"Oh, it's not their husband and wife, for your own life, put the valley to the present. It is true for the valley!" Yan Lingqiu said unexpectedly. Shen Man then asked: "Then you come back this time ..."

Yan Lingqiu nodded, "Yes, I will come back this way is the wedding of Yang, on the other hand, for the valley. On the wedding, I have been secretly observing the woman named Lu Yichen, when I saw her and Ye Tang is very sweet, when I am very honey, I think of the valley, why, these two are happiness outside, and the valley is gone in the mental hospital to endure the non-human torture! "

Shen Man sighed, "Hey, it is a fate, and the valley is really tragic."

Yan Lingqiu took a tighthead, think of the valley, she made a determination to be the Valley Weibo.

"Lu Yichen, you are waiting, I will definitely tell the hate for the valley!" Yan Lingqiu said.

Lu Yichen heard this, I don't know if it is crying or laughing, I am so recruited!

The Shenmanma took the shoulders of Yan Lingqiu, comfortable: "Okay, you don't get bad hard, the wicked has a sow."

Yan Lingqiu joke, snorted: "Anyway, there will be no good results in the morning."

Shenman nodded and didn't speak.

"Right! I tell you one thing!" Suddenly, Yan Lingqiu remembered a thing, his mouth hooked a laugh.

Shen Man put her a doubtful eyes: "What is it?"

At this time, I didn't put the words of Yan Lingqiu at this time. Only the Yan Lingqiu said for the valley, but she heard the next words of Yan Lingqiu.

"Do you know? Just when I have just got the ball, I didn't make it up to grab the flower ball. Oh, at that time, she was going to fall, but was caught by Ye Tang." Yan Lingqiu mysteriously pair in Shenman Road.

Shen Man did not solve some nodded: "Well, what happened? She fell to fall, was received by Ye Tang, then?"

Yan Lingqiu smiled: "Oh, that stupid woman, she didn't know at all, she walked at all when grabbing the ball, did not have a mistake in chaos, but I deliberately She didn't pay attention to her! "

When I heard this, I was frowned in the morning. The anger in my heart suddenly took out. It turned out that she almost fell is not an accident, but Yan Lingqiu deliberately!

"Ah! You push it ?!" Shenman looked at his mouth and was a bit surprised.

Yan Lingqiu showed a nodded, "Yes, it is me!"

"Don't you be afraid that Lu Yichen is found to be pushed, then tell Ye Tang? You are really bold, you dare to start with her, and I am not afraid that I am giving it." Shenman was afraid of her.

"Oh, I am afraid, there is a woman that is so stupid that Lu Yichen, she didn't find it, and I was pushing her, she won't look for me, I think she is so stupid. A person, this is not found, it is really no bra! "Yan Lingqiu snorted, and the tone was full of contempt of Lu Yichen.

"Also, that is the morning, she is a good life, marry Ye Tang this good man, helping her when she is going to fall, if not Ye Tang's words, how can she now? Sample! "Yan Lingqiu angry.

Listening to their words, Lu Yimeng's chest is constantly fluctuating, it is almost falling when he just grabs the flower ball, is not an accident, but he is slightly pushed, or because Ye Tang is on him, Live yourself, then ... The child is probably being injured.

It is thought that this land is afraid of raising his own slightly raised lower abdomen, and the forehead also scared the cold sweat.

Listening to Yan Lingqiu is still proud of the sound of showing off, the anger in the hearts of the morning is greater, raising your hand, want to push it out, with her a good theory, and ask her why she is going to himself.

"Yes? You can be very powerful, how can I not think of it, not only can suppress the arrogance of the air in the morning, but also to the Valley slightly outlet." The sound of Shenman in the door is slightly sorry.

Lu Yichen is ready to push the door, listen to some familiar sounds outside the door, and the angry emotions are calm down, and some uncertain frowns, continue to listen to the movement outside the door.

"Haha!" Yan Lingqiu laughed for a while, and said: "Then I will talk to you next time, we will definitely give a lesson in the morning."

"Okay, you must tell me next time, we will give two big" surprises "together in the morning." Shen Man's voice smiled and said.

On Lu Yichen frowned, he continued to guess who his familiar voice is, if you know two identities, then you will be able to prevent them.

"Oman, this time you really want to thank you to come back to this wedding." Yan Lingqiu said briefly.

"This is a good friend. Moreover, I also want to see that the morning is so bad that the valley is so bad." Shen Man is like ice.

On Lu Yichen, the heart has basically identified another person's identity. It turned out to be Shenman, I have been playing a few photos because of her work, and later she is very good for her, she has a little bit of her, and she didn't expect that she would return home.

I went to the eye, and the brow on Lu Yichen was slightly frowned. If I didn't remember the wrong, I'm fine in Europe, the domestic market is very weak, because of my home, I want to open the market. Therefore, the talents on the upper side arranged for them to explain their industries. At that time, it was still an intern, and I was helped behind other reporters.

"Oman, your company is not to say to return to China? How is it now?" Yan Lingqiu asked.

Shen Men's eyebrows, open mouth: "I am not very clear about this, you know, I am not interested in the company's things."

Yan Lingqiu nodded, said seriously: "Well, but if there is anything I need to help, tell me, I can help, I will help."

"Lingqiu, thank you." Shen Man grateful.

Yan Lingqiu swayed, smiled and said: "We are good friends, don't say this, then say that you are not deliberate to accompany me to come back to the wedding? I want to thank you."

"It's good, we don't say thank you." Shenman said cheerfully.

Yan Lingqiu is satisfied with noddion, thinking about it, asked: "Oman, how do you watch Lu Yichen?"

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