Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 197 sufficient evidence

"What? Is it this person?" Ye Tang frowned. "It should be right, now I find it, it is the valley seduce him, and let himself pregnant with his sperm. After pregnancy, I will give him a feet." Chen Feng disdain.

Ye Tang hooks a ridicule, cold and said: "What is he following the Valley's transaction? With the valley character, she should clarify the boundary of the man? Why will I have him transaction?"

"Oh, yes. Valley really wants to classify him, but the man is not willing to be embarrassed, he secretly finds people to investigate the valley, discovering the true purpose of the valley, he I started to wrap the valley, threaten the valley to make money, I can't give him money, I have to give him money. "Chen Feng laughed.

When I said this, Chen Fenglon took a look and continued: "I want to thank the man. If he, I can't find things clearly."

Ye Tang picked his eyebrows and asked in confused: "Oh? Why?"

Chen Feng smiled and said: "It is also clever. The man is looking for a slight person, just playing with me a friend. Otherwise, I really can't get this information."

Ye Tang's mouth was slightly lifted by an unpleasant curvature, opening: "OK, I know, look back to you."

"Too good, thank you." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Ye Tang's face has a moment of ease of ease, and it is necessary to recover the frosty faceless, open: "Is the information on these things?"

"Yes, these have been confirmed. I think it should be that she is giving you the next medicine that day, but when you don't have a trick, she thought of this approach."

Ye Tang thought that day, the eyes revealed a strong dislike, and said coldly: "She is really unscrupulous."

"Okay, now I have already checked, but in order to prevent it, I still let me continue to stare at them." Chen Feng said casually.

Ye Tang is a bit, saying satisfaction: "Okay, you are doing, you are ready, I will act as soon as possible."

"You can rest assured, I am ready for these materials and evidence, you can act at any time." Chen Feng also said.

"Well, I will tell you when I arrive." Ye Tang hangs.

Hanging up the phone, Chen Feng packed the information on this matter about this matter, these must be closed, otherwise it is not good, and if you have to be seen by others, I am afraid it is not good. .

"Drip -" Chen Feng was put on the phone in the pocket suddenly sounded.

Chen Feng put the documents in the hand and took out the phone. When I saw the news sent by my friends on my mobile phone, I was stunned.

Make a fierce? This ... this is a crime! How do you dare to do so? This is a life, how can she dare ............

Chen Fengzhi looked at the information on the mobile phone. He still couldn't believe that the valley would actually make these things. If you remember her, although I worship gold and trend, it is not like this. people.

When I saw the valley, I saw a white dress at the library downstairs, as if I didn't eat fireworks. But at that time, I just silently praised her beautiful, and there was no other idea.

At that time, Ye Tang still didn't want to be indifferent now, just started to tell him, because he was working in school, he stopped another rich family from the top floor of the library, and he humiliated himself. Although because of those Personal voice is too big to disturb him read. After those who didn't dare to provoke him, I left a few words to myself. At that time, what did you do?

Chen Feng raised his hand and touched the Pakistan, and went to think about it for a while. I remembered that I had a pain to thank him, but the kid didn't look at myself, it would like What baby is the same.

However, I have been following him later, and he has no objection, even if it is not intentionally helped. It is also because of him, those talents are no longer looking for yourself, they can go to school.

When he was together with the valley, three people still went out and played, but the valley has always been answering. When Ye Tang is in the time, he smiles his smile. Ye Tang is not there, and it will be directly doing this person. I see it, I don't try it with them. Ye Tang didn't know, just thought that he was embarrassed to bother them, and did not say anything.

However, although the Towa is a lot of money, but from her for Ye Tang, I can see her heart or Ye Tang. Moreover, she was really sad at that time.

Chen Feng helplessly sighed, or could not imagine why the valley would become like this. Snooked another man, borrowed his sperm pregnant to lie to Tang, even if it is ... actually hire killer to kill him.

Before the child didn't have, the sad people were dishidden to people, now.

Deep sucking a sigh of relief, Chen Feng was shocked, and quickly gave Ye Tang a call.

Just received, I am anxious to say: "Ye Tang, my friend, just found the valley ... Valley, because of impatience, the man is always looking for money, but also tangled her. Just ready Employing killers to give him. "

Ye Tang listened to it and said, "Surprised:" What? The Valley will hire killer? "

"Yes, I can't believe it, but now this evidence is in me, what should we do now?" Chen Feng said helpless.

Ye Tang frowned, thinking about what to do next, now the clue found on his hand is enough to send a small court court. But ... but the man is now in danger because of the kid of the valley. Do you want to save him.

Chen Feng saw he did not talk, and Chen Feng did not speak, and Chen Feng did not dare to bother him, and he had to hold back the anxious mood, quiet and waited for Ye Tang's decision.

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