Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 274th chapter is squeezed

"I have been too early before and Ye Tang's wedding, so you may not know." Lu Yichen said unevenly. "Hey, I first wedd by Ye Tang and Valley, after all, two of them were so good, although you are a little less than valley, but Ye Tang is watching you, have to Said, your life is very good. Oh, that is, there is no good end in our valley. "Yan Lingqiu said a little unfortunately.

I don't believe it, I also said that you are a little. Yan Lingqiu is secretly thinking.

Ye Tang, heard the Yan Lingqiu, said the valley, carefully looked at the morning, afraid that Lu Yichen will be angry.

"Nothing, anyway, now Ye Tang is me, so Ye Tang likes me, other problems are not a problem." Lu Yichen didn't care.

On the morning, I certainly know that Yan Lingqiu is looking for myself unpleasant, so she will return to three pounds.

Yan Lingqiu heard the Lu Yichen, anxious.

"But it is also, there is Ye Tang just fine." Yan Lingqiu held his hand back.

"Oh, I really have to say that your life is great, you have to know that Ye Tang is a lot of people who want to marry, I want you to have a great pressure with him, after all, two people The gap can be very big, but it seems that the gap is not a problem. After all, there is no ugly duckling to become a story of a white swan. "

Yan Lingqiu is not angry, and the look is faint.

Ye Tang, heard that Yan Lingqiu actually said that Lu Yichen, his face is directly black, but because of the Yan Lingqiu, you will be familiar with yourself, so Ye Tang is not embarrassed to give Yan Ling Qiushi, so he I have to hold the Lu Yichen 's hand, I hope that there are too many mornings in the morning.

And Yang passed because he didn't know what happened between a moment.

At this time, Tang Chen Chen wakes up, this person in front of you is looking for an unpleasant land.

Tang Chen Chen wakes up, and immediately is not happy.

"How do you talk? Don't talk, you don't talk, don't talk, no one says you dumb. You talk about what is ugly ducks become white swan, you are running on our Lu Yichen? We are Please come over and drink a watery, not let you find a unhappy. "Tang Chen Chen said coldly.

If someone is now, she may not care very much, after all, she is now with Yang Hao, but she bully her good friend in her wedding, then Tang Chen Chen will not be calm.

Yan Lingqiu said that he said, he went to a breath, awkward, she felt that Tang Chenchen actually gave her face in front of so many people, and his face didn't go, and the heart was very memorable. Tang Chen Chen.

But Yan Lingqiu is not thinking about it. If she didn't come over, she didn't come to the unpleasant morning, then Tang Chenchen could not be her, so he said that Yan Lingqiu was self-adapted.

"Our Yan Lingqiu has not said something wrong. Everyone is well known that the identity status of Lu Yichen is far more than Ye Tang. Is it not allowed to say a few sentences, and then, we have just known On Lu Yichen, why we want to be squeezed that you don't think too much, we have no bad views, it is to feel it. "Shen Mang saw Yan Lingqiu suffered grievances, quickly helping the cavity, now Shenman, now Lingqiu united front, Yan Lingqiu is bullied, how can she set it out?

"Who are you? We know you, why don't I remember that we have a friend, would you not come in and cheat?" "Tang Chenchen asked.

Tang Chenchen is a good face for the Shen Mima of Yan Lingqiu, after all, can be friends with Yan Lingqiu, you can know that Shenman will definitely not be.

"How do you talk so much, I am a good intention and spiritual autumn to participate in the wedding of your two people. How can I be cheated to be lie, or because of the Summit, you think I will want to come here? You don't look at what you are. "Shen Mi heard Tang Chenchen actually said that he was cheating and lie, she was anxious.

Shen Man did not say that it was said from a small to most, but it was twice today, she could not be calm.

"It seems that we welcome you, you have two people, I have to give you two positions, love is not coming." Tang Chen Chen didn't care.

Shen Man is not as good as Tang Chen Chen, I don't know how to respond to Tang Chen Chen. Standing on the side.

"Okay, you don't be angry, I am not angry with you, today, you have your own big days, what is your life." Lu Yichen saw Tang Chenchen actually giving himself a guest in his wedding. If you are not unhappy, I don't know what should I say.

However, there is no invitation of Chen Chen Chen, after all, now Shenman, then guests, how can guests are angry, if today, I have passed out Tang Chenchen to treat guests without courtesy.

"I just can't see you say you." Tang Chenchen said.

"Sure enough, what is the person who is together, two people are so good, but also, or because there is no parents, how would be like this." Shen Man saw Tang Chen Chen and Lu Yichen friendly when communicating, she Just whispered in the ear of Yan Lingqiu.

However, because everyone is a not far from the station, I heard that Shenman's words came out.

Shen Man is not as good as Tang Chen Chen's mouth, and the opening is the parent of Tang Chenchen under the urgency.

Yan Lingqiu said, I said that Shen Man is a stupid, and I know what people have already said. I still say what I said, I am still in front of them. .

"You speak well, now you don't say this." Yan Lingqiu pulled the man's hand said.

Shen Man said, heard that Yan Lingqiu said, and he also learned his words, and suddenly silent.

Although Shen Man did not say anything, he was not happy, Yang said that Tang Chen Chen's parents were died, and now Tang Chenchen married, Shen Man actually swayed in Tang Chenchen's heart.

Yang gave a little pale Tang Chen in his face, distressed, and it was in an instant.

"What are you talking about, have you say so, in the heart of others, in addition to your people, there is no one, if you don't know how to write, you will go home, you will go home. Who is. "

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