Lu Yichen raised his hand and said, smiled and said: "Hey, I am fine." Zhong Wei's eyes said, angry: "How could it be, they ... they dare to say you in my face. , When I don't know, they must say more than this. "

"Hey, I am really nothing, don't be angry, my aunt, she ... she is just a little misunderstanding, I will look at it." Lu Yichen smiled comforted her face.

"You ..., hey!" Zhong Wei looked at the eyebrows and bends to be a morning, helplessness, raised his hand. Her forehead is pherking: "In the morning, you are not good, you are not good." What kind of grievances have not been told, I always have a hard to resist. You ... you ..., hey, it is not to protect you. "

Looking at the sadness, Lu Yichen is also a distressed, since his Mom and Dad left himself, , I have always been regarded.

It is an old man, but every time someone says his own bad words, he is the first to rush to himself, let others apologize. Even if I don't pay attention to the words of others, he will still be able to apologize, whoever persuaded.

Lu Yichen remembered the previous thing, the touchdown is a little red, suddenly the previous step, hugged the neck, touched: "Hey, you are already very good, I have grown up now, these things I am You can handle it, thank you, really, I really thank you! "Thank you, when I left me, I appeared in me, thank you, thank you, thank you ... Thank you for me. So good, from a small way to protect me. Lu Yichen said silently in his heart.

Zhong Wei was scared by the sudden jumper, and then sighed, raised his hand softly patted her back, helplessly said: "Hey! When you are small, your parents are gone. I still remember me. When you get the news to the hospital, you will be quietly sitting in the hospital bed, and look at the people in the room. From your eyes, you can see that you are sick, but You didn't cry. "

Lu Yichen is also the first time I listened to what I said before, and looked up quietly, waiting for him to continue.

Zhong Wei's eyes recalled the scene at the time, and the opening: "I was that the first reaction was that you were scared, and I didn't dare to rush to you. I stood on your bed and said softly. Word. But when you see me, you will cry to hold. In the morning, do you know? When I took the crying, I was secretly swearing in my heart, I will be mine in the future. Children, I will definitely treat you as my biological child. "

The tears moved by the morning slipped over the cheek, and he couldn't help the open mouth: "... ..."

Zhong Wei raised his hand softly wiped the tears on her face. He said: "It's a matter of you, you will marry a person who doesn't know, even you are angry, there is no way to help You vent, I ... "

"Hey! How can you think this? This is my own decision, I have never regret it." Lu Yichen interrupted his words and said seriously.

Zhong Wei knew that Lu Yichen's temper, no longer tangled with her, this kind of thing is good, not necessarily to say. Run your hand and patted her shoulders, said, "I am relieved in the morning, I will definitely not spare him this time, I must give you a good time, let others know, want to bully you, Lu Yichen, then I have passed me! "

I nodded in Lu Yichen, including tears, said: ", I ..."

"Okay, don't say this, are you coming to me?" Zhong Wei took the shoulders of the Lu Yichen and smiled.

Lu Yichen nodded, I said: "Hey, I am looking for you today. I am ... I want to return to the world, so ... There is no way to help you."

Zhong Weima looked at her, frowned and said: "Go back? You don't want to go back? Hey! Forget, you decide, I respect your decision."

"Thank you!" Lu Yichen smiled and said.

Zhong Wei nodded and opened: "Okay, let's go first, I will talk to your aunt."

"Well, then I will go first, and I will see you in a few days." Lu Yichen said and turned out.

Zhong Wei stationed in the door to leave the car in the morning, waiting until I can't see it, I turned around.

All the way went to the second floor in the bedroom and pushed the door.

"Shu Hui, what happened today? In the morning, we look at her from a child. What kind of people do you still don't understand her?" Zhong Wei looked at the money on the chair on the chair. Shu Hui, the disappointment.

Qian Shuhui's back is stiff, slowly turned, clearly looks at his husband's face on his own disappointment, put it on the hands of your hand unconsciously, nodded, no words.

Zhong Wei sighed, walked to her, holding her hand, opening: "Shu Hui, my sister hurts me, even more than my mother, she is not there, I am going to work in the morning. Point, isn't it right? And when they left, it was so small in the morning, I must care more about her, I really hope that you can understand me. "

Qian Shuhui slipped through a dislike, she lost her parents from a small morning, then you can ignore his wife because of this, do you want to pull this niece?

"Shu Hui, you also look at it in the morning, and she should be very clear about her for people." Zhong Wei continued to open.

Qian Shuhui brows, smiled and said: "Old clock, you see you, I will certainly understand you, I also put a doctor in my own daughter in the morning, today I was hipped by Haoyu, I will say this, but I already know that I am wrong, I will not be like this later. "

Zhong Weisong touched, smiled nodded, opening: "Shu Hui, you can think of it is best."

Qian Shu Hui nodded and died, but also ambitious land.

When I drove back home, I saw Ye Tang sitting on the sofa of the living room, staring at TV, I don't know what I want again.

Lu Yichen is relieved, slowly walks to him, and asked: "Ye Tang, what are you thinking about? So enter."

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