"Ah -" Lu Yichen squinted in the legs of the gun, blood flowing down from her fingers, and his face became fade.

The soldiers on the side suddenly screamed: "Who!"

Get up, a score, rotten, one hand, the waist of the park, pick up her legs, avoid the wound on her legs, the princess is hugging her, with her jumps from the window.

Fortunately, it is the second floor, not high, plus the soldiers have a self-policy, holding land on the grass.

At this moment, Lu Yichen is simply like a nightmare, the pain on the legs makes she is not as good as death, she didn't have a gun from a small to most.

The cold sweat on the face is not stopped. The legs are trembling, and even the teeth are trembled. Her eyes are slowly starting to scatter, and conscious is also awkward, and in the front of her eyes. She heard the soldiers anxious call: "Girl ... wake up ... Don't sleep, wake up ..."

"Nurse Nurse ... Come ..."

Lu Yichen felt that he was being hugged, bumpy.


When I woke up in Lu Yichen, my head felt suffocated, but this is not the most important, the most important thing is the pain on the leg, like being torn.

It took a lot of time to use half a minute, Lu Yichen was slow, remembering the things that day, someone had to kill her!

I think it is afraid that if I don't have a soldier around him, I am afraid she is caught by her.

Who is it to be? Another motive to kill her?

In the case of thinking, suddenly the ward is open, there is a spirit of Lu Yichen, turned to look at it, and the eyes are vigilant.

The soldiers who just pushed the door saw her alert look, first stunned.

Lu Yichen saw the military person interviewed by himself, and his heart was relieved, and he pulled out a smile to him, and the voice was weak: "You are coming."

The soldiers nodded and embarked forward, "You woke up, how do you feel?"

Lu Yichen voice hoarse "um", asked: "How long does I sleep? What is going on?"

The soldiers sat down around her, giving her a cup of hot water, slowly said: "One night, the gun on the legs, have been worked, and the bullet has been taken out."

Lu Yichen frowned and looked at the strict legs you were wrapped. He thought, this day I had no way to walk properly, oh, it is really unlucky!

I have a bitter laugh, I look at the soldiers. "That day is you saved me, I should thank you! Yes, don't know what to call you?"

"My surname Lin, called Lin Qinnan, I am bigger than you, you call me Lin Big Brother." The soldier smiled and said to her.

Lu Yichen is grateful to him: "Lin Big Brother, thank you for your life life. Lu Yichen is grateful!"

Lin Qinnan is busy, and the tone is hidden. "Don't you don't, say this, but I have to tell you, I am strange, I don't protect you, let you hurt, I was originally A soldier, a military duty is to protect the people to protect the people, and I have not done the career of the military. "

Lu Yichen listened to this time, I got up to the military, I really felt that the soldiers were really good.

So, the next two days, Lin Qinnan has always guarded the side of Lu Yichen, takes meals, taking medicine, and dismisss, Lin Qinnan is not taking care of her in her side, which will move very much in the morning.

She has said more than once. "Lin Big Brother, I really don't have to run again and take it to take care of me, I am really nothing, just the inconvenience, the cultivation is good."

Lin Qinnan shook his head, with a military person, an answer to her: "You are hurting this time is my incoherent, I am a soldier, but I don't have a good to protect you, but let you hurt, my heart It is already blame, if you don't take care of you, until your wound is getting better, I will be calm. "

Lu Yichen is also very helpless, I have no longer persuade, let him be a matter of resentment.

Because of the war of war, the air is filled with a stunned breath, and the restless factor is called around the country.

Ye Tang, who is in the United States, is in a state of arrogance.

The third time is already the third time! Every time he has booked a plane ticket early, it is canceled by the cause of the weather because of the cause of the weather or the War of the X-State.

"Chen Feng! I don't care what method you use, tomorrow, you can't give me a ticket to the X country, you will quickly clean up the egg!" Ye Tang rushed his phone.

This is the fourth day, since he learned the news of Lu Yichen injured, every day, he was worried about the fear, and he was afraid that she was never helpless, afraid that she was there to be accompanied by people. Man is with her side.

Chen Feng on the phone is also very helpless, hey, the boss is not good, the employee is also suffering!

It's a little bit a little more, this is cautious. "Ye Tang, it is not that I can't set it. It is really the reason for the war of the X country. The flight is very small, I am already trying to do my best ..."

After he was finished, the phone was hung by Ye Tang.

Ye Tang did not walk in the next day, he was already a week when he was there.

Afterwards, Ye Tang is not as good as the other things, but the first time rushed to the scene, after he provided the clue provided by the relevant personnel, I learned that a female reporter was hurt in the bombing, and a heart was still stable. Can't come down, he hurriedly listened to her position, finally found the army hospital, rushing over.

When I came to the hospital, he heard the ward where the ward in Lu Yichen was heard, and he hurriedly rushed.

When Ye Tang passed through the layer corridor, when she came to the ward in Lu Yichen, she found that there was no one, and she suddenly panicked. I quickly grab a nurse, and asked loud: "What about the patient? Do you know that you don't know this ward Where is the patient? "

"It seems to be, in the yard." The nurse pointed to the direction and told him.

Ye Tangton suddenly pushed a sigh of relief, and he kept rushing in the direction of nurses.

Noba's courtyard, Ye Tang found Lu Yichen in a sunny place, but ... Ye Tang's eyes are sinking, who is the man around her?

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