Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 242 Disappearance

Chen Feng, I have lost contact with Ye Tang in many days. Chen Feng thought what he was doing, after all, there is no signal in the US nursing homes. "Chen Assistant ... Chen Assistant, etc ... Waiting for me."

Chen Feng asked someone as if someone shouted himself, he saw the secretary like himself to run.

See Chen Feng finally stopped, and the secretary of the king was relieved and slightly his speed.

"Wang secretary, is there anything?" Chen Feng asked with confusion.

Quickly breathed two breaths, mixed up your breath, Wang secretary handed the documents to Chen Feng in front of Chen Feng, saying that "Chen Assistant, this is our manager, let me give the leaves always sign, but ... But I didn't find him in the past few days. "

Chen Feng looked at the documents in his hand, the reaction came over, the eyebrows were refurbished, these days did not have a very Ye Tang, nor did he do now.

However, look at his secretary in front of him, Chen Feng's mouth, and finally helpless sigh, and calmed down: "Secretary Wang, you don't worry, this matter I will definitely follow. The president said. "

The difficulty of Wang secretary is slightly faded, helplessly sigh, open: "Chen Assistant, this matter please contact you, please ask you to talk to the president as soon as possible, after all ... After all, this is what I can wait This file is also too caached. "

Chen Fengzheng nodded, opening: "Wang secretary, you can rest assured, I will definitely tell the president as soon as possible, you will go back to my news."

Although the Secretary of Wang is dissatisfied with this result, it also knows that he has no other way, can only wait for Chen Feng's news.

Looking at Chen Feng's face solemn, Wang Secretary is not saying anything, reluctantly smiling: "Chen Assistant, then I will go back first, you must be as soon as possible."

"Okay, I will definitely." Chen Feng smiled and calmed.

The secretary of Wang sighed and turned and went back.

Chen Feng looked at the back of the king secretary, and Chen Feng also puzzled it.

And listening to the secretary of the king, it seems that he has already found a few days without finding Ye Tang. I have the last contact time with Ye Tang, Chen Feng's memories, this remembers that he lasts to contact Ye Tang or last week, and report to him, and said to him. The status quo of Lu Yichen, and in the way, advised him to take a soft in the morning, and then he was hanged by him.

Thinking of this Chen Feng's brow is more tight, because this time has been busy dealing with Lu Yichen, and there are so many things in the company. If it is not today's Secretary says it will not find Ye Tang, I am afraid I haven't thought about it for a while, I have been with Ye Tang's recent connection has been so long, and ... and Ye Tang actually did not contact himself.

Chen Feng suddenly had a bad hunch, and quickly took out the mobile phone to Ye Tang called a phone.

"Hello, the user you made is temporarily unable to connect. Please call later. Sorry ..." Listening to the cold female voice in the phone, Chen Feng frowned to look at the mobile phone in his hand. There is also no more thinking, thinking because it is not letting the phone in the sanatorium.

I thought about it, I called the general manager of New York's branch office, but I was so fast.

The general manager of the branch said with a hard Chinese: "Hi, Chen Assistant, is there anything?"

"Nothing, just want to ask, the president has to go to the company these days." Chen Feng said gentle.

"President? No, I haven't seen him for ten days. What happened? You can't find a president?" General Manager asked.

Chen Feng listened, the brow wrinkled, the calm open road: "I have something to find him, but his phone can't do it. Ok, I will ask others again." I hang up the phone.

I have called several people, but I still don't have Ye Tang's news. Chen Feng also can't sit again. I directly set up the recent ticket to New York, go to see, Ye Tang is doing in New York, No matter what it is.

When Chen Feng, Chen Feng directly ran to the sanatorium where the Valley is located, the light car is going to the place where the Valley is lived.

However, just one moved, I found that the people inside were not the valley, Chen Feng frowned, and did not go in. According to the impression of memory, I walked into the place where I stayed next to the mother.

Looking at the valley who is sitting in the sun, Chen Feng three steps from two steps to her, courtesy: "Bo mother, hello. My name is Chen Feng, is the assistant of Ye Tang. I want to ask, you Know where he is now? I have a very important thing to find him. "

Valley is barely pulling out a smile, opening: "Hello, I know you. I also want to tell you where he is going, but ... but I don't know."

"Don't know?" Chen Feng has grown up his eyes and asked in confusion: "How can he be clearly said to come to New York to help the valley, how can you not know where he is?"

Looking at Chen Fengyi's face, the Valley is helpless, saying that the voice is bitter: "I really don't know, he hasn't come back for a longer time, and ... and even a small slight. "

"Valley is gone?" Chen Feng's conscious frowns, and he was suspicious. It is said that I have talked about it again with the Valley, I'm really don't know where Ye Tang is going, this is leaving.

After leaving the sanatorium, Chen Feng took directly to the US branch, and told Ye Tang's fallen news that the general manager of the branch office.

The general manager knows the seriousness of this matter, and quickly reports the police, and the policeman helped find someone.

Chen Feng hugged a lucky psychology and constantly talked with Ye Tang. I prayed in my heart to pick up the phone.

However, it has never been picking up. Chen Feng doesn't know that Ye Tang doesn't want to pick up his phone, but, all communication equipment on Ye Tang is thrown by the valley. So he has no way to inform Chen Feng to save himself.

At the time of Chen Feng's immunity, the US police suddenly called, saying that it was the last place where the Ye Tang's mobile phone signal was last appeared. But that place is in a very remote mountain.

Chen Feng's heart is higher, and there is no tenth to play a call on Lu Yichen, but Lu Yichen is not connected.

Under the helplessness, I can only send a message to the morning. I simply put things simple, I finally specifically explained that although I found the last place of the mobile phone signal in Ye Tang, I still found it now. Ye Tang's drop.

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