saw Ye Tang's anger still did not relieve it, and said deep and long said: "Ye always, you have to lose your own, you must have Liu Rui Feng, we must find ways All the things made by the valley are all set out, so that we will not let Lu Yichen white are wronged ... "

Ye Tang suddenly stood up and angryly pointed to him. "Chen Feng, you should not stop me at that time, you should let me log in the morning, there is, there are companies, Chen Feng, I am the valley How? How about other employees? Everyone looks in the eyes, where I got her, she actually treats my company, what? "

The words of Ye Tang said, let Ye Tang himself more angry, Ye Tang did not know why he was so angry at the moment.

Chen Feng saw Ye Tang this look, did not speak.

After a while, "Ye always, I know that you are very angry now, but you have to consider the company, think about your wife, what I said," Chen Fengxin said flat.

At this time, Ye Tang did not speak. He felt that he had been in Lu Yichen. He has always made his duty in Lu, and he did not know how to face Lu Yichen in the future. He even felt himself. There is no color to go home, I think that the valley is doing, Ye Tang is more anger, he didn't think that the Valley tied to your company, but didn't think that the valley is smashed into the morning, think of Lu Yichen lying On the rumip scene next to the river, Ye Tang feels that he is trapped for a long time, for a long time.

Listening to Chen Feng's words, Ye Tang felt that she should not be so impulsive, her impulse makes things worse, and the valley will definitely have more secrets, he doesn't know, must put a longer line fish. A larger fish, think of this, Ye Tang's anger and soothing, after a while, gradually calming.

"Call ... I didn't control my emotions, I just thought about it, I agree with your proposal." Ye Tang calm said.

"The leaves can always think so, that is too good, Ye, the recent thing happens too much, you look tired, today you take a good rest! Tomorrow we continue to investigate." .

After Chen Feng left, Ye Tang put down the tea cup in his hand. Before walking to the mirror, he saw himself in the mirror. He felt really like Chen Feng said, it was scarred by this matter, exhausted, but He has to re-launch the spirit, let it have a knot, or you will hurt more innocent people.

Ye Tang took out the cigarette from the pocket, took out one, took out the fire machine, took a smoke, sucked a bite, it feels more relaxed, the company's things have made him busy, plus These things make him feel very tired, now only this cigarette makes it short.

After that, I passed in a while, Ye Tang fell asleep ...

After Ye Tang left, the valley was very angry: "Hey! Ye Tang you have a thousand knives." After finishing the fruits on the table. Valley I think that Ye Tang is on Lu Yichen, you, you, you said that I laughed, I can't wait to take the Ye Tang from Lu Yichen immediately.

The valley wants to get angry.

In the afternoon, the Valley is walking in the garden. The valley is now staying at home. There are many free time, no longer work, no longer can't finish the battle, and there is no fight, and the valley is slightly smuggled. After a while, the leaves fell a piece of the palm.

Suddenly Valley is tied with the thorn on the branch.


"Butler, how do you prune the garden?" Said that the index finger is deeply sucking a blood in his mouth.

The housekeeper knows why the valley is very angry these days, and there is no explanation, and I didn't say anything low.

"Even you are also bullying me." The Valley pointed to the rose, glanced at the housekeeper, returned to the bedroom.

Valley, I have to take the initiative, I can't make this cheaper Ye Tang. Since Ye Tang does not ask himself, I will take the initiative to find him, thinking about the phone call.

At this time, Ye Tang, who had not been resting for a long time, is still sleeping.

"Kingling Bell!" At first, Ye Tang did not hear it. Ye Tang's eyes did not open the phone. "Hey! I am Ye Tang, which one are you?"

"Tang, it is me, the valley, are you busy? Why did you call it so long?" The valley asked.

Ye Tang Ye listened to the valley, the mood is unhappy, "I am sleeping, what is going on tomorrow!"

Ye Tang hate must not hung up the Valley.

Valley said: "Tang, don't hang the phone, I didn't want to bother you, but Tang, since you left, my belly has been painful, the doctor opened the medicine, I also take it on time, but I have not improved, Oh! I am now hurt now, the pain of my heart, Tang, can you come to accompany me? "

When I heard the Valley, Ye Tang felt incomparable nausea and dislike, he couldn't believe that she would encounter such ugly in this world, Ye Tang Xin thought, if you change it to yourself, you must How far can you flee too far, do so many injuries, what is the face of your own hurt, what is the face of the face, Ye Tang did not think that the valley is like this is a thick and shameless People.

Since I learned from Liu Ruifeng, the children in the Valley are not their own flesh. Ye Tang decided to have no melui from the valley in the future, never want to see this person, Ye Tang hate can not be kept far away from the valley, Now the valley is very shameless to see yourself.

However, not now.

"Okay, I will pass." Ye Tang bite his teeth.

I thought about it, Ye Tang added: "What do you need at home? Is there anything I want to eat, yes, I recently heard that the crispy lobster of Xiafai Road is very delicious, I will buy it when I passed it. Little! "

"No, as long as you come, I am very happy!" Said that the valley hung up the phone.

Hanging up the phone, the Valley is slightly revealing a smile.

Although the valley just now, let Ye Tang feel very embarrassed and angry, but Ye Tang controls his anger in his heart, calm down, and speaks the tasty.

After a while, Ye Tang opened to the Valley's home.

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