In Lu Yi, I didn't know that Ye Tang came to the United States, I didn't talk about business, it was a demand for the Valley Mother as a psychological expert - before coming to the United States, Ye Tang had a day in the afternoon. Mother's call.

At that time, Ye Tang is busy with a very difficult thing to handle the company. "Hello! Which?"

"I know that you are Mr. Ye, I am a mother, now I have something to find you." The Valley is pleading.

I heard the name of the valley, Ye Tang gave his teeth, disgusted to the extreme, Ye Tang took the valley to the tribut, he didn't want to have any relationship with this handless woman; at the same time, Ye Tang Xinli is a little doubtful, At that time, the cereal is not to send the valley to the country to treat a mental illness. Now the valley should be treated abroad. At this time, the mother is looking for himself to find something? At this time, Ye Tang is a lot of money for the company, he really does not have extra energy and mind to waste on the Valley Mother.

When Ye Tang is ready to refuse, the Valley's mother suddenly urgently requested, "Mr. Ye, I won't take much time, I will wait for you in your company, I hope you don't refuse. Just It is a mother who is in the daughter, I am asking you. "

The Valley's mother said to hang it.

Ye Tang put down the phone and thought for a while, he was handwit to the coat left the company.

The Valley's mother did not see the Ye Tang several times, she carefully stared at each person from the cover of the cover in the blocker of the magazine.

Ye Tang Gang came from the company, and the Valley's mother saw him and quickly went.

"Thank you very much, I know that my daughter's valley has done a lot of sorry, I am not worthy of your daughter, but now she is very serious, the disease is more serious, and it is closed. The inner world, don't listen to anyone, I can't treat it. Only if you are, or about your things will be reacted. "The Valley Mother said very sorry.

It is very clear that the mysteria of the Valley said so much, that is, I hope that Ye Tang has visited the Valley's slight days to take care of the Valley for some days of New York.

After a while, Ye Tang hesitated, "You go home first! Let me think about it again, reply you at night."

It can be seen from Ye Tang's look. Most of them have promised, but there is a trace of hesitation, and the mysterious mother say goodbye to Ye Tang.

Go back to the company, Ye Tang handed over the rest of Chen Feng.

After Chen Feng left Ye Tang's office, Ye Tang began to think about this matter seriously.

It turned out that at that time, the Gujiang country was at home from the selfishness of his daughter, and arranged a family doctor and trustworthy at home, and the grain is I will go home, I will have a small day of the valley. The Mother of the Valley is a kind of heart, the soft woman, seeing the Gujiang State to reprimand their daughter, the Valley Mother is very distressed by her baby daughter.

However, the Valley's mother understands the practice of the Valley, and I'm too stinky, I don't necessarily when I don't want to do anything too much. When I have reason, I can't tell, plus the economic conditions of Ye Yong Tang. Ye Tang won't give it.

Soon Valley, I sent Valley to foreign treatment. At that time, Ye Tang thought that since this, the valley also got a retribution of her own evils, and made this!

Just now I learned that the Valley is so much, Ye Tang Wan will not think that the top of the valley will be so bad.

After the Valley was found by the grain, it was more serious, and the disease became serious and closed, closed his inner world.

At home, Valley also cooperated with the treatment of the family doctor. Later, there were some rejuvenations, and the Valley's mother was a professional psychological expert, and the auxiliary family doctor gave the Valley to the valley and psychological counseling and psychotherapy. However, after abroad, a large contrast appeared.

According to the agreed time, the college is coming to the Valley's residence.

"Hello! Miss Valley, I am a doctor who is your father's graviziens to help you fight the disease." The college is a smooth Chinese, and the sound is mixed with local tones in New York, USA.

At this time, the valley did not speak, the legs huddled, hugged her own head with her hand hiding in bed.

Seeing the valley, as a doctor, it is very anxious, "Miss Valley, you can't do this, you have to cooperate with us."

Socketing for a while, the college entrancely walked next to the valley, ready to be a slight pulse pulse and heartbeat.

Just took a stethoscope, the valley immediately made a reaction, sat up quickly to the wall, the valley used the wall, holding his own legs.

At this time, the college is seen that there is no discovery of the Valley. "Miss Valley, you don't be afraid, I am a doctor, it is a white angel, I will not hurt you!"

The valley still has not spoken, tighter your legs, clearly the treatment of the doctor very excluded.

Seeing the valley, the college is helpless, "Miss Valley, you are not good today, I will come again tomorrow."

Subsequently, I took care of the people and sent it to the college, and I apologized for this. I hope that the college is in the heart, and this matter will be told to the valley.

"What you said, I know, you will take care of Miss, I will continue to arrange several experts to go to you to treat it to Miss." Gu Jianguo browed.

After a few days, I came to three or four colleges to give the valley micro-treatment, but I came to be rejected by the valley. It is also the same, the third place is the same, the last bit is the same.

But there is a little incredibly, when the last doctor casually talked to the valley and Ye Tang, the valley had a little more reaction. The doctor tried to continue to ask some questions about Ye Tang, and the valley also responded. The doctor told the values ​​of the country.

At the same time, the Gu Jianguo thought of his wife. After all, he is a psychologist. "You see, why is the daughter replacing the doctor treatment, I have changed a few doctors, just a doctor told me a strange thing, when this doctor follow Daughter talks about Ye Tang or some about Ye Tang's things, the daughter can respond. "

After listening to the valley, I realized that the mother of the valley suddenly understood that it seems that Ye Tang is a daughter's heart, whether it is love or hate, the Valley's mother is determined to find Ye Tang help.

Valley's mother told the idea to Gu Jianguo, "Ye Tang will promise? The daughter is doing too much, Ye Tang will forgive her?" Gu Jianguo asked some hesitated.

"I tried, in case the Ye Tang will promise." The mother of the valley persisted him.

The Valley Mother is very worried about the valley, just ask Ye Tang, and guarantees that the valley is not entangled after it is good.

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