Gu Yunxi thought of his fans, immediately contacted his broker, let him go to the official Weibo to help the power of the fans to find land, at the same time, the mobile phone in Gu Yunxi does not leave, keeping Make a phone call, but every call is a mobile phone shutdown. The gas of Gu Yunxi almost broke the phone in his hand, and he couldn't maintain his own star image. Broadly screamed: "Shutdown off! Mom, Ye Tang, you have a bastard, what do you want to do! Don't see your shadow! I have to miss it in the morning. If you have a conscience! "

Gu Yunxi simply crashed, raised a few laps in the original place, and gave the car key to go out.


On the way, Gu Yunxi did not care about the red light along the way, and rushed to the Ye Tang Company.

Augging steps, I would like to ask for a question of Miss Frontier, ride directly into the top-level president office.

At this time, Ye Tang is working in the office to handle the investigated valley, seeing her previous information, there is no suspicious place, but there is no suspicious place is often the most doubtful!

Just in Ye Tang is caught in a hundreds, suddenly, the office door "-" is opened.

Ye Tang frowned, looked up, seeing is Gu Yunxi, just wanted to get fire, he was rushed over by Gu Yunxi, slamming his collar, squinted at him, and full of angry, Said: "You are the bastard rabbit, I killed you this no conscience of turtle grandson!"

Said, a punch waved on his face, and the Ye Tang hit the front, almost fell to the ground.

Seeing Ye Tang Wolf, Gu Yunxi is a little comfortable, but it is still worthy of the anger in his heart, screaming at him: "Ye Tang! You turn his turtle, sit in the president office is very chic. , Is it in your eyes? Lu Yichen is not worth you care?? Am I tell you, because of you, in the morning, she left home when we didn't pay attention! We now don't find anyone. To her! "

Ye Tang Xian is a misty water that is taken by Gu Yunxi, and it is almost fell by him. He is very angry, thinking about Ye Tang, a president, in addition to Gu Yunxi, have not given you this Three times two times.

When he was angry and angry, he suddenly heard the news that I didn't see in the morning, first, I didn't want to do it with Gu Yunxi, questioned him: "Is it left home? Why do you want to leave home? Where is she going? Why don't you look at her?"

Gu Yunxi is cold and smiling and ironic: "Why? Ye Tang, you really want to face? In Lu Yicheng moved the tire gas, during hospitalization, you deliberately contribute to the Valley Microfite her attending physician to hurt her child, if not Tang Chenchen knows how medical skills, I am afraid your child now, now you have already lived! Ye Tang, how do you worry about? Do you really hope that your child is dead? "

Ye Tang heard here, it is finally understood, and the valley is slight, and she is holding a fist with her hands. I can't wait to kill her at this time. "I didn't ..."

"Also, the main thing is that after this day, I know this thing, it is cold for you. In the past few days, she is a child who wants to fight out your child. These days are us. Several people look at her day, but, at last evening, in the morning, I used a drug in the morning, I was looking at her Tang Chenchen. I secretly ran away, I didn't find her so far! "Gu Yunxi looked at Ye Tang. The face is awkward, the word said to him.

Gu Yunxi said that Ye Tang couldn't help but couldn't help but grab the key on the table, and the legs will be rushed out, what company, what investigation, no one in the morning!

"Ye Tang!" Gu Yunxi shouted him at this time.

Ye Tang heard that Gu Yunxi called him, but did not stop his footsteps. Gu Yunxi came up at this time, blocked his road, his eyes narrow, stared at Ye Tang's eyes, "Ye Tang, I told you, I didn't have it to mention it in the morning. As long as she is willing, I am willing to take care of her and her children. However, she did not agree, her heart is you, I don't have anyone, I have to have already, I have to give up ... Ye Tang, I warned you, I will give you the morning, not let you blame you, you'd better be a dessert in the morning, otherwise, I will never Will easily spare you! "

Ye Tang Yan was hanging down, he did not send, but his heart was sour, his morning, suffered ...


Ye Tang opened the car, and he did not manage the company's things. He followed the hospital for a family, even dispatched his hands under his hand, and almost all the city's hospitals almost ridiculous, finally in a small I found an early morning in the hospital.

At this time, there was a chair in the seat on the hospital corridor. She has just hangs, recalls that her pain is hard to experience this time, and there is no mourning in the heart of Lu Yichen. Yes, she blame. Ye Tang, Qi Ye Tang did not stay with her when she needs him, and the blame Tang Mingming was that he said that he would like a child, but finally, he fell into the children to hurt their children.

Perhaps, maybe this child is a mistake, just like her and Ye Tang, it is a mistake ...

Lu Yichen gently stroked his belly that he had not raised, although until the child in her belly is still not moving, I haven't developed intact, but this child has been in her body for so long, and suddenly said no Don't, there will be a little sad in the end of Lu Yichen.

No, she doesn't want her child like her, there is no father, growing in a single-parent family, since the child's father doesn't want him, then she is not as good as it is, so as not to grow up in the future, it is discriminated against others.

Lu Yichen tightly pinned the hand of the hand, the mind is thousands, the nose is sour, the eyes are red, the eyes are sluggish, the whole person is dead, if others see such land, I will not be in the past. I am full of energy and enthusiasm.

"Next, No. 36, Lu Yimeng!" The nurse stands in the people waiting in line outside.

After listening to her name, Lu Yichen, I don't know why, her feet is not moving on the ground, and it is moving.

"No. 36, Lu Yichen! Is it not there?" The nurse repeated it again.

The eyes of Lu Yichen blusted, and there was a tear flashing.

At this time, the nurse has no patience, "Lu Yichen! I am not there? If you are not there! Next!"

"I am!" Lu Yichen slowly stood up, and she fell out of her eyes and dripped with her cheek.

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