Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 238th chapter disappointing land

Ye Tang looked at her, and it was full of apologies and embarrassment: "I am sorry in the morning, you listen to me explained, I just didn't deliberately pulling you ... I didn't see the hurt on your legs." Sorry ... Sorry, you hit me, you marry me, as long as you are not angry, how do you do it, I swear, I will never come back, I am really ... "" "" Ye Tang! I don't want to listen to you again, I think there is too much problem between us, so we still don't want to be together. "Lu Yichen faintly interrupted his words.

Ye Tang Yi, hurriedly explained: "In the morning, can you listen to me, do you know? I heard your injured news in the United States, I can't help it, I can't wait to come over, but here It is also the war, the flight is very small, so I can get over now, I will come, I will listen to your situation, I can't easily find you, but I saw you and a man is talking about laughing under the sun. , I ... I am not happy, I want to pull you away, so I didn't pay attention to your hurt on your legs. "

Ye Tang said, looking at Lu Yichen.

Lu Yichen suddenly, looked at him, and the eyes were all disappointed, and he continued: "Ye Tang, I am really disappointed with you! You really disappointed, you told me, since I left, you Is it going to take care of the valley? "

Ye Tang Yizhen, the eyes were struggling, and suddenly did not dare to look at her eyes, I had to smudge: "In the morning, you know, I have told you before."

Lu Yichen took a deep breath, put the feeling of heartache, look at him, and there is some aggressive: "That's good, since you can take the sun under the sun with the valley, there are laughs It's even embarrassing, why can't I? "

Ye Tang Yanzi is painful, I can't talk for a long time.

Lu Yichen continued to add: "More than one, I have no thinking between the big brother, Lin Big brother saved my life even when I was dangerous. But, what about you? When I was blocked, I was alive. Where are you? Are you taking you with your valley? "

Ye Tangbow is tightly wrinkled, and it is not sent.

Lu Yichen laughed, "Ye Tang, I hope that you can reflect on yourself, we ... go back and divorce."

When it comes to the last sentence, the lance in Lu Yichen seems to be blocked, sorrowful.

Who is her heart, she is very clear, except for Ye Tang, there is no second person, she still loves to love or Ye Tang, she loves his eyes, love his mouth, love his mouth I love them, I have a bit drop, love them, have experienced sour, love all, and their children.

God knows that when she makes this decision, she is uncomfortable to die, like a fish drowning, can not breathe.

Ye Tang heard the lack of Lu Yichen, the body shook, everyone stayed, unbelievable look at Lu Yichen, there is no movement, as if madness is general.

Don't face your face in the morning, no longer look at the old Ye Tang, strongly hold sadness, and pulling out a stiff smile in Lin Qinnan next to Lin Qin, opening: "Lin Big, you hug me, I don't want to Here. "Said that he has extended his hands.

Lin Qinnan looked at the man next to him. Their two people's dialogue really don't want to be fascinating, it is not difficult to guess, the relationship between the two people, he said that he wants to say anything, but if you want to swallow it again. , Just a silent land, I nodded in the morning, forward, my arms were slightly hard, I took her.

Ye Tang saw she had to go, Ye Tang also woke up from staying, put away from the morning, I want to pull her hand. Extended to half, and remembered what she just said, she was afraid that she was more breathable, the arm was stiff for a while, and finally weak down.

Lu Yichen looked at the Ye Tang, who had a heart, I still remember the first time I saw Ye Tang, because the corporate fund chain we didn't move, I would like to ask him to help, he stopped him several times He finally saw himself. Also ... also put forward it to marry him yourself.

At that time, what kind of indifference is, proud, as if the garden is unable to inviolery.

But now ...

"In the morning, don't you be angry?" Ye Tang looked at the calm face of Lu Yichen, and the low voice was near.

Lu Yichen was pulled out from the memories of Ye Tang, looked up at the face and looked forward to watching his Ye Tang, his heart fierce, his hand was hard to hold the shoulder of Lin Qinnan.

Gently hang your eyes, long eyelashes cover the emotions of the end of the land in the morning.

After a while, Lu Yichen looked up and said: "Ye Tang, I have said something to you, you have said, you think about it."

Lin Qinnan did not feel that the hand put on his shoulders in his shoulders, tightened in a moment, slightly side, looked at the smile on her face and the sorrow of the eyes, but the brow is a wrinkle, but it also knows that it is not himself. I have never opened it.

Ye Tang's brow is slightly frowned, continue to open: "I just ..."

"It's enough, I don't want to listen, if you have no things, go back first, I will not be accompanied." Lu Yichen coldly interrupted Ye Tang's words, slightly sideways said with his own Lin Qinnan smile: "Lin Big Brother ,Let's go."

Lin Qinnan nodded, holding the landscape of Lu Yichen, there is no slightest walking.

Back to the ward, suddenly, Lu Yichen is crying in Lin Qinnan.

Lin Qinnan was shocked and quickly patted her back. He said: "In the morning, what happened? Is there anything to tell me, is it because the man? Is it bullied by you before, you Don't cry, I will teach him for you. "

On Lu Yichen, he cried his head and clenled his clothes with his hand and didn't let him leave.

Lin Qinnan helplessly sighed, comfortable: "Don't cry, your eyes should cry, what is your grievance, tell me, do you give you a good?"

Lu Yichen just shakes his head, and if you cry, you can't say it, and the hand of his clothes is not relaxed.

Lin Qinname is a three-five-five-rough soldiers, and it will not comfortes people. I have been crying, and sweating on my brain is coming out.

The more you don't know what to do, Lin Qinnan is distressed to look at the morning of his arms, the entanglement of face, I don't know how to comfort her.

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