Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 277th chapter hits the package to be mobile number

"Hey, how come you have been watching there? You said, are you going to see the little girl?" Lu Yichen saw Ye Tang always looked at the side of Yan Lingqiu, she was not cool. However, the cause of the uncomfortable in the morning is not because Ye Tang looks at Yan Lingqiu. After all, Lu Yong also knows that Ye Tang and Yan Lingqiu must have anything. The reason why her mind is that if the Ye Tang wants to look at that side, it will let Lu Yichen feel very spicy eyes. Spicy Tang's eyes.

Ye Tang because he already knows that Yan Lingqiu is unrestricted, he is not intended to see the side of Yan Lingqiu.

"I don't feel Yan Lingqiu weird, so I pay more attention, do you have anyone? Do you still know? In addition to you, I can't see others." Ye Tang a little bit of blush signs It's not going to fall out.

"Hey, count your knowledge." Lu Yichen took a lifted, and his brow, said proudly.

This arrogant look like Lu Yichen, but Ye Tang love was.

The time is noisy, it has passed, very fast, Tang Chenchen and Yang's wedding ended.

"Waiting for the morning, you will wait until the driver will go back, I will leave for a busy, don't say that you have to stay, you are pregnant, you can't be tired, you have been tired today, you go back first. Sleeping ha. "After the wedding end, Ye Tang because there are some things to solve, so he has to let Lu Yichen back.

"Oh, that's okay, you just have a little bit, I tell you, you will wait until you have a long-lived cave." Lu Yichen did not speak.

Although I can't go to the cave room now, she can't make Yang and Tang Chen Chen can be in this way.

"Lu Yichen, you are really enough, be careful that two people are holding a wedding, but I have to make the wedding of your two people to make a lot of money." Tang Chenchen threatened on the side.

"Hey, have you had a chance? Anyway, no matter however, even if I can't make your cave, it is Ye Tang definitely. After all, Yang passed, but the Ye Tang, if Ye Tang is dead and death Don't let him enter the cave, I see what you do. "Lu Yichen is not threatened.

Tang Chen Morning is anxious, she feels that she is definitely a fake friend.

"Well, I know, I really don't know what your head is installed, I'm thinking about the cave room, you are not afraid that Tang Chen Chen knows, give you two or three white eyes." Ye Tang said helplessly.

"Hey, she won't, she is more complained," Lu Yichen is not very intentional. "

Tang Chenchen must not have any contradiction with Lu Yichen.

Tang Chenchen said, she was helpless, because she was really right because of Lu Yichen, she really can't be on Lu Yichen.

"Forget it, the car is coming, I will send you to get on the bus." Ye Tang saw the driver opened the car, he had to let Lu Yichen get on the car.

"Well, then I will go back first, morning morning, I can't go to your cave, the god of the night." Lu Yichen said a little unfortunately.

"Hurry and hurry, I don't seem to be the same." Tang Chen said in the morning.

Lu Yichen spitted Tang Chen morning.

Under the eyes of Tang Chenchen, Ye Tang took the car on the la cart, after the car on Lu Ye, Ye Tang took the driver to drive, so I went back in the morning.

"Hey, what about her people?" Yang went to Ye Tang and Tang Chenmachen, he did not see Lu Yichen, he asked in confusion.

"Go back, don't you still wait for a cave room?" Tang Chen Chen said.

"Hey ~ Is it an angry in the morning? You don't know her, it is a favorite, it's okay, you first go to rest, rest, let me wait, I will send it. Anyway, there is not much person. "Yang said distressed.

Today Tang Chenchen is wearing a high-heeled shoe for a day, and it must be tired.

"Well, let me go to rest, you are busy with two people." Tang Chenchen is also tired.

After leaving the Tang Chen Chen, he pulled Yang, curiously asked, "Do you know that Yan Lingqiu's thing, I just know that there is such a person, not very familiar with her, but I saw her Today, the first morning, I think she is there in the morning? "

Just in Ye Tang asked Yang to pass the Yan Lingqiu's family, Ye Tang just said that they saw Yan Lingqiu with Shen Man from the hall.

Ye Tang saw that two people were in an instant. He thought that two people left, but they didn't, not only didn't, they still appeared when they were in listening to their two people. This made Ye Tang at no time. .

Fortunately, Yan Lingqiu and Ye Tang they have a little far away, so they don't know what they have just said that Ye Tang and Yang have said.

Originally Yang passed when Ye Tang's question, I wanted to tell Ye Tang in Yan Lingqiu, but he also saw Yan Lingqiu and Shenman, so he did not speak.

Here, Shenman saw Ye Tang, she was happy, because there was a little bit of just a little bit of a thing, so two people were late, Shen Man thought she was definitely I can't see Ye Tang, the result is good, I actually saw Ye Tang when she came out.

Shen Men because she didn't see Lu Yichen, she thought that Ye Tang was waiting for himself, my heart was very happy, so she pulled Yan Lingqiu to the front of Ye Tang.

"Why haven't you leave, I thought you had left?" Shen Man pulled Yan Lingqiu to the face of Ye Tang, asked curiously.

"I am not helping to send guests, so I haven't left, but you are too late." Looking at Shenman's smiling face, Ye Tang is also embarrassed to say that she will not take care of her.

"You are Ye Tang is yes, my name is Shen Mun, that, can we exchange mobile phone numbers?" Shen Man asked a little bit of shame.

"For example, after all, we have just known, I am not very familiar, I don't need to exchange mobile phones." Ye Tang heard Shen Man actually wanted to exchange mobile phones, he immediately refused.

Ye Tang is reluctant to contact Shen Man.

Scorpio, so cool, he is definitely because I am sorry, then I will give me a phone number.

Shen Man made a play of the brain.

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