Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 195, the fetus is unstable

Chen Fengxin frowned, greedy woman, with his mouth: "I will tell Ye Tang." Valley nodded.

Chen Feng saw the mission has been completed, and the woman didn't have any suspicion, and he left.

I looked at a tonic before going, and it means a deep eye to the valley.

In fact, those tonic surfaces look mild, in fact, most of them contain stimulatory hormones of the fetus, for pregnant women, is basically taboo, more likely to tire.

After Chen Feng has been there, Valley is happy, from the household to take a supplement, it is a few times, and it is found that some famous tonic, all are high nutritious supplements.

"Nanny, from today, you all look at me to eat this supplement every day, since Ye Tang has the heart, I can't live up to his kindness." The Valley told the babysitter.



You can eat the tonic from Ye Tang every day, and call him every day.

Valley thought that he can retain Ye Tang through a child, have to say, is it too stupid?

On this day, Ye Tang is working at home and received a microphone phone.

"Hey, Tang, have you worked too late? When is it to see people?" The sound of the Valley's micro-snoring.

Ye Tang frowned, now he can't hear the sound of the valley, hate can't shield her, but now! Can't!

Ye Tang took a sigh of relief, facing the phone: "I am working now, very busy, wait for time to go, you have a good rest, I first ..."

The two words "hanging up", the valley will take the lead in blocking: "Tang, you listen to me, you will be eaten every day, do you know? Since I eat your tonic, my whole person's spirit is much better! Also, I can feel the baby in my stomach these days! "

Ye Tang took the forehead, too lazy to talk to her, "Valley, I am very busy now, I hang, you have a good rest."

Valley is slight, my heart is somewhat unhappy, but my mouth is still a well-behaved: "Well, I don't bother you, you pay attention to the body, don't be tired! I will be good."


After hanging up the phone, Ye Tang really feels tired ...

Valley put down the phone, and stroked his belly that he had raised. During this time, it may be a tonic. She feels that the children in the belly can kick her. Sometimes it is even a few times a day, thinking in the heart. This is really a good phenomenon.

The valley is absolutely unveral, it is precisely because she eats all the supplements, causing the fetus in her body to extremely unstable. However, she can't feel that it is really a good phenomenon that the fetus is kicking himself.

Lu Yichen has not been out of the door for several days. This day, she pushed the door of Ye Tang Book, and saw Ye Tang did not stop the forehead, very tired.

I have a distressed walk, along with his strength, lick your temple for him.

Ye Tang and Valley were irritated after the phone. At this time, suddenly a warm little hand knead his temple, Ye Tang Yi, the angle of the mouth evacuated a comfortable smile.

Holding her little hand in his hands, slightly hard, Lu Yichen, sitting on his legs, Ye Tang smashed her body.

Wen Xiang soft jade is in the abairy, Ye Tang's tiredness suddenly swept away, and the light said to Lu Yichen: "In the morning, will we go abroad to travel to the country?"

There is a bit surprise in Lu, and "tomorrow?"

Ye Tang point head, "Yes, tomorrow."

"Why is this sudden?" This is surprised by the morning.

Ye Tang saw that she didn't help but laugh. "Stupid, don't you want to travel abroad? I have to take you bad? Moreover, this is also a compensation for you, this day, you suffer ... "

"Well, tomorrow will tomorrow, I will pick up your bag now." Said, Lu Yichen jumped out of him, and smoked out the door of the study.

"Hey, you are slow, be careful!" Ye Tang saw her running so quickly.

"I know, I know……"


When you talk, you will go, the next day, Ye Tang and Lu Yichen are sitting on the plane to the British.

The first stopped them went to London in the UK, and went to the famous Buckingham Palace, Big Ben and Westminster Church.

The second stopped they went to Edinburgh and visited Edinburgh Castle and the Scottish Museum.

Third stops they went to the Cambridge and visited the famous Cambridge University and the Shengkeline School.

In the UK, Lu Yichen and Ye Tang have forgotten, so I don't have fun, I took a lot of their photos, and the two people were happy and sweet.

At the same time, Lu Yichen is also constantly updating microblogging dynamics, put a few sweet photos about her and Ye Tang, there are many people in Weibo to comment on Handsome men's prostitutes, which makes the Lu Yichen more sweet. Sweet During this day, through Ye Tang's no more concerned with himself, Lu Yichen's love is also more profound, and the feelings of the two people are more sweet, and they often have someone else. I don't understand the tacit understanding and trust.

Some people are happy, and the valley is here.

Since half a month ago, Ye Tang said that he had to go to the outside world, he didn't contact himself, she now playing Yutang's phone is also shutting down and turning off!

She also found that this day, her child kicked her more frequently, sometimes there was a painful feeling, she thought that this is normal, and she didn't put it on my heart.

On this day, the valley has no intention to brush Weibo, I found that I didn't go online for many days. I found a microblog in Lu Yichen, a few photos, all of them and Ye Tang took a group photo! Two people hand in hand very close, the two are very sweet.

After reading photos, the valley of the gas will vomit blood, fell on the ground, "Ah, ah! Ye Tang! You this liar! You dare to lie to me! Ah ... my belly, good hurt! ...... My stomach, housekeeper! Butler! "

Valley is a little because of angry, plus it before, it is actually harmful, and it is a lot, so when the housekeeper heard the movement, the valley has already hurts in the ground, from her. Bloody blood ...

The housekeeper was shocked, and then quickly called ambulance, but he looked at a bloody blood on the ground, sigh, he knew, even if it was rescued, he couldn't save the children in the mouth.

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