It is a bit can't wait to travel abroad, and Lu Yichen is a bit can't wait. She believes that she will go abroad, and they will be able to reliably and begin a new journey. At this time, Xiaoxiang took the end of the lady to the Lu Yichen's bedroom. "Mrs." Miss, Miss has been crying to mother, we can't help you! "

"Nothing, Auxiang, you have to take a break! Tonight, let Miss rest in my house." Lu Yichen said carefully to pick up his daughter.

Lu Yichen's daughter, looked at the mother in front of him, did not cry in an instant, "The daughter wants her mother!"

Their daughter still can't talk, watching Lu Yichen rushing himself, the end of the lady, the daughter, with a small hand, the unachable hair.

Lu Yichen continued: "Do you want to be a daughter, do you want to be a place?" Lu Yichen pinned his daughter's little face.

At this moment, my daughter seems to understand the speech of Lu Yichen, and I laughed over the morning.

Lu Yichen looked happy so happy, soon with her daughter.

Indeed, I haven't seen Ye Tang in the morning, and I miss him in the morning.

I didn't have a two-day news to go abroad, and I was transferred to Chen Feng's ear, and Ye Tang took these days, the company was temporarily treated by Chen Feng.

"Mrs., your phone." Xiaoxiang hurriedly ran over and stunned from the living room.

Lu Yichen is packed in advance, "know it!"

Xiao Xiang said that the bedroom in the morning is over, continue to the living room.

"Hey, hello!" Lu Yichen was a bit surprised. Since Ye Tang went to the United States New York, no one called home, who is looking for himself at this time?

I heard the sound of Lu Yichen. "Lu Yichen is me, Chen Feng, I have something to find you, I have already booked lunch in Jianfei Road Happiness, please come!"

"Okay!" Although Chen Feng is looking for himself, he is enthusiastic to invite himself.

On Lu Yichen, she only used her to pack things. I forgot to wash it in the morning, I thought that I quickly returned to my bedroom.

Going back to the bedroom, Lu Yichen quickly replaced clothes, went to the bathroom to wash a face, hurry to finish makeup, close to the bedroom to come to the living room.

"Aux, I went out, if Mom and Dad asked, you said that Chen Feng just called, there is something to find me, right, no more to give me lunch at noon, I am eating outside." Lu Yichen said Quickly left the living room.

At that time, the servant Xiaozhu was wiping on the ground, heard the arrangement of Lu Yichen, and did not come to stand up, and should be a morning, "Know, Mrs."

When Xiaoxiang stood up, Lu Yichen has already gone to the gate, watching the taxi on Lu Yichen, Xiaoquan continues to work.

After a while, I came to the happiness of Jianfei, "Ms.", "Ms.", "Ms.", "Ms." said that the taxi driver said to go off the car in the morning.

Lu Yichen took a small ticket from the bag, reached out to the taxi driver, and then pushed the car under the car.

Chen Feng got off the car through the window, hurry out, "I came here in the morning!"

Lu Yichen followed Chen Feng came to the table of the window, "the waiter." Chen Feng screamed the waiter.

"Hello! Sir, what services do you need?" The waiter will welcome.

I looked at the morning, "In the morning, what kind of drink do you need?"

"You can." Lu Yushen said politely.

Chen Feng also looked at the menu carefully. "Just follow the dishes I just started, add two bottles of orange juice."

"Okay, Mr., please wait!" Miss waiter took the menu.

A very fast, the waiter has good dishes, "Mr., two slowly." Said that he left.

After a while, "I heard that you have to go abroad to travel in the morning?" Chen Feng said to give the Lu Yichen full of orange juice.

"Yes, there are too many things happening, I think I have died, then I will return to work!" Lu Yichen drunk a small mouth.

As a good buddy of Ye Tang, Chen Feng also knows this matter. He is very understood that there is a mood at this moment in the morning, "Not bad, this idea is good!"

Chen Feng continued: "I will introduce you a good place in the morning."

Although I am going to travel abroad, I will go to the United States to visit my husband Ye Tang, she really don't know where to travel, "Where?"

"France, France was the most powerful settlement bourgeois country in Europe, and the intelligent French people in the two thousand years left a valuable ruins on the land they grow; you can visit the Louvre Pyramid, and let Many people are yearning for the Eiffel Tower, as well as French, no matter from visual, olfactory, is an unparalleled world, and food quality, quality of service requires extremely strict. "Chen Feng said France, just like A tourist guide, torrential.

Lu Yichen looked at Chen Feng in front of him, from the heart, he was very good at the company Chen Feng's performance, the ability to do things is extremely strong, and it is a good helper of Ye Tang. Lu Yichen is very surprised. Chen Feng in front of him knows. Chen Feng hands with thumbs up.

Chen Feng's mouth is not stopped. "France is still a very romantic place - in the elevator, on the street, you can see the hot kisses of hot and humid, especially the old couple, the old couple, the dog, let the pass The people are moving and envious; there should be your girl like some flower grass grass, and the French street alley has a bouquet of bouquet, so you can't help but stay in it ... "

After a while, Chen Feng's mouth stopped, from the French human history to romantic feelings, Chen Feng talked about it, simply blowing France, "How? Morning morning."

After a while, Lu Yichen looked at the window, "Chen Feng, I haven't seen Ye Tang for a long time. I am telling the truth, I miss him these days, I want to go to New York, New York, I will have a chance to go later, I can't say it. At that time, Ye Tang is busy working, there is free time, we will go to the romantic place to French! "

Chen Feng wrinkled, "In the morning, don't go to New York, the United States, the US architecture and customs are not as good as France ..."

"I still want to go to New York, New York, I will think about it! Thank you for telling me so much." Lu Yichen looked at Chen Feng's embarrassment.

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