Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 224, the pros and cons of divorce

Tang Chen Chen's distressed look at the morning of the tears, the heart of the heart can't wait to play him, give it a good export in the morning. "In the morning, don't cry, the eyes are crying." Tang Chenchen gave her tears and said.

On Lu Yichen, the air is crying is not allowed to breathe, immersed in his own thoughts.

Tang Chen Chen raised his hand and wiped the tears on her face, said softly: "Hey, don't cry ..."

Seeing Lu Yichen can't stop, Tang Chen Chen helplessly sighed, raised her hand, shot her back, open his mouth: "In the morning, things have happened like this, I have been crying. No, it is better to discuss the way we solve it is good? "

"Still ... what else can you ... Is there a way?" Lu Yichen looked up and looked at Tang Chenchen and asked.

Tang Chenchen sinking, opening: "You listen to me in the morning, I will talk to you, Ye Tang hit, you are doing this, it is really what he did, but you can't because this matter, I will give him a sentence directly, why don't you think about why he does this? "

Lu Yichen was attracted to the attention of Tang Chenchen, the tears in the eyes were not in the abroad, unconsciously said that Tang Chenchen's words: "That ... then ... Why is this?"

Tang Chenchen took a wipe with a wipe, and wiped the tears on the lam in the lady on the lack of Lu Yichen. "In my opinion, I think Ye Tang is really wrong. He shouldn't hit you to the US Lao King Valley I also lie to you, talking about work, and I still have a temper, I don't know how to repent at all. "

"Well, it's right." I nodded in Lu Yichen, and the tears that were originally stopped had signs of decisions.

Tang Chen Chen quickly said: "But, in the morning, this thing Ye Tang is wrong, but his starting point is good."

Lu Yichen, looked up and looked at Tang Chenchen, wrinkled with eyebrows: "What? Morning Morning ... How do you talk for him?"

Tang Chen Chen smiled and swayed his head. "I am not talking to him, I just analyze Ye Tang's practice. He doesn't tell you that he went to the United States to accompany you, that is because he knows you and the valley There is a contradiction between him, if he tells you, will you let him go? "

Lu Yichen hesitated frown, his heart is not sure, will not notify him to visit the valley, accompany the valley.

Seeing Lu Yichen, Tang Chen Chen continued to say: "In the morning, Valley is really sick, he has in the past, in order to cooperate with the valley treatment, he ... He does not say I am afraid I don't want you to be sad. "

After listening to Tang Chen Chen, I wraked a long time, I thought about it, I still didn't have a lot, looked up at Tang Chenchen, and asked seriously: "Morning morning, you ... Do you want to divorce him?"

Tang Chen Chen Xiuqi's eyebrows also wrinkled together, I thought about it, said: "In the morning, these things are not I can decide to you, but I can give you this matter, wait until I finish, you will Sitting does not have time to decide. "

I nod Lu Yichen, I barely smiled and said: "Okay, you said."

Tang Chen morning thought, opening: "Have you ever thought if you divorce Ye Tang, what do you do? She is less than one year old, you ... Who is you with you? No They will have a certain impact on her growth. If she follows Ye Tang, if the Ye Tang is still married, unfortunately, I will touch a heart, what do you do? "

"I ... she can follow me, we have two after we have lived." Lu Yichen said with the lips.

Tang Chen Chen sighed, helplessly said: "In the morning, even if you are not married, it is also added to her, but if the child's growth is absent, then ... then this will have a very good person. Great influence. "

On the morning, the body was stiff, I thought that I had called my mother's daughter, and the brow slowly wrinkled.

Tang Chen Chen raised his hand to touch the hair of the morning, deliberately speaking with cheerful tone: "Although you are a lot of disadvalament, but the benefits are not there. At least you will not be saddened by Ye Tang, and you can rely on it Both your efforts to complete your work and your dreams. "

The look of the look on the face of the morning is more tangled, I don't know what to do now.

Tang Chen Chen looked up at the sky outside, and saw that the sky was dark. He didn't feel relieved to be a person at home in the morning. He was afraid that she would think about it, and she would have anyone at home.

"Think of you first, let me go out." Tang Chen Chen said softly, as if he was afraid that the voice was scared.

I nodded at the morning, my thoughts were still immersed in the words just said in Tang Chenchen.

Tang Chen Chen sighed, looked up and smoothly and shunted her hair and turned around.

Not long after, Tang Chenchen came back, but also a hot water in his hand, slowly went to the end of Lu, handed her, whispered: "Water, drink some water, I invited fake This evening is here to accompany you, you don't have to make a decision very quickly. "

"What? Chen Chen didn't stay this evening?" Lu Yichen asked.

"Well ... Yes, I will accompany you this evening." Tang Chen Chen said with a smile.

Lu Yichen is warm, knowing that she is because I am worried about myself, I have not refused, I nodded, smiled and said: "Well, I am living here, space. Morning, I really thank you!"

Tang Chen Chen casually swayed hands, smiled and said: "Okay, now time is almost almost, let's go to do something to eat?"

Lu Yichen got up and got up with Tang Chenchen.

Because I have to pick up my child the next day, the two have dinked it early to go to bed.

Early the next morning, I took the car to pick up my child home.

"In the morning, how do you rest assured to put your child in China? Do people go abroad to travel abroad?" Tang Chenchen asked.

Lu Yichen's mouth came out of a smile, the opening: "I specially invite the moon to take care of the child, and I invite this month, but I spent a lot of money."

"This, then you are not worried?" Tang Chenchen continued.

Lu Yichen shook his head and said: "What is it worried? I have a rich moon, gave her a lot of money, so I can rest assured that I will go to the country." Say the last, Lu Yichen The emotions are also low, and the lips are not talking.

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