Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 266, a female Yan Lingqiu

"Hungry?" Ye Tang asked her. On the morning, I didn't eat anything from the morning, she didn't eat anything. I am really hungry now, so I have a noddler in Ye Tang.

Ye Tang took her hand and went to eat.

Ye Tang grabbed her hand, let her take a plate, he put some of the snacks and food she liked to her plate, let her sit down and eat.

On the morning, I ate something, after a glass of water, she felt that she had to go to the toilet.

Find Ye Tang and tell him to go to the bathroom.

Ye Tang wants to say: "No, I have to go with you, I have to watch you, responsible for my daughter!"

"What? You have to go to the toilet with me?" Lu Yichen has a deep smile in Ye Tanglu.

Ye Tang this will understand that a face is said to Lu Yichen: "Just gone to go to the toilet, I am waiting for you outside, you go to the time, the floor is sliding."

On Lu Yichen, I nodded and smiled. He looked at him: "Husband ~ You are inseparable from me, I have to go with me with me."

Ye Tang also perceived his own chains, it was awkward, and the rare ear was red roots.

Lu Yichen ridiculed and got up to the bathroom.

When she got up, pass through the toilet in the toilet, there was a big mirror above, and I looked at myself in the mirror. The slightly tumbled belly, the loose clothes of the cotton and linen, the black hair was softly on the shoulders, The entire person's scorpion is like a water, it is extremely gentle, the whole person seems to be shrouded a gli-race of maternal love, which is particularly gentle.

Just - Lu Yichen eyebrows wrinkled, makeup?

Because today is the most important day in the morning, Lu Yichen, I have to dress up, I deliberately apply some powder, now make a little defect, is it just when I just grab the flowers?

From the bag carrying the bag, take the powder and powder, look at it, watching the skin smooth in the mirror, the skin is smooth, land is not from the corner of the mouth, it seems that God is still comparable to her, she is now the first The mother of two children.

The palm is not covered with the lower abdomen, feeling a little life slowly growing in her stomach, thinking, life is really strange.

At this time, there were two people who came over and over, two women, because Lu Yichen heard the sound of high heels.

At first, she did not care, thinking is that the guests are washed, but the footsteps are getting closer and closer, and they say that they have passed to the end of the lady in the morning.

"... Ye Tang and ... Lu Yichen ..."

"... Oh, then ... he ... if it is not a valley ... how can it be ..."

Valley is slight? Lu Yichen hand, the brain is tight, how can I hear the valley's name?

If you want to carefully, when the two people want to push away the toilet, Lu Yichen is not refunded back to the toilet compartment, she wants to hear what they are saying? What do you want to do? Don't blame her, but she has a child now, she has to prevent it.

At this time, the two women have pushed the door of the toilet, and I went in, but the conversation did not interrupt.

"Lingqiu, how do you know what they have?" A woman asked, tone with doubts.

I only listened to the woman who was called "Lingqiu" brought a slight ridicule: "How can I not know? The things between them, including the things between the valley and Ye Tang, I know one of the classes, that Lu Yichen, I really don't know how to describe her, it is really not shameful! There is Ye Tang, the negative Han! ... "

"Lingqiu?" Lu Yichen heard a woman called "Lingqiu", and repeated it again, I thought: she also met a woman before, called Yan Lingqiu, I don't know if it is the same.

After listening carefully, when she heard, the "Lingqiu" said that she had a study in the United States, and there was a bad heart in the heart, and it was a fate. It is really the same person.

This is also here, and the most important thing is that her family and Yang have lived at home or a commercial partner. They have been known in the morning, and their family has worked with Yang's home. Several big cases, at the time It also caused a sensation in the city.

In Lu Yichen remembers, she has done an interview for this.

Just, I didn't expect it. It actually in this case, it will encounter her here, but think about it carefully, since Yang's home is a business partner, the Yang's marriage is definitely invited to invite them. of.

Lu Yichen still remembered that when they were young, they also met, when they were still small, when they talk about their business, they were sitting on the side, and they smashed each other.

Children don't understand anything, and some are a bit of vanity psychology.

"My father is a big boss, can be big boss, can earn a lot of money, do a lot of business, I tell you, you have to listen to me later, I will let you do what you have to do? Otherwise, if you don't listen to me, I will tell me my father, let my father want you to look! My father said, others can't bully me. "The little Yan Lingqiu said, Lu Yichen remembered very clearly. She has two small braids on her head, wearing a shiny diamond bow, flashing land, her eyes, she is wearing a pink princess dress, is not doubtful by Mom and the old people Big, self-centered, other people have to turn around.

At that time, the small land, and Yang passed only disdainful, did not take care of her, by her own self-feeling.


The later thing is how, now Lu Yichen has already caught up, she only remembers that a few people have seen it, but they have never been connected after a lot, if now the Yan Lingqiu is standing in front of her. It is estimated that there will be no longer confirmed.

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