Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 263th chapter is pregnant again

Ye Tang was fiercely raised his hand knocked on the forehead in the morning. When the hand fell, only a little bit was left, it would not be knocked at all. Lu Yichen exaggerated lifting hand grabbed his forehead, staring at him with anger, but the joy in his eyes could not cover up.

Ye Tang warmly leaned, and opened the hand on the end of the launch, and gently printed a kiss in the place you just knocked.

Lu Yichen's face "brush" is red, embarrassed to embeze the head into Ye Tang's arms.

Ye Tang looked at the shy land, just wanted to say something, suddenly thought of Lu Yichen just said, it was a stiff, and the eyes slipped through a surprise and uncertain.

Run your hand and hold the lapone of Lu, let her look at her eyes, carefully said: "In the morning, you just said, you didn't just let the food didn't go down this time."

Lu Yichen looked at him, nodded, and said: "What happened?"

Ye Tang was excited to hold Lu Yicheng to his arms, and the voice said slightly. Pregnancy is the same! "

"What?" Lu Yichen looked at the excitement of Ye Tang, there is still a point in the mind.

Ye Tang took the land to go outside the door, and his face was a smile.

Lu Yichen exclaimed, hugging the neck of Ye Tang.

Ye Tang was using the fastest speed, driving to the hospital with Lu Yichen.

Holding Lu Yichen, letting Chen Feng forever, gynecologist, gynecologist ward.

Lu Yichen went to the hospital to finish the examination, what does it mean to react to Ye Tang? It means to take his own checklist, a serious doctor.

The doctor carefully saw a checklist, looked up and smiled: "Don't be nervous, the emotional fluctuations are too big, the child is not good for your child."

Lu Yichen was surprised to open his eyes, did not dare to confuse: "Doctor, I ... I am really ... I am really pregnant?"

"Of course, can I still lie to you?" Said the doctor seriously.

"Ye Tang, I have our child." Lu Yichen was happy to turn around Ye Tang.

Ye Tang held Lu Yichen's hand, smiled and said: "It's great, this child is really smart, we just decided to travel, he came."

"Travel?" The doctor looked up at them.

Ye Tang nodded and smiled: "Yes, we are ready to play these days."

The doctor wrinkled and dissatisfied: "How can she travel when she is pregnant? What should I do if I have something wrong? Again, high-altitude flight, and fatigue will have a bad impact on the fetus."

Ye Tang Yi, the brow is slightly frowned, and he said: "Sorry for the doctor, I didn't want to think about it, we won't go, wait for the child, our family will go together."

The doctor nodded and looked at Ye Tang. "Although the situation of the fetus is very stable, you should also pay attention to the child before birth."

Ye Tang counsed, said: "I know, I will try to pay attention to the doctor."

Lu Yaowei is full of red low, the line of sight is still very flat, and the eyes are gentle.

The doctor also explained some precautions during some pregnancy, arranged for them to do a pregnancy on time, let them go home first.

Ye Tang held the arms of the anchor, slowly walked outside the hospital, and the brows wrinkled.

Lu Yichen sensitive to his emotions, looked up: "Ye Tang, are you not happy?"

Ye Tang sighed and said: "Yes, this child will really pick it up, I have to wait for so long before you can touch you, you can't eat."

Lu Yichen looked at the look of Ye Tang, I couldn't help but laughed, and I said: "Ye Tang, I am really happy, I have our child, this time I hope I can have a beautiful and cute Daughter, just can be accompanied by . "

Ye Tang Shen I thought, smiled and said: "Daughter is good, I protect your mother and daughter, I am a little princess. If I have a son, I will protect you and , wait for him to grow up. Just give the company to him, we have two people playing. "

"Then I still have a girl, if you are a son, you still have to be strict." Lu Yichen said with a smile.

Ye Tang Pixabay raised her hair and said seriously: "I hope it is a son, so I can cultivate him well, wait for him to alone, I will be easy."

Lu Yichen wrinkled his nose, and said that: "Don't want it, you have to daughter!"

Ye Tang's look became more gentle, and said: "It's good, you said that you want a daughter, then you will, when I protect you alone, I can protect you."

On the laughter of the morning, I looked up my hand softly touched my flat little belly, and a loving love.

"Right, this news quickly said with my parents, let them be happy." Ye Tang smiled.

"Well, I personally tell them." Lu Yichen said with excitement.

On the way home, the Ye Tang drifted very much, I was afraid that the car was too bumps, and the land of the co-pilot will be uncomfortable.

Next to Lu Yichen, he shares his good news with each friends and family, and also smiles a blessing of everyone.

When Lu Yichen finally put down the phone, Ye Tang smiled and said: "Do you say it in the morning?"

On the morning, I recalled it, the opening: "In addition to the morning, I have just been busy, I didn't answer the phone, others said."

Ye Tang point, open mouth: "Ok, anyway, we are also home, wait until home, give her another call?"

Lu Yichen joke, helplessly said: "Well, wait for it to give her another."

The voice just fell, and the phone took in the hand suddenly rang.

On Lu Yichen, I saw that Tang Chenchen's, and the eyebrows flew into the moment.

"What's wrong? In the morning, I just was busy." Tang Chenchen's voice came.

"Morning morning, I have to tell you good news." Lu Yichen said cheerfully.

"What good news?" Asked Tang Chenchen.

Lu Yichen deliberately sinking, only to open: "Morning morning, I ... pregnant!"

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