An Qiqi is sinking, organized the language, this is not a way to say: "President, in fact, I don't know who said, but when I started circulating, I was still in the company. Basically, the company people know. "" What? "Ye Tang frowned, did not reply to ask. Although Angeli did not know, but her meaning is already very clear, this is afraid that I can't take a relationship with the valley.

The person in charge carefully looked at Ye Tang's face. He saw that he didn't have to get angry. This was relieved, and said: "Yes. This matter is the time in the valley. I also don't believe it, but everyone in the company said this, I ... I don't believe it. I thought I would check this thing and tell you again, but I have never found this. Who is The ghost behind the back. "Said it is ashamed.

Ye Tang's anger was ignited, and said angrily: "Do you still need to check? This thing is clear that the valley is doing, it is, it is her feelings in the morning, and I still have four times. Trouble. Actually, it is still destroyed in the morning, saying that I was a small third morning. I have been married in the morning, even if there is a small three, it is her, and I am my wife in the morning. "

The person in charge pushed An Qi Qi, who had faced his face to himself, and he said seriously: "The president said this, I also think that this should be the means of the valley in the dark."

Ye Tang's eyes were red, and the sound was cold: "Valley will dare to do this, I will let her pay the price. I dare to reverse it is right. Why don't she say she is in the morning? Why don't you say She sells company secrets? "

The person in charge said: "What? Is it a Valley into the morning?"

Ye Tang was cold and glanced at him, opening: "Yes, she uses the position of the position to be difficult in the morning, and put the things that sell the company's confidential documents to the morning."

An Qiqi pushed the person in charge of the front, said angry: "You said that it is that Lu Yichen does not look at it, only gives her to the gossip, squeezing her. Lu Yichen, you said what I said is what I said. not real."

Lu Yichen stood next to it, looked at her coldly, did not speak.

An Qiqi didn't talk to Lu Yichen, I thought it was called by myself, I opened it: "How can you do this in the morning? You said, don't think that some president will support you, you can do it. I told you that people are watching, you will always be retribution. "

Ye Tang's face is increasingly ugly, and gloomy fast drops.

The person in charge quickly pulled Angeli, opening: "Kiki, do you know what you said? You don't know anything, don't tell you here."

An Qiqi said, "Oh, I am said? I am not saying that she is clear, you let me go, I will go." After that, he opened his head and pulled his hand and went outside.

On Lu Yichen, he looked at the scene of the scene in front of him. Looking at An Qiqi's angry leaving, his face did not fluctuate.

Ye Tang looked at the morning, the eyebrows couldn't help but wrinkled, worried, the opening: "Morning ..."

"I want to resign, this is my resignation." Lu Yichen interrupt him, and calmly handed the documents in his hand.

Ye Tang took over, a quick watch of ten lines, the face is getting more and more ugly, the files on the hand are finished, and the trash can throw it next to it, "I don't allow!"

Lu Yichen looked at his behavior frowned, nor did he reinforce him, turned and wanted to go outside.

Ye Tang took a look at Lu Yichen, and suddenly panicked, two steps and three steps were chased. I grabbed her wrist, hurriedly said: "Morning, you don't want to go in the morning, you listen to me, In the morning, I was wrong, I was wrong, sorry, sorry ... in the morning, do you forgive me? Well? Work in the morning ... "

Ye Tang's power grabbed her hand, but she didn't hear it in the morning, and she ignored him.

Ye Tang looked at her look, knowing that he was really angered by her, and he also known that he did too much, and he should not let Chen Feng deliberately tell her, Ye Tang suddenly silently. Continue to ask: "In the morning, married from us to now, I have never been a woman in my heart, I only have you alone in my heart, you ... forgive me this time, I really can't lose you, Children can't lose you. "

Ye Tang said so much, Lu Yichen still does not move, look at him unfair, after a while, slowly spit out three words: "Put, open, I!"

Ye Tang Yizhen, the finger's consciousness, Lu Yichen's wrist slowly returned from his hand, after the Ye Tang reaction came over, and hurriedly grabbed her hand, and asked: "Morning, you want Where is it? "

"... Go back." It is still flat, but it doesn't to reject the tone.

Ye Tang did not dare to force her, I had to say her: "I will send you."

Lu Yao brows, just want to refuse, he heard Ye Tang again: "If you don't let me send you, I have been grabbing your hand, we don't want to go back, you see how this suggestion ? "

Ye Tang, how to listen to a child, and it is anxious.

Lu Yichen's temple suddenly hurts, licking the head, biting his teeth: "Ye Tang, you can't look like this, when do you learn to play!"

Ye Tang Yi, he didn't know what happened to him, but, change, his wife ran quickly, and what did you do?

I thought about it, I'm talking to Lu Yichen: "In the morning, I just want to talk to you, is it good? Look at me, come back from the United States, go home, even the wash is too late! No at home, I ran to the company again. "

On Lu Yichen, he saw that he had taken a green Huyu on the chin, and there is a black eyed ring, but ... still so handsome ...

Stay ... Lu Yichen took a head, what is thinking about it?

Hesitated, helpless sigh, "Okay."

Ye Tangli nodded and opened his car.

There is no words in the two people, and Lu Yichen thinks is that there is just a company in the company ...

Ye Tang thought that Lu Yichen was still angry with him, and he didn't dare to speak, I am afraid that I have a mistake to make her angry.

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