Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 175 Chapter Valley

When the valley hugged Ye Tang, the valley saw Lu Yichen, so the valley deliberately hugged the Tang Tang hug, more intimate ... Valley is very close, I want to be angry, you can follow Ye Tang What can I get married? At the end, Ye Tang is still not annoying, you have to divorce me after divorce, after the future, Ye Tang is my man, I have an endless Ronghua rich, with an unsuccessful gold and silver jewelry, I want to fight with me. ? You still have some tender, go home and sad with you! Valley can't help but come up with your lips.

Valley looked at Ye Tang's kind of eyes, and thought that it seems that Lu Yichen is very smart, can track Ye Tang to go to his house, it seems that he is a small IQ.

Although the valley is slightly surprised, there is still a little faint, and there is a smile in his mouth.

"Tang, the outside of the sky! We go home! Valley said, the valley feels that Ye Tang should pay attention to Lu Ye, thinking that Ye Tang will go home with himself, do not let Ye Tang go to the morning.

Ye Tang did not pay attention to the valley, looking at the back of the land of the morning, and the heart is unparalleled, the heart is like a knife, he can't bear to see Lu Yichen, ready to train in the morning.

Valley is slightly looked with Ye Tang, and he is a bit uncomfortable.

Valley suddenly realized that Ye Tang was going to train in the morning, no, absolutely not, the valley deliberately fell next to Ye Tang.

it hurts……

"Tang, I have a good stomach, ah ..." Valley is deliberately licking his stomach to Ye Tang.

Ye Tang footstep, look back, look at her, "stomach pain?"

Valley nodded, looked at Ye Tang, but Ye Tang was still looking at the direction of landing in the morning.

At this time, the valley did not give up, "Tang, I really have a good stomach, good pain!" Said that pretending to make uncomfortable, deliberately giving Ye Tang.

Ye Tang looked at the valley before his eyes, it was really annoyable, when did you not hurt, it is too painful, unreasonable, look at the grain, Ye Tang hate can't kick her.

But think about your company, think about it in the morning, he has retired.

I have to pick up the valley lying on the ground, ran to my own car, driving to the hospital.

On the road, the valley is secretly sneaking, she believes that Lu Yichen is always my opponent, Ye Tang is finally her own, Ye Tang's company is also her own, Ye Tang's property is ourselves, no one can go! Valley did not think that Ye Tang did not put down his own no matter what it was, he was busy sending himself to the hospital. Ye Tang did not chase the hateful land, think of it, and the valley is happy.

The valley is tightly covered with your belly, and you can't let Ye Tang have seen yourself.

At this moment, Ye Tang's heart is always not going to land in the morning. He feels good to have a pain. It is like a 10,000 poisonous insects to swallow your heart. He didn't think that Lu Yichen would see all this, if you have a clear, result Will it be better than now? Perhaps the morning is ready to be prepared, with the large and inclusive land of Lu, Lu Yichen will definitely understand, at least not like now, crying and running, will not be so sad!

Where is Lu Yichen going back now? At home, the family is still a person who hides the head and cry. These three answers, Ye Tang is more hope that Lu Yichen can return to her home, there is mother and father comforting her, than having a good person; Ye Tang does not want to go back to the end in the morning, because I have been wronged in the morning. If Lu Yichen returned to the family, I didn't ask in his mouth. He won't let it go; Ye Tang can't bear to cover a man in the morning and cry, there is still in the morning How is this good? What happened to the child, what happened?

Thinking about thinking, Ye Tang Xinli is extremely anxious.


"How did you drive this person? Do not understand the traffic law? The red lantern is out of time, why not take it? The driver behind it said.

At this moment, Ye Tang did not hear it, and his eyes didn't look at him. Anyone outside the outside world did not enter his ear, as if he is not the world, what is nothing to do with him.

At this time, the valley is dissatisfied with Ye Tang's arm, "Tang, what do you think?"

"Ah ..." Ye Tang looked at the valley, and also saw the driver.

Valley said: "Tang, red lights have not yet! We should go! The drivers behind them are coming to urge us!" Said the driver outside the window.

Ye Tang at this moment, she understands, she has a good spirit, and she is ready to drive away the crossroads.

"Who! Really! Good meaning reminder, don't know how to say thank you!" Said that the fear is closed.

Valley saw that Ye Tang's heart is sure to think about something, or so big voice will not be heard, thinking too god!

Valley glanced at Ye Tang, asked, "Tang, what do you want? What do you want? If you think about it, the driver is not heard!"

"I am thinking about some things in the company." Ye Tang love replied.


After a while, they will drive to the hospital.

Ye Tang took the Valley to get off the bus, a nurse saw it, hurriedly asked, "What happened to you?"

Ye Tang Yi knows, is it a man, a woman, is a husband and wife? In order not to let the valley look at the greasy, I have to endure. "She didn't know what it happened? Sudden shouting stomachache."

The nurse has been busy finding a pushing bed, and a few helpers, "Come! Everyone helped her put her in bed."

While pushing to the hospital hall, the nurse asks the valley micro.



"Where is it?" The nurse told the tight belly.

"This, ah ... good pain" valley is actually not painful, but in the face of Ye Tang, you must go.

"Is there a sugar drug, or the family genetic?" The nurse continued.

Valley shook his head, "no."

Nurses quickly took out a stethoscope, "Is it allergic to penicillin, mannitol, aspirin?"

Valley continues to shake your head, "I have made skin tests before, but they are not allergic to penicillin, but mannitol and aspirin don't know."

"I don't know if it doesn't matter, I will know if I will test it." The nurse cares.

The nurse continued to ask: "Do you have an electrocardiogram before? Is there a blood routine, urine routine?"

Valley wrinkles, "I have done an electrocardiogram and blood routine, there is no exception."


In the process of inquiry, Ye Tang is not in the meaning, and it will not be in the body of Yigue. He hates can't disappear from this world, always away from him and Lu Yichen.

When the Valley was doing inspections, Ye Tang received a call from Lu Yichen.

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